Explanation of investor types:

An Institutional Investor is a professional client or eligible counterparty who possesses the experience, knowledge and expertise to make its own investment decisions and properly assess the risks that it incurs. In order to be considered a professional client, the client must meet one or more of the professional client criteria (as applicable) laid down in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2014/65/EU - Annex II).

Please note that this summary is provided for your information purposes only. If you are uncertain as to whether you can be categorised as a “professional client” or “eligible counterparty”, then you should tick the “Retail Investor” box above to view the Retail investor website, or seek independent advice.

A Retail Investor is an investor who does not meet the criteria to be a “professional client” or “eligible counterparty” as set out in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2014/65/EU).

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited issues information and materials in English and may also issue information and materials in certain other languages. The recipient’s continued acceptance of information and materials from Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will constitute the recipients consent to be provided with such information and materials, where relevant, in more than one language.

Explication des types d’investisseur :

Un investisseur institutionnel est un client professionnel ou une contrepartie éligible qui possède l’expérience, les connaissances et l’expertise pour prendre ses propres décisions d’investissement et dûment évaluer les risques qu’il/elle encourt. Afin d’être considéré comme un client professionnel, le client doit répondre à un ou plusieurs des critères de client professionnel (selon le cas) stipulés dans la Directive concernant les marchés d’instruments financiers (Directive 2014/65/CE - Annexe II).

Veuillez noter que le présent résumé vous est fourni uniquement à titre d’information. En cas de doute quant à votre appartenance à la catégorie de « client professionnel » ou de « contrepartie éligible », veuillez alors cocher la case « Investisseur de détail » ci-dessus pour consulter le site Internet Investisseur de détail, ou consulter un conseiller indépendant.

Un investisseur particulier est un investisseur qui ne répond pas aux critères pour être un « client professionnel » ou une « contrepartie éligible » ainsi qu’il est énoncé dans la Directive concernant les marchés d’instruments financiers (Directive 2014/65/CE).

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited publie des informations et des documents en anglais et peut également publier des informations et documents dans d’autres langues. Si le destinataire accepte régulièrement des informations et des documents de la part de Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, on considérera qu’il consent à recevoir de tels informations et documents, le cas échéant, dans plus d’une langue.

Explanation of investor types:

An Institutional Investor is:

A client in relation to which at least two of the following three criteria are satisfied:

(i) balance sheet total assets of not less than £13,000,000;
(ii) net turnover of “£26,000,000 or greater; or
(iii) net assets of £1,300,000 or greater.

A Professional Investor is:

(i) a government, local authority, public authority or supra-national body (wherever established); or
(ii) a person, partnership, unincorporated association or body corporate whose ordinary business or professional activity includes or it is reasonable to expect that it includes acquiring, underwriting, managing, holding or disposing of investments whether as principal or agent or the giving of advice on investments.

Please note that this summary is provided for your information purposes only. If you are uncertain as to whether you can be categorised as a “professional investor” or “institutional investor”, then you should tick the “Retail Investor” box above to view the Retail investor website, or seek independent advice.

A Retail Investor is an investor who does not meet the criteria to be a “professional investor” or “institutional investor” for Jersey legal and regulatory purposes.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited issues information and materials in English and may also issue information and materials in certain other languages. The recipient’s continued acceptance of information and materials from Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will constitute the recipients consent to be provided with such information and materials, where relevant, in more than one language.

Explanation of investor types:

An Institutional Investor is a professional client or eligible counterparty who possesses the experience, knowledge and expertise to make its own investment decisions and properly assess the risks that it incurs. In order to be considered a professional client, the client must meet one or more of the professional client criteria (as applicable) laid down in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2014/65/EU - Annex II).

Please note that this summary is provided for your information purposes only. If you are uncertain as to whether you can be categorised as a “professional client” or “eligible counterparty”, then you should tick the “Retail Investor” box above to view the Retail investor website, or seek independent advice.

A Retail Investor is an investor who does not meet the criteria to be a “professional client” or “eligible counterparty” as set out in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2014/65/EU).

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited issues information and materials in English and may also issue information and materials in certain other languages. The recipient’s continued acceptance of information and materials from Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will constitute the recipients consent to be provided with such information and materials, where relevant, in more than one language.

Explanation of investor types:

An Institutional Investor is any person who holds a licence under the Isle of Man Financial Services Act 2008 or the Isle of Man Insurance Act 2008.

Please note that this summary is provided for your information purposes only. If you are uncertain as to whether you can be categorised as an “Institutional Investor”, then you should tick the “Retail Investor” box above to view the Retail investor website, or seek independent advice.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited issues information and materials in English and may also issue information and materials in certain other languages. The recipient’s continued acceptance of information and materials from Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will constitute the recipients consent to be provided with such information and materials, where relevant, in more than one language.

Explanation of investor types:

An Institutional Investor is:

A client in relation to which at least two of the following three criteria are satisfied:

(i) balance sheet total assets of not less than £13,000,000;
(ii) net turnover of “£26,000,000 or greater; or
(iii) net assets of £1,300,000 or greater.

A Professional Investor is:

(i) a government, local authority, public authority or supra-national body (wherever established); or
(ii) a person, partnership, unincorporated association or body corporate whose ordinary business or professional activity includes or it is reasonable to expect that it includes acquiring, underwriting, managing, holding or disposing of investments whether as principal or agent or the giving of advice on investments.

Please note that this summary is provided for your information purposes only. If you are uncertain as to whether you can be categorised as a “professional investor” or “institutional investor”, then you should tick the “Retail Investor” box above to view the Retail investor website, or seek independent advice.

A Retail Investor is an investor who does not meet the criteria to be a “professional investor” or “institutional investor” for Jersey legal and regulatory purposes.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited issues information and materials in English and may also issue information and materials in certain other languages. The recipient’s continued acceptance of information and materials from Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will constitute the recipients consent to be provided with such information and materials, where relevant, in more than one language.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited issues information and materials in English and may also issue information and materials in certain other languages. The recipient’s continued acceptance of information and materials from Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will constitute the recipients consent to be provided with such information and materials, where relevant, in more than one language.

Explanation of investor types:

An Institutional Investor is a professional client or eligible counterparty who possesses the experience, knowledge and expertise to make its own investment decisions and properly assess the risks that it incurs. In order to be considered a professional client, the client must meet one or more of the professional client criteria (as applicable) laid down in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2014/65/EU - Annex II).

Please note that this summary is provided for your information purposes only. If you are uncertain as to whether you can be categorised as a “professional client” or “eligible counterparty”, then you should tick the “Retail Investor” box above to view the Retail investor website, or seek independent advice.

A Retail Investor is an investor who does not meet the criteria to be a “professional client” or “eligible counterparty” as set out in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2014/65/EU).

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited issues information and materials in English and may also issue information and materials in certain other languages. The recipient’s continued acceptance of information and materials from Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will constitute the recipients consent to be provided with such information and materials, where relevant, in more than one language.

Explanation of investor types:

An Institutional Investor is a professional client or eligible counterparty who possesses the experience, knowledge and expertise to make its own investment decisions and properly assess the risks that it incurs. In order to be considered a professional client, the client must meet one or more of the professional client criteria (as applicable) laid down in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2014/65/EU - Annex II).

Please note that this summary is provided for your information purposes only. If you are uncertain as to whether you can be categorised as a “professional client” or “eligible counterparty”, then you should tick the “Retail Investor” box above to view the Retail investor website, or seek independent advice.

A Retail Investor is an investor who does not meet the criteria to be a “professional client” or “eligible counterparty” as set out in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2014/65/EU).

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited issues information and materials in English and may also issue information and materials in certain other languages. The recipient’s continued acceptance of information and materials from Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will constitute the recipients consent to be provided with such information and materials, where relevant, in more than one language.

Explicación de tipos de inversores:

Se entenderá por Inversor Institucional a aquel cliente profesional o contraparte elegible que reúna la experiencia, el conocimiento y la especialización necesarias para adoptar sus propias decisiones de inversión y para valorar adecuadamente el riesgo que asume. Para poder tener la consideración de cliente profesional, este deberá reunir uno o más de los criterios de clientes profesionales (según corresponda) incluidos en la Directiva sobre Instrumentos de Mercados Financieros (Directiva 2014/65/CE - Anexo II).

Por favor, tenga en cuenta que este resumen se ofrece exclusivamente con fines informativos. Si no está seguro sobre si puede o no ser calificado de “cliente profesional” o “contraparte elegible” debe marcar la casilla “Inversor Minorista” anterior para dirigirse al sitio web del inversor minorista, o buscar asesoramiento independiente.

Un Inversor Minorista será aquel que no reúna los criterios para ser “cliente profesional” o “contraparte elegible” contenidos en la Directiva sobre Instrumentos de Mercados Financieros (Directiva 2014/65/CE).

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited emite información y materiales en inglés y también puede emitir información y materiales en otros idiomas. La aceptación continua del destinatario de la información y los materiales de Barclays Investment Solutions Limited constituirá el consentimiento del destinatario para recibir dicha información y materiales, cuando corresponda, en más de un idioma.

Explication concernant les types d’investisseurs:

Un investisseur qualifié est un client institutionnel ou professionnel au sens de l'art. 4 al. 3 à 5 ou de l'art. 5 al. 1 et 4 de la Loi fédérale sur les services financiers ("LSFin").Si vous n’êtes pas certain de pouvoir relever de la catégorie des « clients institutionnels » ou des « clients professionnels », vous devez cocher la case « Investisseur non qualifié», ou consulter un conseiller indépendant.

Un investisseur non qualifié est un client privé au sens de l'art. 4 al. 2 LSFin, soit un client. qui n'appartient pas à l'une des catégories de « client institutionnel »  de « client professionnel » au sens de la LSFin.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited publie des informations et des documents en anglais et peut également publier des informations et documents dans d’autres langues. Si le destinataire accepte régulièrement des informations et des documents de la part de Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, on considérera qu’il consent à recevoir de tels informations et documents, le cas échéant, dans plus d’une langue.

Explicação dos tipos de investidor:

Um Investidor Institucional é um cliente profissional ou contraparte elegível que dispõe da experiência, dos conhecimentos e da competência necessários para tomar as suas próprias decisões de investimento e ponderar devidamente os riscos em que incorre. Para ser considerado um cliente profissional, o cliente deve satisfazer um ou mais dos critérios de cliente profissional (conforme aplicável) previstos na Diretiva relativa aos mercados de instrumentos financeiros (Diretiva 2014/65/CE - Anexo II).

Atenção que este resumo é disponibilizado a título meramente informativo. Se não tiver a certeza de que pode ser classificado como um “cliente profissional” ou “contraparte elegível”, deve assinalar a caixa “investidor não profissional” acima para visualizar o site de investidores não profissionais, ou procurar aconselhamento independente.

Um investidor não profissional é um investidor que não satisfaz os critérios de um “cliente profissional” ou “contraparte elegível”, consagrados na Diretiva relativa aos mercados de instrumentos financeiros (Diretiva 2014/65/CE).

O Barclays Investment Solutions Limited emite informações e materiais em inglês e poderá fazê-lo, também, em outros idiomas. A aceitação contínua das informações e materiais do Barclays Investment Solutions Limited por parte do destinatário representará o consentimento deste para continuar a receber essas informações e materiais, se relevante, em mais do que um idioma.

Please contact your Barclays banker or investment manager.

Important Information

This important legal information relates to the website www.barclaysinvestments.com (the "Site") and contains the terms and conditions on which we make it available to you (the “Terms”). The information also includes important information about the regulatory status of some of our companies and important risk warnings. Please read this important information carefully.

Some products, services and investments described on this Site are available on a limited basis only, due to local regulatory and legal requirements.


References to "you" or "your" are references to any person accessing the Site.

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  1. we will tell you on the Site the date the change comes into effect;
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We may, in whole or in part, on a permanent or temporary basis, withdraw access to this Site. We may do this without prior notice but, where possible and within the law, we will provide as much reasonable notice as possible.


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To learn more about the cookies used on this Site, please read our Cookie policy.


The Site is maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange and NEX. Registered in England. Registered No. 2752982. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. The address of the Financial Conduct Authority is 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.


Risk warnings are provided for your information and protection. We strongly encourage you to read them and to contact us or your local distributor if you have any questions about the features or risks of any investment or service. If you have an account with us, you should raise any questions with your usual contact. Otherwise, we recommend that you seek professional advice.

Investment in the products referred to in this Site may not be suitable for all investors and involve a significant degree of risk. You should read carefully and ensure you understand the risk factors in the relevant prospectus. Any investment information which may be provided on this Site is provided for illustration only. Illustrations of the likely risk and reward properties of possible portfolios and investments on this Site are not specific advice about any investment and you should not rely on them. Any illustrations are accurate at the time of writing only, and may be subject to change.

The recommendations made for your actual portfolio might differ from any asset allocation or strategies outlined on this Site. Please ensure that your portfolio is updated or redefined when your investment objectives or personal circumstances change.


The value of the investments which may be stated in this Site, and the income from them, may fall as well as rise. Past performance of investments is no guide to future performance.

Exchange rate movements can affect the value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies.

You may not get back the amount of capital you invest. Any income projections and yields are estimated and are included for indication only. Further, any valuations given in this Site may not accurately reflect the values at which investments may actually be bought or sold and no allowance has been made for taxation.

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We do not provide any legal or tax advice and recommend that you obtain your own independent legal advice and independent tax advice, tailored to your particular circumstances, before making any investment. In order to provide you with information on our products and services, we may explain to you our understanding of the general tax position relating to them. We do not assume any legal responsibility for anyone acting on the information provided, and as tax law is subject to frequent change, your position should be checked with an independent professional adviser.


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It is only in circumstances where you would like to inform us of any technical problem with this Site, through the email address mentioned in the “Contacting us” section below (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), that Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, as a data controller, will collect Personal Information about you - only the Personal Information contained in your email (i.e. your email address, first and last names if mentioned and your message) - in order to answer your request/question. “Personal Information” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Please note that the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site (please see the “Contacting us” section below).

For any other request, notably about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned under the “Contacting us” section. Please note that we do not provide advice about funds through the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request. Your Personal Information will be used only by the authorised teams within Barclays Investment Solutions Limited in order to answer your request. If you wish to access, delete or correct your Personal Information (i.e. the information contained in your email) or object to its use, on legitimate grounds, please send us your request, with a copy of an ID, to barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

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All communications between you and us will be in English.

For all account related queries, general enquiries, or to make a complaint, please see the relevant contact details below, depending on the specific fund your enquiry relates to.


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in the Luxembourg domiciled funds, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +352 28 294 111 between 9.00am and 6.00pm Central European Time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com
  • The following postal address:

Barclays Portfolios SICAV
Northern Trust Global Services SE
10, rue du Château d’Eau
L-3364 Leudelange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in one of our Ireland domiciled funds, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +353 (0) 1 434 5131 between 9:00am and 5.15pm Irish time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays_ta@ntrs.com
  • Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) clients should contact their Investment Servicing Manager on 0333 202 7478 between 9.00am and 6.00pm (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following postal address:

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
2nd Floor, Block A, City East Plaza, Towlerton, Ballysimon, Limerick, V94 X2N9, Ireland


If you are an investor in one of our United Kingdom-domiciled funds, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on 0333 300 0093 between 8:00am and 6.00pm GMT (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays@ntrs.com
  • Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) clients should contact their Investment Servicing Manager on 0333 202 7478 between 9.00am and 6.00pm (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following postal address:

Barclays Asset Management Limited
SR43 4BD

  • For BIA investors only:

Barclays Investment Account
SR43 4BB


To report a fault with this Site, please email barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Please note that this email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site. We do not provide advice about funds through this email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request.

For any other request, notably for information about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned above.


If any provision in these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such provision or part of it will, to the extent that it is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, be deemed not to form part of these Terms and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms will not be affected.


These Terms, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them, are governed by English law. The courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Terms.


In July 2010, the UK’s Financial Reporting Council published "The UK Stewardship Code." This Code comprises a set of guidelines aimed at improving the ways in which institutional investors interact with the management of companies in which they invest. In addition it proposes measures to increase the level of transparency surrounding institutional investors’ activities as shareholders for the benefit of their underlying clients.

This section of the Terms explains how Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) address the measures proposed in these guidelines.

BISL provides investment management services to professional investors in the UK which invest via a multi-manager and/or a fund of fund structure. BISL may choose to outsource the selection of stocks, to other investment managers by either investing into a fund or by giving a number of managers a portion of the money raised from underlying fund investors. BISL selects managers through a thorough due diligence process, focusing in every case on identifying managers capable of generating the best risk-adjusted returns in the asset class or strategy for which delegation is sought.

As part of the manager selection process, and on an ongoing basis, BISL will consider numerous factors around the manager’s proposed investment strategy and their performance against that strategy as part of an established due diligence process.

We are signatories to the Stewardship Code. [PDF, 2.2MB]


This Site provides information relating to a number of different funds. Not all funds are available to all investors. To check which funds are available to you, select your country and investor type from the available options. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser.

Our range of funds includes:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund public limited company, Barclays Portfolios SICAV, Barclays Wealth Investment Funds (UK), Barclays Multi-Manager Fund (UK) and Barclays Charity Fund, which are all either authorized or recognised collective investment schemes as defined under Section 237 (3) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) in the UK.


Pursuant to Directive (EU) 2019/1160 (“CBDF”), certain local facilities relating to your investment in a UCITS fund must be made available to investors. In relation to your investment in a UCITS fund, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will make available to investors the following local facilities services:

(i) please refer to the ‘Contacting Us’ section in the Terms & Conditions for information on investor complaints in jurisdictions where your investment is marketed;

(ii) please visit the ‘Documents’ tab relevant to your investment(s) to access the prospectus, the annual and half yearly reports, and the key investor information documents (KIIDs) relating to your investment

These facilities will be made available to you in either an official language of your jurisdiction, or in a language approved by your local regulator. Please note that Barclays Solutions Limited will provide information in respect of the facilities available to you via website, on paper, or, if appropriate, by means of another durable medium.

All applicants must complete an application form prescribed by the directors in relation to the fund. An application form accompanies the fund’s prospectus and sets out the methods by which and to whom the subscription monies should be sent. Every shareholder will have the right to require the company to redeem their shares in the fund on any dealing day on furnishing to the administrator a redemption request. For further detail, please refer to the fund’s prospectus.

If you are a unitholder in the fund and these units are registered in your name on the shareholder register, you will have certain shareholder rights which you can exercise. More details on shareholder rights are set out in the Prospectus and incorporation documents for the Fund.


As an investor in a UCITS fund, and depending on how you invested, you may have certain investor rights arising under contract between yourself and the Fund, for further details on these rights please refer in particular to the Prospectus and to the contractual documentation which you completed in order to make your investment.


Depending on how you invested in the Fund, you may be entitled to avail of certain domestic protections and rights to compensation claims deriving from your local legislation. For further details on such rights please refer to your local investor compensation website, if available.


Furthermore, in the event you perceive you have suffered a loss, you may have a right to seek redress on a collective basis though a collective redress mechanism which has been made available in your local jurisdiction. The availability of access to a local collective redress mechanism will depend on the jurisdiction you are based in and the location of the contract formed with the Fund and how you invested in the Fund. For further details on such rights please refer to your local regulator website.

Within the European Union, Directive (EU) 2020/1828 introduces a harmonised model for representative action aimed at ensuring that consumers are well protected against mass harm but also that appropriate safeguards are in place to avoid abusive lawsuits.

Directive (EU) 2020/1828 entered into force on 24 December 2020 and all member states are supposed to have transposed it into their national laws by 25 December 2022. By 25 June 2023, all member states must have put in place at least one effective procedural mechanism that allows qualified entities, such as consumer organisations or public bodies, to bring lawsuits to court for the purpose of injunction (ceasing or prohibiting) or redress (compensation).

Important Information

This important legal information relates to the website www.barclaysinvestments.com (the "Site") and contains the terms and conditions on which we make it available to you (the “Terms”). The information also includes important information about the regulatory status of some of our companies and important risk warnings. Please read this important information carefully.

Some products, services and investments described on this Site are available on a limited basis only, due to local regulatory and legal requirements.


References to "you" or "your" are references to any person accessing the Site.

References to "we", "us" or "our" are references to Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

References to "Barclays" are references to us, our parent company and any companies we or our parent company totally or partly own at any time.

These Terms govern your use of the Site and by accessing the Site you agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should exit this Site immediately.

We may change these Terms from time to time. We will give you 30 calendar days’ notice of any change where regulatory requirements allow. We will give you this notice via this Site. We encourage you to review the changes made to these Terms.

Where we do so:

  1. we will tell you on the Site the date the change comes into effect;
  2. by continuing to access and use the Site, we will assume that you have read and accepted any changes to these Terms.

If you do not want to be treated as accepting a change, you should not access or use the Site.

Please note that if you are an existing customer of Barclays Bank PLC, these Terms will apply separately to those contained in your product or service terms, an additional copy of which can be obtained from us. For new customers, those product or service terms will be provided to you before you enter into a contractual relationship in respect of a particular product or service.


We may, in whole or in part, on a permanent or temporary basis, withdraw access to this Site. We may do this without prior notice but, where possible and within the law, we will provide as much reasonable notice as possible.


On this site we use "Strictly Necessary Cookies":

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies are used on this Site. They are used only to enable the functionalities of this Site and provide you with the relevant content corresponding to your selected criteria (i.e. country and investor type). These cookies are not used to collect any information for targeted marketing; and
  • We do not use cookies for purposes of targeted profiling or marketing

When you connect to the Site for the first time, a banner appears in order to enable you to accept or reject the placement of Cookies on your device. Please note that you will be able to withdraw your consent and disable such cookies at any time, as explained in the Cookie policy.

Strictly Necessary Cookies are kept as long as they are not actively disabled. Please note that if you choose to disable Strictly Necessary Cookies, we will not be able to provide you with access to the areas of the Site that suit your selected criteria (i.e. country and type of investor).

To learn more about the cookies used on this Site, please read our Cookie policy.


The Site is maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange and NEX. Registered in England. Registered No. 2752982. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. The address of the Financial Conduct Authority is 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.


Risk warnings are provided for your information and protection. We strongly encourage you to read them and to contact us or your local distributor if you have any questions about the features or risks of any investment or service. If you have an account with us, you should raise any questions with your usual contact. Otherwise, we recommend that you seek professional advice.

Investment in the products referred to in this Site may not be suitable for all investors and involve a significant degree of risk. You should read carefully and ensure you understand the risk factors in the relevant prospectus. Any investment information which may be provided on this Site is provided for illustration only. Illustrations of the likely risk and reward properties of possible portfolios and investments on this Site are not specific advice about any investment and you should not rely on them. Any illustrations are accurate at the time of writing only, and may be subject to change.

The recommendations made for your actual portfolio might differ from any asset allocation or strategies outlined on this Site. Please ensure that your portfolio is updated or redefined when your investment objectives or personal circumstances change.


The value of the investments which may be stated in this Site, and the income from them, may fall as well as rise. Past performance of investments is no guide to future performance.

Exchange rate movements can affect the value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies.

You may not get back the amount of capital you invest. Any income projections and yields are estimated and are included for indication only. Further, any valuations given in this Site may not accurately reflect the values at which investments may actually be bought or sold and no allowance has been made for taxation.

Data which may be found on this Site is based on quantitative research and analysis of historic data using current and proposed asset weightings and proprietary projections of expected returns and estimates of future volatility. Data does not reflect actual trading, liquidity constraints, fees and other costs. It should not be taken as a forecast or estimate of likely future returns. As illustrations do not take into account fees and commissions, or taxation, the actual performance of any investment might be more or less than is stated in any illustration.


We do not provide any legal or tax advice and recommend that you obtain your own independent legal advice and independent tax advice, tailored to your particular circumstances, before making any investment. In order to provide you with information on our products and services, we may explain to you our understanding of the general tax position relating to them. We do not assume any legal responsibility for anyone acting on the information provided, and as tax law is subject to frequent change, your position should be checked with an independent professional adviser.


We have duties to you under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and other applicable laws and regulations, and will be liable to you in the circumstances prescribed by those laws and regulations. Save as otherwise provided in these Terms, we will be liable to you for loss you may suffer in respect of the Site and any information on it or in connection with the access of, use of, performance of, browsing in or linking to other sites from this Site or your use or inability to use the Site, only to the extent it results from our wilful default of these Terms or our fraud. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will accept no liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in any other circumstances for loss of any kind, including (without limitation) direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, loss of any profit, goodwill or reputation, expenses or losses arising out of, or in connection with any error, omission, defect, computer virus or system failure, of whatever nature no matter how they may arise, even if expressly advised of the possibility of such loss or damages.

We will be liable to you for any loss you may suffer as a result of acts or omissions relating to any Site services which we have delegated to any of our agents to the extent we would be liable for our own acts. None of our agents will be directly liable to you in any way.

This Site does not contain information which is intended to be investment, legal, tax or other advice. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice tailored to your personal circumstances before making any investment decision.


We may modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site or any part of it, with or without notice, at any time. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any losses of any kind, no matter how they may arise, for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Site.


Please remember that internet communications are not secure. We cannot accept any responsibility for the unauthorised access by a third party and/or the corruption of data being sent by individuals to the Barclays Group. Some countries prohibit transmission of encrypted data over telephone lines. You should not encrypt data transmitted if you know that doing so would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance relating to your use of internet communications, please contact a legal adviser.


This Site is used and maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited does not collect Personal Information about you through this Site.

It is only in circumstances where you would like to inform us of any technical problem with this Site, through the email address mentioned in the “Contacting us” section below (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), that Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, as a data controller, will collect Personal Information about you - only the Personal Information contained in your email (i.e. your email address, first and last names if mentioned and your message) - in order to answer your request/question. “Personal Information” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Please note that the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site (please see the “Contacting us” section below).

For any other request, notably about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned under the “Contacting us” section. Please note that we do not provide advice about funds through the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request. Your Personal Information will be used only by the authorised teams within Barclays Investment Solutions Limited in order to answer your request. If you wish to access, delete or correct your Personal Information (i.e. the information contained in your email) or object to its use, on legitimate grounds, please send us your request, with a copy of an ID, to barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

The above reflects the way in which we use Personal information, as stated in the Privacy policy of the Site.


Telephone and other communications with the Investment Manager and/or its associated persons may be recorded and retained.


Where we provide hypertext links to third party internet websites, such links are not an endorsement by us of any products or services in such websites. You use such links entirely at your own risk and we accept no responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for the content, use or availability of such websites. We have not verified the truth or accuracy of any content of such websites.

No party is permitted to link any other website to this Site or frame or scrape the content of this Site without obtaining our prior written consent.


No information on this Site should be construed as an offer, invitation or recommendation to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction, or to provide any investment advice or service. The information does not take into account individual investor circumstances and no determination has been made regarding the suitability of any investment for any investor. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice, tailored to your personal circumstances, before making any investment decision.


This Site is not directed to, nor intended for distribution or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where the publication or availability of this Site or such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. You should not access the Site or information on this Site if you know that your access would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance on rules governing your use, please contact a legal adviser. In particular, but without limitation, this Site is not directed to, or intended for use by “U.S. Persons” (please see below). By accessing the Site, you hereby confirm that you are not a U.S. Person. If you are a U.S. Person, please exit the Site immediately.

A “U.S. Person” is: (a) a citizen or resident (including a ‘green card’ holder) of the United States; (b) a partnership, corporation, limited liability company or similar entity, organised or incorporated under the laws of the United States or having its principal place of business in the United States, or an entity taxed as such or subject to filing a tax return as such under the United States federal income tax laws; (c) any estate or trust the executor, administrator or trustee of which is a US Person unless (1) in the case of trusts of which any professional fiduciary acting as trustee is a US Person, a trustee who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect of trust assets and no beneficiary of the trust (and no settler if the trust is revocable) is a US Person; (2) in the case of estates of which any professional fiduciary acting as executor or administrator is a US Person, an executor or administrator of the estate who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect to the assets of the estate and the estate is governed by foreign law; (d) any estate the income of which arises from sources outside of the United States, is not effectively connected to a US trade or business and is includible in gross income for purposes of computing United States income tax payable by it; (e) any agency or branch of a foreign entity located in the United States; (f) any trust if a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust, and one or more US Persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust; (g) any discretionary account or non-discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary located within or outside the United States for the benefit or account of a US Person; (h) any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary organised, incorporated or (if an individual) resident in the United States, except that any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held for the benefit or account of a non-US Person by a dealer or other professional fiduciary organised, incorporated (or if an individual) resident in the United States will not be deemed a US Person; (i) any firm, corporation or other entity, regardless of citizenship, domicile, situs or residence if, under the income tax laws of the United States from time to time in effect, any proportion of the income thereof would be taxable to a US Person even if not distributed, other than a passive foreign investment company; (j) any partnership, corporation or other entity if (A) organised or incorporated under the laws of any foreign jurisdiction; and (B) owned or formed by a US Person or Persons principally for the purpose of investing in securities not registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 (including but not limited to Shares of the Sub-Fund), unless it is organised or incorporated, and owned, by accredited investors (as defined in Rule 501(a) under the 1933 Act) who are not natural persons, estates or trusts; (k) any employee benefit plan unless such employee benefit plan is established and administered in accordance with the law of a country other than the United States and customary practices and documentation of such country; (l) a pension plan unless such pension plan is for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States; and (m) any entity organised principally for passive investment such as a commodity pool, investment company or other similar entity (other than a pension plan for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States) (1) in which United States persons who are not qualified eligible persons (as defined in Regulation 4.7 under the US Commodity Exchange Act) hold units of participation representing in the aggregate 10% or more of the beneficial interest in the entity; or (2) which has as a principal purpose the facilitating of investment by a United States person in a commodity pool with respect to which the operator is exempt from certain requirements of Part 4 of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s regulations by virtue of its participants being non-United States persons.


Although we have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information provided on this Site is accurate, we give no warranties, guarantee or assurance of any kind, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy, reliability, suitability, quality, availability, timeliness, completeness, functionality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any such information, or as to its results, performance, or non-infringement.

Opinions and any other content of the Site are provided by us for your personal use and informational purposes only. They are subject to change without notice. Barclays has no obligation to update any or all content on this Site.


We give no guarantees or warranties that functions contained on the Site or its content will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Site or content, or any method of access to or storage in either, will be free of viruses or other harmful components. We will not be liable for any damage that may occur, viruses or other harmful components that may infect, or services, repairs or corrections that must be performed on account of your accessing or use of the Site or content. You should take steps to ensure that harmful components, such as viruses, trojans, worms or equivalent or similar harmful components, do not enter your computer system. For further information or advice on security, please read our Security section.


The entire content of the Site is subject to copyright with all rights reserved and is provided only for your personal use. You may print part or all of the Site for your personal use, provided that you retain all copyright and other legal notices and otherwise comply with these Terms. We can revoke these permissions at any time. You may not download any portion of the Site for non-personal use or otherwise reproduce, transmit or modify any portion of the Site without our prior written permission.

Barclays, Barclays Wealth and Barclays Bank PLC are registered trademarks owned by Barclays. Your use of this Site does not give rise to any license of these trademarks. Other trademarks displayed on this Site are the property of their respective owners and are used with their permission.

No act of downloading or otherwise copying from this Site will transfer title to any software or material at this Site to you. No software on the Site may be downloaded or otherwise exported in contravention of U.S. Department of Treasury, U.S. Department of Commerce or other applicable regulations or laws, or to a resident of or location in any nation to which the United States or United Kingdom has embargoed goods. You also agree not to use the information for any unlawful purpose and you will comply with any request from us to protect our or any third party's rights in the information.


All communications between you and us will be in English.

For all account related queries, general enquiries, or to make a complaint, please see the relevant contact details below, depending on the specific fund your enquiry relates to.


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in the Luxembourg domiciled Barclays Portfolios SICAV, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +352 28 294 111 between 9.00am and 6.00pm Central European Time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com
  • The following postal address:

Barclays Portfolios SICAV
Northern Trust Global Services SE
10, rue du Château d’Eau
L-3364 Leudelange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in one of our Ireland domiciled funds, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +353 (0) 1 434 5131 between 9:00am and 5.15pm Irish time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays_ta@ntrs.com
  • Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) clients should contact their Investment Servicing Manager on 0333 202 7478 between 9.00am and 6.00pm (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following postal address:

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
2nd Floor, Block A, City East Plaza, Towlerton, Ballysimon, Limerick, V94 X2N9, Ireland


To report a fault with this Site, please email barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Please note that this email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site. We do not provide advice about funds through this email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request.

For any other request, notably for information about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned above.


If any provision in these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such provision or part of it will, to the extent that it is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, be deemed not to form part of these Terms and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms will not be affected.


These Terms, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them, are governed by English law. The courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Terms.


In July 2010, the UK’s Financial Reporting Council published "The UK Stewardship Code." This Code comprises a set of guidelines aimed at improving the ways in which institutional investors interact with the management of companies in which they invest. In addition it proposes measures to increase the level of transparency surrounding institutional investors’ activities as shareholders for the benefit of their underlying clients.

This section of the Terms explains how Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) address the measures proposed in these guidelines.

BISL provides investment management services to professional investors in the UK which invest via a multi-manager and/or a fund of fund structure. BISL may choose to outsource the selection of stocks, to other investment managers by either investing into a fund or by giving a number of managers a portion of the money raised from underlying fund investors. BISL selects managers through a thorough due diligence process, focusing in every case on identifying managers capable of generating the best risk-adjusted returns in the asset class or strategy for which delegation is sought.

As part of the manager selection process, and on an ongoing basis, BISL will consider numerous factors around the manager’s proposed investment strategy and their performance against that strategy as part of an established due diligence process.

We are signatories to the Stewardship Code. [PDF, 2.2MB]


This Site provides information relating to a number of different funds. Not all funds are available to all investors. To check which funds are available to you, select your country and investor type from the available options. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser.

Our range of funds includes:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund public limited company, Barclays Portfolios SICAV, which are all either authorised or recognised collective investment schemes as defined under Section 237 (3) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) in the UK.


Pursuant to Directive (EU) 2019/1160 (“CBDF”), certain local facilities relating to your investment in a UCITS fund must be made available to investors. In relation to your investment in a UCITS fund, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will make available to investors the following local facilities services:

(i) please refer to the ‘Contacting Us’ section in the Terms & Conditions for information on investor complaints in jurisdictions where your investment is marketed;

(ii) please visit the ‘Documents’ tab relevant to your investment(s) to access the prospectus, the annual and half yearly reports, and the key investor information documents (KIIDs) relating to your investment

These facilities will be made available to you in either an official language of your jurisdiction, or in a language approved by your local regulator. Please note that Barclays Solutions Limited will provide information in respect of the facilities available to you via website, on paper, or, if appropriate, by means of another durable medium.

All applicants must complete an application form prescribed by the directors in relation to the fund. An application form accompanies the fund’s prospectus and sets out the methods by which and to whom the subscription monies should be sent. Every shareholder will have the right to require the company to redeem their shares in the fund on any dealing day on furnishing to the administrator a redemption request. For further detail, please refer to the fund’s prospectus.

If you are a unitholder in the fund and these units are registered in your name on the shareholder register, you will have certain shareholder rights which you can exercise. More details on shareholder rights are set out in the Prospectus and incorporation documents for the Fund.


As an investor in a UCITS fund, and depending on how you invested, you may have certain investor rights arising under contract between yourself and the Fund, for further details on these rights please refer in particular to the Prospectus and to the contractual documentation which you completed in order to make your investment.


Depending on how you invested in the Fund, you may be entitled to avail of certain domestic protections and rights to compensation claims deriving from your local legislation. For further details on such rights please refer to your local investor compensation website, if available.


Furthermore, in the event you perceive you have suffered a loss, you may have a right to seek redress on a collective basis though a collective redress mechanism which has been made available in your local jurisdiction. The availability of access to a local collective redress mechanism will depend on the jurisdiction you are based in and the location of the contract formed with the Fund and how you invested in the Fund. For further details on such rights please refer to your local regulator website.

Within the European Union, Directive (EU) 2020/1828 introduces a harmonised model for representative action aimed at ensuring that consumers are well protected against mass harm but also that appropriate safeguards are in place to avoid abusive lawsuits.

Directive (EU) 2020/1828 entered into force on 24 December 2020 and all member states are supposed to have transposed it into their national laws by 25 December 2022. By 25 June 2023, all member states must have put in place at least one effective procedural mechanism that allows qualified entities, such as consumer organisations or public bodies, to bring lawsuits to court for the purpose of injunction (ceasing or prohibiting) or redress (compensation).

Important Information

This important legal information relates to the website www.barclaysinvestments.com (the "Site") and contains the terms and conditions on which we make it available to you (the “Terms”). The information also includes important information about the regulatory status of some of our companies and important risk warnings. Please read this important information carefully.

Some products, services and investments described on this Site are available on a limited basis only, due to local regulatory and legal requirements.


References to "you" or "your" are references to any person accessing the Site.

References to "we", "us" or "our" are references to Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

References to "Barclays" are references to us, our parent company and any companies we or our parent company totally or partly own at any time.

These Terms govern your use of the Site and by accessing the Site you agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should exit this Site immediately.

We may change these Terms from time to time. We will give you 30 calendar days’ notice of any change where regulatory requirements allow. We will give you this notice via this Site. We encourage you to review the changes made to these Terms.

Where we do so:

  1. we will tell you on the Site the date the change comes into effect;
  2. by continuing to access and use the Site, we will assume that you have read and accepted any changes to these Terms.

If you do not want to be treated as accepting a change, you should not access or use the Site.

Please note that if you are an existing customer of Barclays Bank PLC, these Terms will apply separately to those contained in your product or service terms, an additional copy of which can be obtained from us. For new customers, those product or service terms will be provided to you before you enter into a contractual relationship in respect of a particular product or service.


We may, in whole or in part, on a permanent or temporary basis, withdraw access to this Site. We may do this without prior notice but, where possible and within the law, we will provide as much reasonable notice as possible.


On this site we use "Strictly Necessary Cookies":

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies are used on this Site. They are used only to enable the functionalities of this Site and provide you with the relevant content corresponding to your selected criteria (i.e. country and investor type). These cookies are not used to collect any information for targeted marketing; and
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To learn more about the cookies used on this Site, please read our Cookie policy.


The Site is maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange and NEX. Registered in England. Registered No. 2752982. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. The address of the Financial Conduct Authority is 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.


Risk warnings are provided for your information and protection. We strongly encourage you to read them and to contact us or your local distributor if you have any questions about the features or risks of any investment or service. If you have an account with us, you should raise any questions with your usual contact. Otherwise, we recommend that you seek professional advice.

Investment in the products referred to in this Site may not be suitable for all investors and involve a significant degree of risk. You should read carefully and ensure you understand the risk factors in the relevant prospectus. Any investment information which may be provided on this Site is provided for illustration only. Illustrations of the likely risk and reward properties of possible portfolios and investments on this Site are not specific advice about any investment and you should not rely on them. Any illustrations are accurate at the time of writing only, and may be subject to change.

The recommendations made for your actual portfolio might differ from any asset allocation or strategies outlined on this Site. Please ensure that your portfolio is updated or redefined when your investment objectives or personal circumstances change.


The value of the investments which may be stated in this Site, and the income from them, may fall as well as rise. Past performance of investments is no guide to future performance.

Exchange rate movements can affect the value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies.

You may not get back the amount of capital you invest. Any income projections and yields are estimated and are included for indication only. Further, any valuations given in this Site may not accurately reflect the values at which investments may actually be bought or sold and no allowance has been made for taxation.

Data which may be found on this Site is based on quantitative research and analysis of historic data using current and proposed asset weightings and proprietary projections of expected returns and estimates of future volatility. Data does not reflect actual trading, liquidity constraints, fees and other costs. It should not be taken as a forecast or estimate of likely future returns. As illustrations do not take into account fees and commissions, or taxation, the actual performance of any investment might be more or less than is stated in any illustration.


We do not provide any legal or tax advice and recommend that you obtain your own independent legal advice and independent tax advice, tailored to your particular circumstances, before making any investment. In order to provide you with information on our products and services, we may explain to you our understanding of the general tax position relating to them. We do not assume any legal responsibility for anyone acting on the information provided, and as tax law is subject to frequent change, your position should be checked with an independent professional adviser.


We have duties to you under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and other applicable laws and regulations, and will be liable to you in the circumstances prescribed by those laws and regulations. Save as otherwise provided in these Terms, we will be liable to you for loss you may suffer in respect of the Site and any information on it or in connection with the access of, use of, performance of, browsing in or linking to other sites from this Site or your use or inability to use the Site, only to the extent it results from our wilful default of these Terms or our fraud. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will accept no liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in any other circumstances for loss of any kind, including (without limitation) direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, loss of any profit, goodwill or reputation, expenses or losses arising out of, or in connection with any error, omission, defect, computer virus or system failure, of whatever nature no matter how they may arise, even if expressly advised of the possibility of such loss or damages.

We will be liable to you for any loss you may suffer as a result of acts or omissions relating to any Site services which we have delegated to any of our agents to the extent we would be liable for our own acts. None of our agents will be directly liable to you in any way.

This Site does not contain information which is intended to be investment, legal, tax or other advice. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice tailored to your personal circumstances before making any investment decision.


We may modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site or any part of it, with or without notice, at any time. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any losses of any kind, no matter how they may arise, for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Site.


Please remember that internet communications are not secure. We cannot accept any responsibility for the unauthorised access by a third party and/or the corruption of data being sent by individuals to the Barclays Group. Some countries prohibit transmission of encrypted data over telephone lines. You should not encrypt data transmitted if you know that doing so would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance relating to your use of internet communications, please contact a legal adviser.


This Site is used and maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited does not collect Personal Information about you through this Site.

It is only in circumstances where you would like to inform us of any technical problem with this Site, through the email address mentioned in the “Contacting us” section below (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), that Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, as a data controller, will collect Personal Information about you - only the Personal Information contained in your email (i.e. your email address, first and last names if mentioned and your message) - in order to answer your request/question. “Personal Information” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Please note that the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site (please see the “Contacting us” section below).

For any other request, notably about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned under the “Contacting us” section. Please note that we do not provide advice about funds through the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request. Your Personal Information will be used only by the authorised teams within Barclays Investment Solutions Limited in order to answer your request. If you wish to access, delete or correct your Personal Information (i.e. the information contained in your email) or object to its use, on legitimate grounds, please send us your request, with a copy of an ID, to barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

The above reflects the way in which we use Personal information, as stated in the Privacy policy of the Site.


Telephone and other communications with the Investment Manager and/or its associated persons may be recorded and retained.


Where we provide hypertext links to third party internet websites, such links are not an endorsement by us of any products or services in such websites. You use such links entirely at your own risk and we accept no responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for the content, use or availability of such websites. We have not verified the truth or accuracy of any content of such websites.

No party is permitted to link any other website to this Site or frame or scrape the content of this Site without obtaining our prior written consent.


No information on this Site should be construed as an offer, invitation or recommendation to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction, or to provide any investment advice or service. The information does not take into account individual investor circumstances and no determination has been made regarding the suitability of any investment for any investor. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice, tailored to your personal circumstances, before making any investment decision.


This Site is not directed to, nor intended for distribution or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where the publication or availability of this Site or such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. You should not access the Site or information on this Site if you know that your access would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance on rules governing your use, please contact a legal adviser. In particular, but without limitation, this Site is not directed to, or intended for use by “U.S. Persons” (please see below). By accessing the Site, you hereby confirm that you are not a U.S. Person. If you are a U.S. Person, please exit the Site immediately.

A “U.S. Person” is: (a) a citizen or resident (including a ‘green card’ holder) of the United States; (b) a partnership, corporation, limited liability company or similar entity, organised or incorporated under the laws of the United States or having its principal place of business in the United States, or an entity taxed as such or subject to filing a tax return as such under the United States federal income tax laws; (c) any estate or trust the executor, administrator or trustee of which is a US Person unless (1) in the case of trusts of which any professional fiduciary acting as trustee is a US Person, a trustee who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect of trust assets and no beneficiary of the trust (and no settler if the trust is revocable) is a US Person; (2) in the case of estates of which any professional fiduciary acting as executor or administrator is a US Person, an executor or administrator of the estate who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect to the assets of the estate and the estate is governed by foreign law; (d) any estate the income of which arises from sources outside of the United States, is not effectively connected to a US trade or business and is includible in gross income for purposes of computing United States income tax payable by it; (e) any agency or branch of a foreign entity located in the United States; (f) any trust if a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust, and one or more US Persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust; (g) any discretionary account or non-discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary located within or outside the United States for the benefit or account of a US Person; (h) any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary organised, incorporated or (if an individual) resident in the United States, except that any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held for the benefit or account of a non-US Person by a dealer or other professional fiduciary organised, incorporated (or if an individual) resident in the United States will not be deemed a US Person; (i) any firm, corporation or other entity, regardless of citizenship, domicile, situs or residence if, under the income tax laws of the United States from time to time in effect, any proportion of the income thereof would be taxable to a US Person even if not distributed, other than a passive foreign investment company; (j) any partnership, corporation or other entity if (A) organised or incorporated under the laws of any foreign jurisdiction; and (B) owned or formed by a US Person or Persons principally for the purpose of investing in securities not registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 (including but not limited to Shares of the Sub-Fund), unless it is organised or incorporated, and owned, by accredited investors (as defined in Rule 501(a) under the 1933 Act) who are not natural persons, estates or trusts; (k) any employee benefit plan unless such employee benefit plan is established and administered in accordance with the law of a country other than the United States and customary practices and documentation of such country; (l) a pension plan unless such pension plan is for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States; and (m) any entity organised principally for passive investment such as a commodity pool, investment company or other similar entity (other than a pension plan for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States) (1) in which United States persons who are not qualified eligible persons (as defined in Regulation 4.7 under the US Commodity Exchange Act) hold units of participation representing in the aggregate 10% or more of the beneficial interest in the entity; or (2) which has as a principal purpose the facilitating of investment by a United States person in a commodity pool with respect to which the operator is exempt from certain requirements of Part 4 of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s regulations by virtue of its participants being non-United States persons.


Although we have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information provided on this Site is accurate, we give no warranties, guarantee or assurance of any kind, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy, reliability, suitability, quality, availability, timeliness, completeness, functionality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any such information, or as to its results, performance, or non-infringement.

Opinions and any other content of the Site are provided by us for your personal use and informational purposes only. They are subject to change without notice. Barclays has no obligation to update any or all content on this Site.


We give no guarantees or warranties that functions contained on the Site or its content will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Site or content, or any method of access to or storage in either, will be free of viruses or other harmful components. We will not be liable for any damage that may occur, viruses or other harmful components that may infect, or services, repairs or corrections that must be performed on account of your accessing or use of the Site or content. You should take steps to ensure that harmful components, such as viruses, trojans, worms or equivalent or similar harmful components, do not enter your computer system. For further information or advice on security, please read our Security section.


The entire content of the Site is subject to copyright with all rights reserved and is provided only for your personal use. You may print part or all of the Site for your personal use, provided that you retain all copyright and other legal notices and otherwise comply with these Terms. We can revoke these permissions at any time. You may not download any portion of the Site for non-personal use or otherwise reproduce, transmit or modify any portion of the Site without our prior written permission.

Barclays, Barclays Wealth and Barclays Bank PLC are registered trademarks owned by Barclays. Your use of this Site does not give rise to any license of these trademarks. Other trademarks displayed on this Site are the property of their respective owners and are used with their permission.

No act of downloading or otherwise copying from this Site will transfer title to any software or material at this Site to you. No software on the Site may be downloaded or otherwise exported in contravention of U.S. Department of Treasury, U.S. Department of Commerce or other applicable regulations or laws, or to a resident of or location in any nation to which the United States or United Kingdom has embargoed goods. You also agree not to use the information for any unlawful purpose and you will comply with any request from us to protect our or any third party's rights in the information.


All communications between you and us will be in English.

For all account related queries, general enquiries, or to make a complaint, please see the relevant contact details below, depending on the specific fund your enquiry relates to.


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in the Luxembourg domiciled Barclays Portfolios SICAV, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +352 28 294 111 between 9.00am and 6.00pm Central European Time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com
  • The following postal address:

Barclays Portfolios SICAV
Northern Trust Global Services SE
10, rue du Château d’Eau
L-3364 Leudelange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in one of our Ireland domiciled funds, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +353 (0) 1 434 5131 between 9:00am and 5.15pm Irish time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays_ta@ntrs.com
  • Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) clients should contact their Investment Servicing Manager on 0333 202 7478 between 9.00am and 6.00pm (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following postal address:

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
2nd Floor, Block A, City East Plaza, Towlerton, Ballysimon, Limerick, V94 X2N9, Ireland


To report a fault with this Site, please email barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Please note that this email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site. We do not provide advice about funds through this email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request.

For any other request, notably for information about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned above.


If any provision in these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such provision or part of it will, to the extent that it is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, be deemed not to form part of these Terms and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms will not be affected.


These Terms, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them, are governed by English law. The courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Terms.


In July 2010, the UK’s Financial Reporting Council published "The UK Stewardship Code." This Code comprises a set of guidelines aimed at improving the ways in which institutional investors interact with the management of companies in which they invest. In addition it proposes measures to increase the level of transparency surrounding institutional investors’ activities as shareholders for the benefit of their underlying clients.

This section of the Terms explains how Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) address the measures proposed in these guidelines.

BISL provides investment management services to professional investors in the UK which invest via a multi-manager and/or a fund of fund structure. BISL may choose to outsource the selection of stocks, to other investment managers by either investing into a fund or by giving a number of managers a portion of the money raised from underlying fund investors. BISL selects managers through a thorough due diligence process, focusing in every case on identifying managers capable of generating the best risk-adjusted returns in the asset class or strategy for which delegation is sought.

As part of the manager selection process, and on an ongoing basis, BISL will consider numerous factors around the manager’s proposed investment strategy and their performance against that strategy as part of an established due diligence process.

We are signatories to the Stewardship Code. [PDF, 2.2MB]


This Site provides information relating to a number of different funds. Not all funds are available to all investors. To check which funds are available to you, select your country and investor type from the available options. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser.

Our range of funds includes:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund public limited company, Barclays Portfolios SICAV, which are all either authorised or recognised collective investment schemes as defined under Section 237 (3) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) in the UK.


Pursuant to Directive (EU) 2019/1160 (“CBDF”), certain local facilities relating to your investment in a UCITS fund must be made available to investors. In relation to your investment in a UCITS fund, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will make available to investors the following local facilities services:

(i) please refer to the ‘Contacting Us’ section in the Terms & Conditions for information on investor complaints in jurisdictions where your investment is marketed;

(ii) please visit the ‘Documents’ tab relevant to your investment(s) to access the prospectus, the annual and half yearly reports, and the key investor information documents (KIIDs) relating to your investment

These facilities will be made available to you in either an official language of your jurisdiction, or in a language approved by your local regulator. Please note that Barclays Solutions Limited will provide information in respect of the facilities available to you via website, on paper, or, if appropriate, by means of another durable medium.

All applicants must complete an application form prescribed by the directors in relation to the fund. An application form accompanies the fund’s prospectus and sets out the methods by which and to whom the subscription monies should be sent. Every shareholder will have the right to require the company to redeem their shares in the fund on any dealing day on furnishing to the administrator a redemption request. For further detail, please refer to the fund’s prospectus.

If you are a unitholder in the fund and these units are registered in your name on the shareholder register, you will have certain shareholder rights which you can exercise. More details on shareholder rights are set out in the Prospectus and incorporation documents for the Fund.


As an investor in a UCITS fund, and depending on how you invested, you may have certain investor rights arising under contract between yourself and the Fund, for further details on these rights please refer in particular to the Prospectus and to the contractual documentation which you completed in order to make your investment.


Depending on how you invested in the Fund, you may be entitled to avail of certain domestic protections and rights to compensation claims deriving from your local legislation. For further details on such rights please refer to your local investor compensation website, if available.


Furthermore, in the event you perceive you have suffered a loss, you may have a right to seek redress on a collective basis though a collective redress mechanism which has been made available in your local jurisdiction. The availability of access to a local collective redress mechanism will depend on the jurisdiction you are based in and the location of the contract formed with the Fund and how you invested in the Fund. For further details on such rights please refer to your local regulator website.

Within the European Union, Directive (EU) 2020/1828 introduces a harmonised model for representative action aimed at ensuring that consumers are well protected against mass harm but also that appropriate safeguards are in place to avoid abusive lawsuits.

Directive (EU) 2020/1828 entered into force on 24 December 2020 and all member states are supposed to have transposed it into their national laws by 25 December 2022. By 25 June 2023, all member states must have put in place at least one effective procedural mechanism that allows qualified entities, such as consumer organisations or public bodies, to bring lawsuits to court for the purpose of injunction (ceasing or prohibiting) or redress (compensation).

Important Information

This important legal information relates to the website www.barclaysinvestments.com (the "Site") and contains the terms and conditions on which we make it available to you (the “Terms”). The information also includes important information about the regulatory status of some of our companies and important risk warnings. Please read this important information carefully.

Some products, services and investments described on this Site are available on a limited basis only, due to local regulatory and legal requirements.


References to "you" or "your" are references to any person accessing the Site.

References to "we", "us" or "our" are references to Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

References to "Barclays" are references to us, our parent company and any companies we or our parent company totally or partly own at any time.

These Terms govern your use of the Site and by accessing the Site you agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should exit this Site immediately.

We may change these Terms from time to time. We will give you 30 calendar days’ notice of any change where regulatory requirements allow. We will give you this notice via this Site. We encourage you to review the changes made to these Terms.

Where we do so:

  1. we will tell you on the Site the date the change comes into effect;
  2. by continuing to access and use the Site, we will assume that you have read and accepted any changes to these Terms.

If you do not want to be treated as accepting a change, you should not access or use the Site.

Please note that if you are an existing customer of Barclays Bank PLC, these Terms will apply separately to those contained in your product or service terms, an additional copy of which can be obtained from us. For new customers, those product or service terms will be provided to you before you enter into a contractual relationship in respect of a particular product or service.


We may, in whole or in part, on a permanent or temporary basis, withdraw access to this Site. We may do this without prior notice but, where possible and within the law, we will provide as much reasonable notice as possible.


On this site we use "Strictly Necessary Cookies":

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies are used on this Site. They are used only to enable the functionalities of this Site and provide you with the relevant content corresponding to your selected criteria (i.e. country and investor type). These cookies are not used to collect any information for targeted marketing; and
  • We do not use cookies for purposes of targeted profiling or marketing

When you connect to the Site for the first time, a banner appears in order to enable you to accept or reject the placement of Cookies on your device. Please note that you will be able to withdraw your consent and disable such cookies at any time, as explained in the Cookie policy.

Strictly Necessary Cookies are kept as long as they are not actively disabled. Please note that if you choose to disable Strictly Necessary Cookies, we will not be able to provide you with access to the areas of the Site that suit your selected criteria (i.e. country and type of investor).

To learn more about the cookies used on this Site, please read our Cookie policy.


The Site is maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange and NEX. Registered in England. Registered No. 2752982. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. The address of the Financial Conduct Authority is 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.


Risk warnings are provided for your information and protection. We strongly encourage you to read them and to contact us or your local distributor if you have any questions about the features or risks of any investment or service. If you have an account with us, you should raise any questions with your usual contact. Otherwise, we recommend that you seek professional advice.

Investment in the products referred to in this Site may not be suitable for all investors and involve a significant degree of risk. You should read carefully and ensure you understand the risk factors in the relevant prospectus. Any investment information which may be provided on this Site is provided for illustration only. Illustrations of the likely risk and reward properties of possible portfolios and investments on this Site are not specific advice about any investment and you should not rely on them. Any illustrations are accurate at the time of writing only, and may be subject to change.

The recommendations made for your actual portfolio might differ from any asset allocation or strategies outlined on this Site. Please ensure that your portfolio is updated or redefined when your investment objectives or personal circumstances change.


The value of the investments which may be stated in this Site, and the income from them, may fall as well as rise. Past performance of investments is no guide to future performance.

Exchange rate movements can affect the value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies.

You may not get back the amount of capital you invest. Any income projections and yields are estimated and are included for indication only. Further, any valuations given in this Site may not accurately reflect the values at which investments may actually be bought or sold and no allowance has been made for taxation.

Data which may be found on this Site is based on quantitative research and analysis of historic data using current and proposed asset weightings and proprietary projections of expected returns and estimates of future volatility. Data does not reflect actual trading, liquidity constraints, fees and other costs. It should not be taken as a forecast or estimate of likely future returns. As illustrations do not take into account fees and commissions, or taxation, the actual performance of any investment might be more or less than is stated in any illustration.


We do not provide any legal or tax advice and recommend that you obtain your own independent legal advice and independent tax advice, tailored to your particular circumstances, before making any investment. In order to provide you with information on our products and services, we may explain to you our understanding of the general tax position relating to them. We do not assume any legal responsibility for anyone acting on the information provided, and as tax law is subject to frequent change, your position should be checked with an independent professional adviser.


We have duties to you under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and other applicable laws and regulations, and will be liable to you in the circumstances prescribed by those laws and regulations. Save as otherwise provided in these Terms, we will be liable to you for loss you may suffer in respect of the Site and any information on it or in connection with the access of, use of, performance of, browsing in or linking to other sites from this Site or your use or inability to use the Site, only to the extent it results from our wilful default of these Terms or our fraud. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will accept no liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in any other circumstances for loss of any kind, including (without limitation) direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, loss of any profit, goodwill or reputation, expenses or losses arising out of, or in connection with any error, omission, defect, computer virus or system failure, of whatever nature no matter how they may arise, even if expressly advised of the possibility of such loss or damages.

We will be liable to you for any loss you may suffer as a result of acts or omissions relating to any Site services which we have delegated to any of our agents to the extent we would be liable for our own acts. None of our agents will be directly liable to you in any way.

This Site does not contain information which is intended to be investment, legal, tax or other advice. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice tailored to your personal circumstances before making any investment decision.


We may modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site or any part of it, with or without notice, at any time. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any losses of any kind, no matter how they may arise, for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Site.


Please remember that internet communications are not secure. We cannot accept any responsibility for the unauthorised access by a third party and/or the corruption of data being sent by individuals to the Barclays Group. Some countries prohibit transmission of encrypted data over telephone lines. You should not encrypt data transmitted if you know that doing so would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance relating to your use of internet communications, please contact a legal adviser.


This Site is used and maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited does not collect Personal Information about you through this Site.

It is only in circumstances where you would like to inform us of any technical problem with this Site, through the email address mentioned in the “Contacting us” section below (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), that Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, as a data controller, will collect Personal Information about you - only the Personal Information contained in your email (i.e. your email address, first and last names if mentioned and your message) - in order to answer your request/question. “Personal Information” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Please note that the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site (please see the “Contacting us” section below).

For any other request, notably about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned under the “Contacting us” section. Please note that we do not provide advice about funds through the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request. Your Personal Information will be used only by the authorised teams within Barclays Investment Solutions Limited in order to answer your request. If you wish to access, delete or correct your Personal Information (i.e. the information contained in your email) or object to its use, on legitimate grounds, please send us your request, with a copy of an ID, to barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

The above reflects the way in which we use Personal information, as stated in the Privacy policy of the Site.


Telephone and other communications with the Investment Manager and/or its associated persons may be recorded and retained.


Where we provide hypertext links to third party internet websites, such links are not an endorsement by us of any products or services in such websites. You use such links entirely at your own risk and we accept no responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for the content, use or availability of such websites. We have not verified the truth or accuracy of any content of such websites.

No party is permitted to link any other website to this Site or frame or scrape the content of this Site without obtaining our prior written consent.


No information on this Site should be construed as an offer, invitation or recommendation to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction, or to provide any investment advice or service. The information does not take into account individual investor circumstances and no determination has been made regarding the suitability of any investment for any investor. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice, tailored to your personal circumstances, before making any investment decision.


This Site is not directed to, nor intended for distribution or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where the publication or availability of this Site or such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. You should not access the Site or information on this Site if you know that your access would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance on rules governing your use, please contact a legal adviser. In particular, but without limitation, this Site is not directed to, or intended for use by “U.S. Persons” (please see below). By accessing the Site, you hereby confirm that you are not a U.S. Person. If you are a U.S. Person, please exit the Site immediately.

A “U.S. Person” is: (a) a citizen or resident (including a ‘green card’ holder) of the United States; (b) a partnership, corporation, limited liability company or similar entity, organised or incorporated under the laws of the United States or having its principal place of business in the United States, or an entity taxed as such or subject to filing a tax return as such under the United States federal income tax laws; (c) any estate or trust the executor, administrator or trustee of which is a US Person unless (1) in the case of trusts of which any professional fiduciary acting as trustee is a US Person, a trustee who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect of trust assets and no beneficiary of the trust (and no settler if the trust is revocable) is a US Person; (2) in the case of estates of which any professional fiduciary acting as executor or administrator is a US Person, an executor or administrator of the estate who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect to the assets of the estate and the estate is governed by foreign law; (d) any estate the income of which arises from sources outside of the United States, is not effectively connected to a US trade or business and is includible in gross income for purposes of computing United States income tax payable by it; (e) any agency or branch of a foreign entity located in the United States; (f) any trust if a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust, and one or more US Persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust; (g) any discretionary account or non-discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary located within or outside the United States for the benefit or account of a US Person; (h) any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary organised, incorporated or (if an individual) resident in the United States, except that any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held for the benefit or account of a non-US Person by a dealer or other professional fiduciary organised, incorporated (or if an individual) resident in the United States will not be deemed a US Person; (i) any firm, corporation or other entity, regardless of citizenship, domicile, situs or residence if, under the income tax laws of the United States from time to time in effect, any proportion of the income thereof would be taxable to a US Person even if not distributed, other than a passive foreign investment company; (j) any partnership, corporation or other entity if (A) organised or incorporated under the laws of any foreign jurisdiction; and (B) owned or formed by a US Person or Persons principally for the purpose of investing in securities not registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 (including but not limited to Shares of the Sub-Fund), unless it is organised or incorporated, and owned, by accredited investors (as defined in Rule 501(a) under the 1933 Act) who are not natural persons, estates or trusts; (k) any employee benefit plan unless such employee benefit plan is established and administered in accordance with the law of a country other than the United States and customary practices and documentation of such country; (l) a pension plan unless such pension plan is for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States; and (m) any entity organised principally for passive investment such as a commodity pool, investment company or other similar entity (other than a pension plan for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States) (1) in which United States persons who are not qualified eligible persons (as defined in Regulation 4.7 under the US Commodity Exchange Act) hold units of participation representing in the aggregate 10% or more of the beneficial interest in the entity; or (2) which has as a principal purpose the facilitating of investment by a United States person in a commodity pool with respect to which the operator is exempt from certain requirements of Part 4 of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s regulations by virtue of its participants being non-United States persons.


Although we have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information provided on this Site is accurate, we give no warranties, guarantee or assurance of any kind, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy, reliability, suitability, quality, availability, timeliness, completeness, functionality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any such information, or as to its results, performance, or non-infringement.

Opinions and any other content of the Site are provided by us for your personal use and informational purposes only. They are subject to change without notice. Barclays has no obligation to update any or all content on this Site.


We give no guarantees or warranties that functions contained on the Site or its content will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Site or content, or any method of access to or storage in either, will be free of viruses or other harmful components. We will not be liable for any damage that may occur, viruses or other harmful components that may infect, or services, repairs or corrections that must be performed on account of your accessing or use of the Site or content. You should take steps to ensure that harmful components, such as viruses, trojans, worms or equivalent or similar harmful components, do not enter your computer system. For further information or advice on security, please read our Security section.


The entire content of the Site is subject to copyright with all rights reserved and is provided only for your personal use. You may print part or all of the Site for your personal use, provided that you retain all copyright and other legal notices and otherwise comply with these Terms. We can revoke these permissions at any time. You may not download any portion of the Site for non-personal use or otherwise reproduce, transmit or modify any portion of the Site without our prior written permission.

Barclays, Barclays Wealth and Barclays Bank PLC are registered trademarks owned by Barclays. Your use of this Site does not give rise to any license of these trademarks. Other trademarks displayed on this Site are the property of their respective owners and are used with their permission.

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All communications between you and us will be in English.

For all account related queries, general enquiries, or to make a complaint, please see the relevant contact details below, depending on the specific fund your enquiry relates to.


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in the Luxembourg domiciled Barclays Portfolios SICAV, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +352 28 294 111 between 9.00am and 6.00pm Central European Time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com
  • The following postal address:

Barclays Portfolios SICAV
Northern Trust Global Services SE
10, rue du Château d’Eau
L-3364 Leudelange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in one of our Ireland domiciled funds, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +353 (0) 1 434 5131 between 9:00am and 5.15pm Irish time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays_ta@ntrs.com
  • Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) clients should contact their Investment Servicing Manager on 0333 202 7478 between 9.00am and 6.00pm (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following postal address:

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
2nd Floor, Block A, City East Plaza, Towlerton, Ballysimon, Limerick, V94 X2N9, Ireland


To report a fault with this Site, please email barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Please note that this email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site. We do not provide advice about funds through this email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request.

For any other request, notably for information about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned above.


If any provision in these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such provision or part of it will, to the extent that it is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, be deemed not to form part of these Terms and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms will not be affected.


These Terms, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them, are governed by English law. The courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Terms.


In July 2010, the UK’s Financial Reporting Council published "The UK Stewardship Code." This Code comprises a set of guidelines aimed at improving the ways in which institutional investors interact with the management of companies in which they invest. In addition it proposes measures to increase the level of transparency surrounding institutional investors’ activities as shareholders for the benefit of their underlying clients.

This section of the Terms explains how Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) address the measures proposed in these guidelines.

BISL provides investment management services to professional investors in the UK which invest via a multi-manager and/or a fund of fund structure. BISL may choose to outsource the selection of stocks, to other investment managers by either investing into a fund or by giving a number of managers a portion of the money raised from underlying fund investors. BISL selects managers through a thorough due diligence process, focusing in every case on identifying managers capable of generating the best risk-adjusted returns in the asset class or strategy for which delegation is sought.

As part of the manager selection process, and on an ongoing basis, BISL will consider numerous factors around the manager’s proposed investment strategy and their performance against that strategy as part of an established due diligence process.

We are signatories to the Stewardship Code. [PDF, 2.2MB]


This Site provides information relating to a number of different funds. Not all funds are available to all investors. To check which funds are available to you, select your country and investor type from the available options. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser.

Our range of funds includes:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund public limited company, Barclays Portfolios SICAV, which are all either authorised or recognised collective investment schemes as defined under Section 237 (3) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) in the UK.


Pursuant to Directive (EU) 2019/1160 (“CBDF”), certain local facilities relating to your investment in a UCITS fund must be made available to investors. In relation to your investment in a UCITS fund, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will make available to investors the following local facilities services:

(i) please refer to the ‘Contacting Us’ section in the Terms & Conditions for information on investor complaints in jurisdictions where your investment is marketed;

(ii) please visit the ‘Documents’ tab relevant to your investment(s) to access the prospectus, the annual and half yearly reports, and the key investor information documents (KIIDs) relating to your investment

These facilities will be made available to you in either an official language of your jurisdiction, or in a language approved by your local regulator. Please note that Barclays Solutions Limited will provide information in respect of the facilities available to you via website, on paper, or, if appropriate, by means of another durable medium.

All applicants must complete an application form prescribed by the directors in relation to the fund. An application form accompanies the fund’s prospectus and sets out the methods by which and to whom the subscription monies should be sent. Every shareholder will have the right to require the company to redeem their shares in the fund on any dealing day on furnishing to the administrator a redemption request. For further detail, please refer to the fund’s prospectus.

If you are a unitholder in the fund and these units are registered in your name on the shareholder register, you will have certain shareholder rights which you can exercise. More details on shareholder rights are set out in the Prospectus and incorporation documents for the Fund.


As an investor in a UCITS fund, and depending on how you invested, you may have certain investor rights arising under contract between yourself and the Fund, for further details on these rights please refer in particular to the Prospectus and to the contractual documentation which you completed in order to make your investment.


Depending on how you invested in the Fund, you may be entitled to avail of certain domestic protections and rights to compensation claims deriving from your local legislation. For further details on such rights please refer to your local investor compensation website, if available.


Furthermore, in the event you perceive you have suffered a loss, you may have a right to seek redress on a collective basis though a collective redress mechanism which has been made available in your local jurisdiction. The availability of access to a local collective redress mechanism will depend on the jurisdiction you are based in and the location of the contract formed with the Fund and how you invested in the Fund. For further details on such rights please refer to your local regulator website.

Within the European Union, Directive (EU) 2020/1828 introduces a harmonised model for representative action aimed at ensuring that consumers are well protected against mass harm but also that appropriate safeguards are in place to avoid abusive lawsuits.

Directive (EU) 2020/1828 entered into force on 24 December 2020 and all member states are supposed to have transposed it into their national laws by 25 December 2022. By 25 June 2023, all member states must have put in place at least one effective procedural mechanism that allows qualified entities, such as consumer organisations or public bodies, to bring lawsuits to court for the purpose of injunction (ceasing or prohibiting) or redress (compensation).

Important Information

This important legal information relates to the website www.barclaysinvestments.com (the "Site") and contains the terms and conditions on which we make it available to you (the “Terms”). The information also includes important information about the regulatory status of some of our companies and important risk warnings. Please read this important information carefully.

Some products, services and investments described on this Site are available on a limited basis only, due to local regulatory and legal requirements.


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The Site is maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange and NEX. Registered in England. Registered No. 2752982. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. The address of the Financial Conduct Authority is 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.


Risk warnings are provided for your information and protection. We strongly encourage you to read them and to contact us or your local distributor if you have any questions about the features or risks of any investment or service. If you have an account with us, you should raise any questions with your usual contact. Otherwise, we recommend that you seek professional advice.

Investment in the products referred to in this Site may not be suitable for all investors and involve a significant degree of risk. You should read carefully and ensure you understand the risk factors in the relevant prospectus. Any investment information which may be provided on this Site is provided for illustration only. Illustrations of the likely risk and reward properties of possible portfolios and investments on this Site are not specific advice about any investment and you should not rely on them. Any illustrations are accurate at the time of writing only, and may be subject to change.

The recommendations made for your actual portfolio might differ from any asset allocation or strategies outlined on this Site. Please ensure that your portfolio is updated or redefined when your investment objectives or personal circumstances change.


The value of the investments which may be stated in this Site, and the income from them, may fall as well as rise. Past performance of investments is no guide to future performance.

Exchange rate movements can affect the value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies.

You may not get back the amount of capital you invest. Any income projections and yields are estimated and are included for indication only. Further, any valuations given in this Site may not accurately reflect the values at which investments may actually be bought or sold and no allowance has been made for taxation.

Data which may be found on this Site is based on quantitative research and analysis of historic data using current and proposed asset weightings and proprietary projections of expected returns and estimates of future volatility. Data does not reflect actual trading, liquidity constraints, fees and other costs. It should not be taken as a forecast or estimate of likely future returns. As illustrations do not take into account fees and commissions, or taxation, the actual performance of any investment might be more or less than is stated in any illustration.


We do not provide any legal or tax advice and recommend that you obtain your own independent legal advice and independent tax advice, tailored to your particular circumstances, before making any investment. In order to provide you with information on our products and services, we may explain to you our understanding of the general tax position relating to them. We do not assume any legal responsibility for anyone acting on the information provided, and as tax law is subject to frequent change, your position should be checked with an independent professional adviser.


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It is only in circumstances where you would like to inform us of any technical problem with this Site, through the email address mentioned in the “Contacting us” section below (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), that Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, as a data controller, will collect Personal Information about you - only the Personal Information contained in your email (i.e. your email address, first and last names if mentioned and your message) - in order to answer your request/question. “Personal Information” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Please note that the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site (please see the “Contacting us” section below).

For any other request, notably about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned under the “Contacting us” section. Please note that we do not provide advice about funds through the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request. Your Personal Information will be used only by the authorised teams within Barclays Investment Solutions Limited in order to answer your request. If you wish to access, delete or correct your Personal Information (i.e. the information contained in your email) or object to its use, on legitimate grounds, please send us your request, with a copy of an ID, to barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

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This Site is not directed to, nor intended for distribution or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where the publication or availability of this Site or such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. You should not access the Site or information on this Site if you know that your access would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance on rules governing your use, please contact a legal adviser. In particular, but without limitation, this Site is not directed to, or intended for use by “U.S. Persons” (please see below). By accessing the Site, you hereby confirm that you are not a U.S. Person. If you are a U.S. Person, please exit the Site immediately.

A “U.S. Person” is: (a) a citizen or resident (including a ‘green card’ holder) of the United States; (b) a partnership, corporation, limited liability company or similar entity, organised or incorporated under the laws of the United States or having its principal place of business in the United States, or an entity taxed as such or subject to filing a tax return as such under the United States federal income tax laws; (c) any estate or trust the executor, administrator or trustee of which is a US Person unless (1) in the case of trusts of which any professional fiduciary acting as trustee is a US Person, a trustee who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect of trust assets and no beneficiary of the trust (and no settler if the trust is revocable) is a US Person; (2) in the case of estates of which any professional fiduciary acting as executor or administrator is a US Person, an executor or administrator of the estate who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect to the assets of the estate and the estate is governed by foreign law; (d) any estate the income of which arises from sources outside of the United States, is not effectively connected to a US trade or business and is includible in gross income for purposes of computing United States income tax payable by it; (e) any agency or branch of a foreign entity located in the United States; (f) any trust if a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust, and one or more US Persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust; (g) any discretionary account or non-discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary located within or outside the United States for the benefit or account of a US Person; (h) any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary organised, incorporated or (if an individual) resident in the United States, except that any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held for the benefit or account of a non-US Person by a dealer or other professional fiduciary organised, incorporated (or if an individual) resident in the United States will not be deemed a US Person; (i) any firm, corporation or other entity, regardless of citizenship, domicile, situs or residence if, under the income tax laws of the United States from time to time in effect, any proportion of the income thereof would be taxable to a US Person even if not distributed, other than a passive foreign investment company; (j) any partnership, corporation or other entity if (A) organised or incorporated under the laws of any foreign jurisdiction; and (B) owned or formed by a US Person or Persons principally for the purpose of investing in securities not registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 (including but not limited to Shares of the Sub-Fund), unless it is organised or incorporated, and owned, by accredited investors (as defined in Rule 501(a) under the 1933 Act) who are not natural persons, estates or trusts; (k) any employee benefit plan unless such employee benefit plan is established and administered in accordance with the law of a country other than the United States and customary practices and documentation of such country; (l) a pension plan unless such pension plan is for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States; and (m) any entity organised principally for passive investment such as a commodity pool, investment company or other similar entity (other than a pension plan for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States) (1) in which United States persons who are not qualified eligible persons (as defined in Regulation 4.7 under the US Commodity Exchange Act) hold units of participation representing in the aggregate 10% or more of the beneficial interest in the entity; or (2) which has as a principal purpose the facilitating of investment by a United States person in a commodity pool with respect to which the operator is exempt from certain requirements of Part 4 of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s regulations by virtue of its participants being non-United States persons.


Although we have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information provided on this Site is accurate, we give no warranties, guarantee or assurance of any kind, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy, reliability, suitability, quality, availability, timeliness, completeness, functionality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any such information, or as to its results, performance, or non-infringement.

Opinions and any other content of the Site are provided by us for your personal use and informational purposes only. They are subject to change without notice. Barclays has no obligation to update any or all content on this Site.


We give no guarantees or warranties that functions contained on the Site or its content will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Site or content, or any method of access to or storage in either, will be free of viruses or other harmful components. We will not be liable for any damage that may occur, viruses or other harmful components that may infect, or services, repairs or corrections that must be performed on account of your accessing or use of the Site or content. You should take steps to ensure that harmful components, such as viruses, trojans, worms or equivalent or similar harmful components, do not enter your computer system. For further information or advice on security, please read our Security section.


The entire content of the Site is subject to copyright with all rights reserved and is provided only for your personal use. You may print part or all of the Site for your personal use, provided that you retain all copyright and other legal notices and otherwise comply with these Terms. We can revoke these permissions at any time. You may not download any portion of the Site for non-personal use or otherwise reproduce, transmit or modify any portion of the Site without our prior written permission.

Barclays, Barclays Wealth and Barclays Bank PLC are registered trademarks owned by Barclays. Your use of this Site does not give rise to any license of these trademarks. Other trademarks displayed on this Site are the property of their respective owners and are used with their permission.

No act of downloading or otherwise copying from this Site will transfer title to any software or material at this Site to you. No software on the Site may be downloaded or otherwise exported in contravention of U.S. Department of Treasury, U.S. Department of Commerce or other applicable regulations or laws, or to a resident of or location in any nation to which the United States or United Kingdom has embargoed goods. You also agree not to use the information for any unlawful purpose and you will comply with any request from us to protect our or any third party's rights in the information.


All communications between you and us will be in English.

For all account related queries, general enquiries, or to make a complaint, please see the relevant contact details below, depending on the specific fund your enquiry relates to.


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in the Luxembourg domiciled Barclays Portfolios SICAV, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +352 28 294 111 between 9.00am and 6.00pm Central European Time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com
  • The following postal address:

Barclays Portfolios SICAV
Northern Trust Global Services SE
10, rue du Château d’Eau
L-3364 Leudelange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in one of our Ireland domiciled funds, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +353 (0) 1 434 5131 between 9:00am and 5.15pm Irish time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays_ta@ntrs.com
  • Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) clients should contact their Investment Servicing Manager on 0333 202 7478 between 9.00am and 6.00pm (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following postal address:

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
2nd Floor, Block A, City East Plaza, Towlerton, Ballysimon, Limerick, V94 X2N9, Ireland


To report a fault with this Site, please email barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Please note that this email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site. We do not provide advice about funds through this email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request.

For any other request, notably for information about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned above.


If any provision in these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such provision or part of it will, to the extent that it is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, be deemed not to form part of these Terms and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms will not be affected.


These Terms, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them, are governed by English law. The courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Terms.


In July 2010, the UK’s Financial Reporting Council published "The UK Stewardship Code." This Code comprises a set of guidelines aimed at improving the ways in which institutional investors interact with the management of companies in which they invest. In addition it proposes measures to increase the level of transparency surrounding institutional investors’ activities as shareholders for the benefit of their underlying clients.

This section of the Terms explains how Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) address the measures proposed in these guidelines.

BISL provides investment management services to professional investors in the UK which invest via a multi-manager and/or a fund of fund structure. BISL may choose to outsource the selection of stocks, to other investment managers by either investing into a fund or by giving a number of managers a portion of the money raised from underlying fund investors. BISL selects managers through a thorough due diligence process, focusing in every case on identifying managers capable of generating the best risk-adjusted returns in the asset class or strategy for which delegation is sought.

As part of the manager selection process, and on an ongoing basis, BISL will consider numerous factors around the manager’s proposed investment strategy and their performance against that strategy as part of an established due diligence process.

We are signatories to the Stewardship Code. [PDF, 2.2MB]


This Site provides information relating to a number of different funds. Not all funds are available to all investors. To check which funds are available to you, select your country and investor type from the available options. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser.

Our range of funds includes:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund public limited company, Barclays Portfolios SICAV, which are all either authorised or recognised collective investment schemes as defined under Section 237 (3) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) in the UK.


Pursuant to Directive (EU) 2019/1160 (“CBDF”), certain local facilities relating to your investment in a UCITS fund must be made available to investors. In relation to your investment in a UCITS fund, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will make available to investors the following local facilities services:

(i) please refer to the ‘Contacting Us’ section in the Terms & Conditions for information on investor complaints in jurisdictions where your investment is marketed;

(ii) please visit the ‘Documents’ tab relevant to your investment(s) to access the prospectus, the annual and half yearly reports, and the key investor information documents (KIIDs) relating to your investment

These facilities will be made available to you in either an official language of your jurisdiction, or in a language approved by your local regulator. Please note that Barclays Solutions Limited will provide information in respect of the facilities available to you via website, on paper, or, if appropriate, by means of another durable medium.

All applicants must complete an application form prescribed by the directors in relation to the fund. An application form accompanies the fund’s prospectus and sets out the methods by which and to whom the subscription monies should be sent. Every shareholder will have the right to require the company to redeem their shares in the fund on any dealing day on furnishing to the administrator a redemption request. For further detail, please refer to the fund’s prospectus.

If you are a unitholder in the fund and these units are registered in your name on the shareholder register, you will have certain shareholder rights which you can exercise. More details on shareholder rights are set out in the Prospectus and incorporation documents for the Fund.


As an investor in a UCITS fund, and depending on how you invested, you may have certain investor rights arising under contract between yourself and the Fund, for further details on these rights please refer in particular to the Prospectus and to the contractual documentation which you completed in order to make your investment.


Depending on how you invested in the Fund, you may be entitled to avail of certain domestic protections and rights to compensation claims deriving from your local legislation. For further details on such rights please refer to your local investor compensation website, if available.


Furthermore, in the event you perceive you have suffered a loss, you may have a right to seek redress on a collective basis though a collective redress mechanism which has been made available in your local jurisdiction. The availability of access to a local collective redress mechanism will depend on the jurisdiction you are based in and the location of the contract formed with the Fund and how you invested in the Fund. For further details on such rights please refer to your local regulator website.

Within the European Union, Directive (EU) 2020/1828 introduces a harmonised model for representative action aimed at ensuring that consumers are well protected against mass harm but also that appropriate safeguards are in place to avoid abusive lawsuits.

Directive (EU) 2020/1828 entered into force on 24 December 2020 and all member states are supposed to have transposed it into their national laws by 25 December 2022. By 25 June 2023, all member states must have put in place at least one effective procedural mechanism that allows qualified entities, such as consumer organisations or public bodies, to bring lawsuits to court for the purpose of injunction (ceasing or prohibiting) or redress (compensation).

Important Information

This important legal information relates to the website www.barclaysinvestments.com (the "Site") and contains the terms and conditions on which we make it available to you (the “Terms”). The information also includes important information about the regulatory status of some of our companies and important risk warnings. Please read this important information carefully.

Some products, services and investments described on this Site are available on a limited basis only, due to local regulatory and legal requirements.


References to "you" or "your" are references to any person accessing the Site.

References to "we", "us" or "our" are references to Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

References to "Barclays" are references to us, our parent company and any companies we or our parent company totally or partly own at any time.

These Terms govern your use of the Site and by accessing the Site you agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should exit this Site immediately.

We may change these Terms from time to time. We will give you 30 calendar days’ notice of any change where regulatory requirements allow. We will give you this notice via this Site. We encourage you to review the changes made to these Terms.

Where we do so:

  1. we will tell you on the Site the date the change comes into effect;
  2. by continuing to access and use the Site, we will assume that you have read and accepted any changes to these Terms.

If you do not want to be treated as accepting a change, you should not access or use the Site.

Please note that if you are an existing customer of Barclays Bank PLC, these Terms will apply separately to those contained in your product or service terms, an additional copy of which can be obtained from us. For new customers, those product or service terms will be provided to you before you enter into a contractual relationship in respect of a particular product or service.


We may, in whole or in part, on a permanent or temporary basis, withdraw access to this Site. We may do this without prior notice but, where possible and within the law, we will provide as much reasonable notice as possible.


On this site we use "Strictly Necessary Cookies":

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies are used on this Site. They are used only to enable the functionalities of this Site and provide you with the relevant content corresponding to your selected criteria (i.e. country and investor type). These cookies are not used to collect any information for targeted marketing; and
  • We do not use cookies for purposes of targeted profiling or marketing

When you connect to the Site for the first time, a banner appears in order to enable you to accept or reject the placement of Cookies on your device. Please note that you will be able to withdraw your consent and disable such cookies at any time, as explained in the Cookie policy.

Strictly Necessary Cookies are kept as long as they are not actively disabled. Please note that if you choose to disable Strictly Necessary Cookies, we will not be able to provide you with access to the areas of the Site that suit your selected criteria (i.e. country and type of investor).

To learn more about the cookies used on this Site, please read our Cookie policy.


The Site is maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange and NEX. Registered in England. Registered No. 2752982. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. The address of the Financial Conduct Authority is 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.


Risk warnings are provided for your information and protection. We strongly encourage you to read them and to contact us or your local distributor if you have any questions about the features or risks of any investment or service. If you have an account with us, you should raise any questions with your usual contact. Otherwise, we recommend that you seek professional advice.

Investment in the products referred to in this Site may not be suitable for all investors and involve a significant degree of risk. You should read carefully and ensure you understand the risk factors in the relevant prospectus. Any investment information which may be provided on this Site is provided for illustration only. Illustrations of the likely risk and reward properties of possible portfolios and investments on this Site are not specific advice about any investment and you should not rely on them. Any illustrations are accurate at the time of writing only, and may be subject to change.

The recommendations made for your actual portfolio might differ from any asset allocation or strategies outlined on this Site. Please ensure that your portfolio is updated or redefined when your investment objectives or personal circumstances change.


The value of the investments which may be stated in this Site, and the income from them, may fall as well as rise. Past performance of investments is no guide to future performance.

Exchange rate movements can affect the value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies.

You may not get back the amount of capital you invest. Any income projections and yields are estimated and are included for indication only. Further, any valuations given in this Site may not accurately reflect the values at which investments may actually be bought or sold and no allowance has been made for taxation.

Data which may be found on this Site is based on quantitative research and analysis of historic data using current and proposed asset weightings and proprietary projections of expected returns and estimates of future volatility. Data does not reflect actual trading, liquidity constraints, fees and other costs. It should not be taken as a forecast or estimate of likely future returns. As illustrations do not take into account fees and commissions, or taxation, the actual performance of any investment might be more or less than is stated in any illustration.


We do not provide any legal or tax advice and recommend that you obtain your own independent legal advice and independent tax advice, tailored to your particular circumstances, before making any investment. In order to provide you with information on our products and services, we may explain to you our understanding of the general tax position relating to them. We do not assume any legal responsibility for anyone acting on the information provided, and as tax law is subject to frequent change, your position should be checked with an independent professional adviser.


We have duties to you under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and other applicable laws and regulations, and will be liable to you in the circumstances prescribed by those laws and regulations. Save as otherwise provided in these Terms, we will be liable to you for loss you may suffer in respect of the Site and any information on it or in connection with the access of, use of, performance of, browsing in or linking to other sites from this Site or your use or inability to use the Site, only to the extent it results from our wilful default of these Terms or our fraud. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will accept no liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in any other circumstances for loss of any kind, including (without limitation) direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, loss of any profit, goodwill or reputation, expenses or losses arising out of, or in connection with any error, omission, defect, computer virus or system failure, of whatever nature no matter how they may arise, even if expressly advised of the possibility of such loss or damages.

We will be liable to you for any loss you may suffer as a result of acts or omissions relating to any Site services which we have delegated to any of our agents to the extent we would be liable for our own acts. None of our agents will be directly liable to you in any way.

This Site does not contain information which is intended to be investment, legal, tax or other advice. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice tailored to your personal circumstances before making any investment decision.


We may modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site or any part of it, with or without notice, at any time. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any losses of any kind, no matter how they may arise, for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Site.


Please remember that internet communications are not secure. We cannot accept any responsibility for the unauthorised access by a third party and/or the corruption of data being sent by individuals to the Barclays Group. Some countries prohibit transmission of encrypted data over telephone lines. You should not encrypt data transmitted if you know that doing so would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance relating to your use of internet communications, please contact a legal adviser.


This Site is used and maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited does not collect Personal Information about you through this Site.

It is only in circumstances where you would like to inform us of any technical problem with this Site, through the email address mentioned in the “Contacting us” section below (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), that Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, as a data controller, will collect Personal Information about you - only the Personal Information contained in your email (i.e. your email address, first and last names if mentioned and your message) - in order to answer your request/question. “Personal Information” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Please note that the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site (please see the “Contacting us” section below).

For any other request, notably about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned under the “Contacting us” section. Please note that we do not provide advice about funds through the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request. Your Personal Information will be used only by the authorised teams within Barclays Investment Solutions Limited in order to answer your request. If you wish to access, delete or correct your Personal Information (i.e. the information contained in your email) or object to its use, on legitimate grounds, please send us your request, with a copy of an ID, to barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

The above reflects the way in which we use Personal information, as stated in the Privacy policy of the Site.


Telephone and other communications with the Investment Manager and/or its associated persons may be recorded and retained.


Where we provide hypertext links to third party internet websites, such links are not an endorsement by us of any products or services in such websites. You use such links entirely at your own risk and we accept no responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for the content, use or availability of such websites. We have not verified the truth or accuracy of any content of such websites.

No party is permitted to link any other website to this Site or frame or scrape the content of this Site without obtaining our prior written consent.


No information on this Site should be construed as an offer or recommendation to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction, or to provide any investment advice or service. The information does not take into account individual investor circumstances and no determination has been made regarding the suitability of any investment for any investor. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice, tailored to your personal circumstances, before making any investment decision.


This Site is not directed to, nor intended for distribution or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where the publication or availability of this Site or such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. You should not access the Site or information on this Site if you know that your access would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance on rules governing your use, please contact a legal adviser. In particular, but without limitation, this Site is not directed to, or intended for use by “U.S. Persons” (please see below). By accessing the Site, you hereby confirm that you are not a U.S. Person. If you are a U.S. Person, please exit the Site immediately.

A “U.S. Person” is: (a) a citizen or resident (including a ‘green card’ holder) of the United States; (b) a partnership, corporation, limited liability company or similar entity, organised or incorporated under the laws of the United States or having its principal place of business in the United States, or an entity taxed as such or subject to filing a tax return as such under the United States federal income tax laws; (c) any estate or trust the executor, administrator or trustee of which is a US Person unless (1) in the case of trusts of which any professional fiduciary acting as trustee is a US Person, a trustee who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect of trust assets and no beneficiary of the trust (and no settler if the trust is revocable) is a US Person; (2) in the case of estates of which any professional fiduciary acting as executor or administrator is a US Person, an executor or administrator of the estate who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect to the assets of the estate and the estate is governed by foreign law; (d) any estate the income of which arises from sources outside of the United States, is not effectively connected to a US trade or business and is includible in gross income for purposes of computing United States income tax payable by it; (e) any agency or branch of a foreign entity located in the United States; (f) any trust if a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust, and one or more US Persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust; (g) any discretionary account or non-discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary located within or outside the United States for the benefit or account of a US Person; (h) any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary organised, incorporated or (if an individual) resident in the United States, except that any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held for the benefit or account of a non-US Person by a dealer or other professional fiduciary organised, incorporated (or if an individual) resident in the United States will not be deemed a US Person; (i) any firm, corporation or other entity, regardless of citizenship, domicile, situs or residence if, under the income tax laws of the United States from time to time in effect, any proportion of the income thereof would be taxable to a US Person even if not distributed, other than a passive foreign investment company; (j) any partnership, corporation or other entity if (A) organised or incorporated under the laws of any foreign jurisdiction; and (B) owned or formed by a US Person or Persons principally for the purpose of investing in securities not registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 (including but not limited to Shares of the Sub-Fund), unless it is organised or incorporated, and owned, by accredited investors (as defined in Rule 501(a) under the 1933 Act) who are not natural persons, estates or trusts; (k) any employee benefit plan unless such employee benefit plan is established and administered in accordance with the law of a country other than the United States and customary practices and documentation of such country; (l) a pension plan unless such pension plan is for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States; and (m) any entity organised principally for passive investment such as a commodity pool, investment company or other similar entity (other than a pension plan for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States) (1) in which United States persons who are not qualified eligible persons (as defined in Regulation 4.7 under the US Commodity Exchange Act) hold units of participation representing in the aggregate 10% or more of the beneficial interest in the entity; or (2) which has as a principal purpose the facilitating of investment by a United States person in a commodity pool with respect to which the operator is exempt from certain requirements of Part 4 of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s regulations by virtue of its participants being non-United States persons.


Although we have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information provided on this Site is accurate, we give no warranties, guarantee or assurance of any kind, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy, reliability, suitability, quality, availability, timeliness, completeness, functionality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any such information, or as to its results, performance, or non-infringement.

Opinions and any other content of the Site are provided by us for your personal use and informational purposes only. They are subject to change without notice. Barclays has no obligation to update any or all content on this Site.


We give no guarantees or warranties that functions contained on the Site or its content will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Site or content, or any method of access to or storage in either, will be free of viruses or other harmful components. We will not be liable for any damage that may occur, viruses or other harmful components that may infect, or services, repairs or corrections that must be performed on account of your accessing or use of the Site or content. You should take steps to ensure that harmful components, such as viruses, trojans, worms or equivalent or similar harmful components, do not enter your computer system. For further information or advice on security, please read our Security section.


The entire content of the Site is subject to copyright with all rights reserved and is provided only for your personal use. You may print part or all of the Site for your personal use, provided that you retain all copyright and other legal notices and otherwise comply with these Terms. We can revoke these permissions at any time. You may not download any portion of the Site for non-personal use or otherwise reproduce, transmit or modify any portion of the Site without our prior written permission.

Barclays, Barclays Wealth and Barclays Bank PLC are registered trademarks owned by Barclays. Your use of this Site does not give rise to any license of these trademarks. Other trademarks displayed on this Site are the property of their respective owners and are used with their permission.

No act of downloading or otherwise copying from this Site will transfer title to any software or material at this Site to you. No software on the Site may be downloaded or otherwise exported in contravention of U.S. Department of Treasury, U.S. Department of Commerce or other applicable regulations or laws, or to a resident of or location in any nation to which the United States or United Kingdom has embargoed goods. You also agree not to use the information for any unlawful purpose and you will comply with any request from us to protect our or any third party's rights in the information.


All communications between you and us will be in English.


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in the Luxembourg domiciled Barclays Portfolios SICAV, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +352 28 294 111 between 9.00am and 6.00pm Central European Time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in one of our Ireland domiciled funds, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +353 (0) 1 434 5131 between 9:00am and 5.15pm GMT (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays_ta@ntrs.com
  • Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) clients should contact their Investment Servicing Manager on 0333 202 7478 between 9.00am and 6.00pm (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in our Jersey domiciled fund, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +44 (0)1534 812 800 between 8:00am and 6:00pm GMT (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclayssbf@ntrs.com


If you are an investor in one of our United Kingdom-domiciled funds, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on 0333 300 0093 between 8:00am and 6.00pm GMT (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays@ntrs.com
  • Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) clients should contact their Investment Servicing Manager on 0333 202 7478 between 9.00am and 6.00pm (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)


To report a fault with this Site, please email barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Please note that this email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site. We do not provide advice about funds through this email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request.

For any other request, notably for information about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned above.


If any provision in these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such provision or part of it will, to the extent that it is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, be deemed not to form part of these Terms and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms will not be affected.


These Terms, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them, are governed by English law. The courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Terms.


In July 2010, the UK’s Financial Reporting Council published "The UK Stewardship Code." This Code comprises a set of guidelines aimed at improving the ways in which institutional investors interact with the management of companies in which they invest. In addition it proposes measures to increase the level of transparency surrounding institutional investors’ activities as shareholders for the benefit of their underlying clients.

This section of the Terms explains how Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) address the measures proposed in these guidelines

BISL provides investment management services to professional investors in the UK which invest via a multi-manager and/or a fund of fund structure. BISL may choose to outsource the selection of stocks, to other investment managers by either investing into a fund or by giving a number of managers a portion of the money raised from underlying fund investors. BISL selects managers through a thorough due diligence process, focusing in every case on identifying managers capable of generating the best risk-adjusted returns in the asset class or strategy for which delegation is sought.

As part of the manager selection process, and on an ongoing basis, BISL will consider numerous factors around the manager’s proposed investment strategy and their performance against that strategy as part of an established due diligence process.

We are signatories to the Stewardship Code. [PDF, 2.2MB]


This Site provides information relating to a number of different funds. Not all funds are available to all investors. To check which funds are available to you, select your country and investor type from the available options. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser.

Our range of funds includes:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund public limited company, Barclays Portfolios SICAV, Barclays Wealth Investment Funds (UK), Barclays Multi-Manager Fund (UK) and Barclays Charity Fund, which are all either authorized or recognised collective investment schemes as defined under Section 237 (3) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) in the UK.


Pursuant to Directive (EU) 2019/1160 (“CBDF”), certain local facilities relating to your investment in a UCITS fund must be made available to investors. In relation to your investment in a UCITS fund, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will make available to investors the following local facilities services:

(i) please refer to the ‘Contacting Us’ section in the Terms & Conditions for information on investor complaints in jurisdictions where your investment is marketed;

(ii) please visit the ‘Documents’ tab relevant to your investment(s) to access the prospectus, the annual and half yearly reports, and the key investor information documents (KIIDs) relating to your investment

These facilities will be made available to you in either an official language of your jurisdiction, or in a language approved by your local regulator. Please note that Barclays Solutions Limited will provide information in respect of the facilities available to you via website, on paper, or, if appropriate, by means of another durable medium.

All applicants must complete an application form prescribed by the directors in relation to the fund. An application form accompanies the fund’s prospectus and sets out the methods by which and to whom the subscription monies should be sent. Every shareholder will have the right to require the company to redeem their shares in the fund on any dealing day on furnishing to the administrator a redemption request. For further detail, please refer to the fund’s prospectus.

If you are a unitholder in the fund and these units are registered in your name on the shareholder register, you will have certain shareholder rights which you can exercise. More details on shareholder rights are set out in the Prospectus and incorporation documents for the Fund.


As an investor in a UCITS fund, and depending on how you invested, you may have certain investor rights arising under contract between yourself and the Fund, for further details on these rights please refer in particular to the Prospectus and to the contractual documentation which you completed in order to make your investment.


Depending on how you invested in the Fund, you may be entitled to avail of certain domestic protections and rights to compensation claims deriving from your local legislation. For further details on such rights please refer to your local investor compensation website, if available.


Furthermore, in the event you perceive you have suffered a loss, you may have a right to seek redress on a collective basis though a collective redress mechanism which has been made available in your local jurisdiction. The availability of access to a local collective redress mechanism will depend on the jurisdiction you are based in and the location of the contract formed with the Fund and how you invested in the Fund. For further details on such rights please refer to your local regulator website.

Within the European Union, Directive (EU) 2020/1828 introduces a harmonised model for representative action aimed at ensuring that consumers are well protected against mass harm but also that appropriate safeguards are in place to avoid abusive lawsuits.

Directive (EU) 2020/1828 entered into force on 24 December 2020 and all member states are supposed to have transposed it into their national laws by 25 December 2022. By 25 June 2023, all member states must have put in place at least one effective procedural mechanism that allows qualified entities, such as consumer organisations or public bodies, to bring lawsuits to court for the purpose of injunction (ceasing or prohibiting) or redress (compensation).

Important Information

This important legal information relates to the website www.barclaysinvestments.com (the "Site") and contains the terms and conditions on which we make it available to you (the “Terms”). The information also includes important information about the regulatory status of some of our companies and important risk warnings. Please read this important information carefully.

Some products, services and investments described on this Site are available on a limited basis only, due to local regulatory and legal requirements.


References to "you" or "your" are references to any person accessing the Site.

References to "we", "us" or "our" are references to Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

References to "Barclays" are references to us, our parent company and any companies we or our parent company totally or partly own at any time.

These Terms govern your use of the Site and by accessing the Site you agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with these Terms you should exit this Site immediately.

We may change these Terms from time to time. We will give you 30 calendar days’ notice of any change where regulatory requirements allow. We will give you this notice via this Site. We encourage you to review the changes made to these Terms.

Where we do so:

  1. we will tell you on the Site the date the change comes into effect;
  2. by continuing to access and use the Site, you will be deemed to have read and accepted any changes to these Terms.

If you do not want to be treated as accepting a change, you should not access or use the Site.

Please note that if you are an existing customer of Barclays Bank PLC, these Terms will apply separately to those contained in your product or service terms, an additional copy of which can be obtained from us. For new customers, those product or service terms will be provided to you before you enter into a contractual relationship in respect of a particular product or service.


We may, in whole or in part, on a permanent or temporary basis, withdraw access to this Site. We may do this without prior notice but, where possible and within the law, we will provide as much reasonable notice as possible.


On this site we use "Strictly Necessary Cookies":

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies are used on this Site. They are used only to enable the functionalities of this Site and provide you with the relevant content corresponding to your selected criteria (i.e. country and investor type). These cookies are not used to collect any information for targeted marketing; and
  • We do not use cookies for purposes of targeted profiling or marketing

When you connect to the Site for the first time, a banner appears in order to enable you to accept or reject the placement of Cookies on your device. Please note that you will be able to withdraw your consent and disable such cookies at any time, as explained in the Cookie policy.

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To learn more about the cookies used on this Site, please read our Cookie policy.


The Site is maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange and NEX. Registered in England. Registered No. 2752982. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. The address of the Financial Conduct Authority is 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.


Risk warnings are provided for your information and protection. We strongly encourage you to read them and to contact us or your local distributor if you have any questions about the features or risks of any investment or service. If you have an account with us, you should raise any questions with your usual contact. Otherwise, we recommend that you seek professional advice.

Investment in the products referred to in this Site may not be suitable for all investors and involve a significant degree of risk. You should read carefully and ensure you understand the risk factors in the relevant prospectus. Any investment information which may be provided on this Site is provided for illustration only. Illustrations of the likely risk and reward properties of possible portfolios and investments on this Site are not specific advice about any investment and you should not rely on them. Any illustrations are accurate at the time of writing only, and may be subject to change.

The recommendations made for your actual portfolio might differ from any asset allocation or strategies outlined on this Site. Please ensure that your portfolio is updated or redefined when your investment objectives or personal circumstances change.


The value of the investments which may be stated in this Site, and the income from them, may fall as well as rise. Past performance of investments is no guide to future performance.

Exchange rate movements can affect the value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies.

You may not get back the amount of capital you invest. Any income projections and yields are estimated and are included for indication only. Further, any valuations given in this Site may not accurately reflect the values at which investments may actually be bought or sold and no allowance has been made for taxation.

Data which may be found on this Site is based on quantitative research and analysis of historic data using current and proposed asset weightings and proprietary projections of expected returns and estimates of future volatility. Data does not reflect actual trading, liquidity constraints, fees and other costs. It should not be taken as a forecast or estimate of likely future returns. As illustrations do not take into account fees and commissions, or taxation, the actual performance of any investment might be more or less than is stated in any illustration.


We do not provide any legal or tax advice and recommend that you obtain your own independent legal advice and independent tax advice, tailored to your particular circumstances, before making any investment. In order to provide you with information on our products and services, we may explain to you our understanding of the general tax position relating to them. We do not assume any legal responsibility for anyone acting on the information provided, and as tax law is subject to frequent change, your position should be checked with an independent professional adviser.


We have duties to you under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and other applicable laws and regulations, and will be liable to you in the circumstances prescribed by those laws and regulations. Save as otherwise provided in these Terms, we will be liable to you for loss you may suffer in respect of the Site and any information on it or in connection with the access of, use of, performance of, browsing in or linking to other sites from this Site or your use or inability to use the Site, only to the extent it results from our wilful default of these Terms, gross negligence or our fraud. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will accept no liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in any other circumstances for loss of any kind, including (without limitation) direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, loss of any profit, goodwill or reputation, expenses or losses arising out of, or in connection with any error, omission, defect, computer virus or system failure, of whatever nature no matter how they may arise, even if expressly advised of the possibility of such loss or damages, unless in the event of gross negligence or wilful misconduct on our part giving rise to said damages.

We will be liable to you for any loss you may suffer as a result of acts or omissions relating to any Site services which we have delegated to any of our agents to the extent we would be liable for our own acts. None of our agents will be directly liable to you in any way.

This Site does not contain information which is intended to be investment, legal, tax or other advice. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice tailored to your personal circumstances before making any investment decision.


We may modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site or any part of it, with or without notice, at any time. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any losses of any kind, no matter how they may arise, for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Site.


Please remember that internet communications are not secure. We cannot accept any responsibility for the unauthorised access by a third party and/or the corruption of data being sent by individuals to the Barclays Group. Some countries prohibit transmission of encrypted data over telephone lines. You should not encrypt data transmitted if you know that doing so would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance relating to your use of internet communications, please contact a legal adviser.


This Site is used and maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited does not collect Personal Information about you through this Site.

It is only in circumstances where you would like to inform us of any technical problem with this Site, through the email address mentioned in the “Contacting us” section below (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), that Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, as a data controller, will collect Personal Information about you - only the Personal Information contained in your email (i.e. your email address, first and last names if mentioned and your message) - in order to answer your request/question. “Personal Information” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Please note that the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site (please see the “Contacting us” section below).

For any other request, notably about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned under the “Contacting us” section. Please note that we do not provide advice about funds through the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request. Your Personal Information will be used only by the authorised teams within Barclays Investment Solutions Limited in order to answer your request. If you wish to access, delete or correct your Personal Information (i.e. the information contained in your email) or object to its use, on legitimate grounds, please send us your request, with a copy of an ID, to barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

The above reflects the way in which we use Personal information, as stated in the Privacy policy of the Site.


Telephone and other communications with the Investment Manager and/or its associated persons may be recorded and retained.


Where we provide hypertext links to third party internet websites, such links are not an endorsement by us of any products or services in such websites. You use such links entirely at your own risk and we accept no responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for the content, use or availability of such websites. We have not verified the truth or accuracy of any content of such websites.

No party is permitted to link any other website to this Site or frame or scrape the content of this Site without obtaining our prior written consent.


No information on this Site should be construed as an offer or recommendation to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction, or to provide any investment advice or service. The information does not take into account individual investor circumstances and no determination has been made regarding the suitability of any investment for any investor. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice, tailored to your personal circumstances, before making any investment decision.


This Site is not directed to, nor intended for distribution or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where the publication or availability of this Site or such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. You should not access the Site or information on this Site if you know that your access would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance on rules governing your use, please contact a legal adviser. In particular, but without limitation, this Site is not directed to, or intended for use by “U.S. Persons” (please see below). By accessing the Site, you hereby confirm that you are not a U.S. Person. If you are a U.S. Person, please exit the Site immediately.

A “U.S. Person” is: (a) a citizen or resident (including a ‘green card’ holder) of the United States; (b) a partnership, corporation, limited liability company or similar entity, organised or incorporated under the laws of the United States or having its principal place of business in the United States, or an entity taxed as such or subject to filing a tax return as such under the United States federal income tax laws; (c) any estate or trust the executor, administrator or trustee of which is a US Person unless (1) in the case of trusts of which any professional fiduciary acting as trustee is a US Person, a trustee who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect of trust assets and no beneficiary of the trust (and no settler if the trust is revocable) is a US Person; (2) in the case of estates of which any professional fiduciary acting as executor or administrator is a US Person, an executor or administrator of the estate who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect to the assets of the estate and the estate is governed by foreign law; (d) any estate the income of which arises from sources outside of the United States, is not effectively connected to a US trade or business and is includible in gross income for purposes of computing United States income tax payable by it; (e) any agency or branch of a foreign entity located in the United States; (f) any trust if a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust, and one or more US Persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust; (g) any discretionary account or non-discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary located within or outside the United States for the benefit or account of a US Person; (h) any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary organised, incorporated or (if an individual) resident in the United States, except that any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held for the benefit or account of a non-US Person by a dealer or other professional fiduciary organised, incorporated (or if an individual) resident in the United States will not be deemed a US Person; (i) any firm, corporation or other entity, regardless of citizenship, domicile, situs or residence if, under the income tax laws of the United States from time to time in effect, any proportion of the income thereof would be taxable to a US Person even if not distributed, other than a passive foreign investment company; (j) any partnership, corporation or other entity if (A) organised or incorporated under the laws of any foreign jurisdiction; and (B) owned or formed by a US Person or Persons principally for the purpose of investing in securities not registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 (including but not limited to Shares of the Sub-Fund), unless it is organised or incorporated, and owned, by accredited investors (as defined in Rule 501(a) under the 1933 Act) who are not natural persons, estates or trusts; (k) any employee benefit plan unless such employee benefit plan is established and administered in accordance with the law of a country other than the United States and customary practices and documentation of such country; (l) a pension plan unless such pension plan is for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States; and (m) any entity organised principally for passive investment such as a commodity pool, investment company or other similar entity (other than a pension plan for the employees, officers or principals of an entity organised and with its principal place of business outside the United States) (1) in which United States persons who are not qualified eligible persons (as defined in Regulation 4.7 under the US Commodity Exchange Act) hold units of participation representing in the aggregate 10% or more of the beneficial interest in the entity; or (2) which has as a principal purpose the facilitating of investment by a United States person in a commodity pool with respect to which the operator is exempt from certain requirements of Part 4 of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s regulations by virtue of its participants being non-United States persons.


Although we have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information provided on this Site is accurate, we give no warranties, guarantee or assurance of any kind, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy, reliability, suitability, quality, availability, timeliness, completeness, functionality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any such information, or as to its results, performance, or non-infringement.

Opinions and any other content of the Site are provided by us for your personal use and informational purposes only. They are subject to change without notice. Barclays has no obligation to update any or all content on this Site.


We give no guarantees or warranties that functions contained on the Site or its content will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Site or content, or any method of access to or storage in either, will be free of viruses or other harmful components. We will not be liable for any damage that may occur, viruses or other harmful components that may infect, or services, repairs or corrections that must be performed on account of your accessing or use of the Site or content. You should take steps to ensure that harmful components, such as viruses, trojans, worms or equivalent or similar harmful components, do not enter your computer system. For further information or advice on security, please read our Security section.


The entire content of the Site is subject to copyright with all rights reserved and is provided only for your personal use. You may print part or all of the Site for your personal use, provided that you retain all copyright and other legal notices and otherwise comply with these Terms. We can revoke these permissions at any time. You may not download any portion of the Site for non-personal use or otherwise reproduce, transmit or modify any portion of the Site without our prior written permission.

Barclays, Barclays Wealth and Barclays Bank PLC are registered trademarks owned by Barclays. Your use of this Site does not give rise to any license of these trademarks. Other trademarks displayed on this Site are the property of their respective owners and are used with their permission.

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All communications between you and us will be in English.

For all account related queries, general enquiries, or to make a complaint, please see the relevant contact details below, depending on the specific fund your enquiry relates to.


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in the Luxembourg domiciled funds, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +352 28 294 111 between 9.00am and 6.00pm Central European Time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com
  • The following postal address:

Barclays Portfolios SICAV
Northern Trust Global Services SE
10, rue du Château d’Eau
L-3364 Leudelange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


To report a fault with this Site, please email barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Please note that this email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site. We do not provide advice about funds through this email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request.

For any other request, notably for information about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned above.


If any provision in these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such provision or part of it will, to the extent that it is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, be deemed not to form part of these Terms and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms will not be affected.


These Terms, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them, are governed by English law. The courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. As regards retail investors and investors who are individuals acting as consumers, the courts of the judicial district of Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement.


In July 2010, the UK’s Financial Reporting Council published "The UK Stewardship Code." This Code comprises a set of guidelines aimed at improving the ways in which institutional investors interact with the management of companies in which they invest. In addition it proposes measures to increase the level of transparency surrounding institutional investors’ activities as shareholders for the benefit of their underlying clients.

This section of the Terms explains how Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) address the measures proposed in these guidelines.

BISL provides investment management services to professional investors in the UK which invest via a multi-manager and/or a fund of fund structure. BISL may choose to outsource the selection of stocks, to other investment managers by either investing into a fund or by giving a number of managers a portion of the money raised from underlying fund investors. BISL selects managers through a thorough due diligence process, focusing in every case on identifying managers capable of generating the best risk-adjusted returns in the asset class or strategy for which delegation is sought.

As part of the manager selection process, and on an ongoing basis, BISL will consider numerous factors around the manager’s proposed investment strategy and their performance against that strategy as part of an established due diligence process.

We are signatories to the Stewardship Code. [PDF, 2.2MB]


This Site provides information relating to a number of different funds. Not all funds are available to all investors. To check which funds are available to you, select your country and investor type from the available options. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser.

Our range of funds includes:

Barclays Portfolios SICAV, société anonyme, registered in Luxembourg as a société d'investissement à capital variable. R.C.S. Luxembourg No. B120.390. Registered Office: 10, rue du Château d’Eau, L-3364 Leudelange, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.


Pursuant to Directive (EU) 2019/1160 (“CBDF”), certain local facilities relating to your investment in a UCITS fund must be made available to investors. In relation to your investment in a UCITS fund, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will make available to investors the following local facilities services:

(i) please refer to the ‘Contacting Us’ section in the Terms & Conditions for information on investor complaints in jurisdictions where your investment is marketed;

(ii) please visit the ‘Documents’ tab relevant to your investment(s) to access the prospectus, the annual and half yearly reports, and the key investor information documents (KIIDs) relating to your investment

These facilities will be made available to you in either an official language of your jurisdiction, or in a language approved by your local regulator. Please note that Barclays Solutions Limited will provide information in respect of the facilities available to you via website, on paper, or, if appropriate, by means of another durable medium.

All applicants must complete an application form prescribed by the directors in relation to the fund. An application form accompanies the fund’s prospectus and sets out the methods by which and to whom the subscription monies should be sent. Every shareholder will have the right to require the company to redeem their shares in the fund on any dealing day on furnishing to the administrator a redemption request. For further detail, please refer to the fund’s prospectus.

If you are a unitholder in the fund and these units are registered in your name on the shareholder register, you will have certain shareholder rights which you can exercise. More details on shareholder rights are set out in the Prospectus and incorporation documents for the Fund.


As an investor in a UCITS fund, and depending on how you invested, you may have certain investor rights arising under contract between yourself and the Fund, for further details on these rights please refer in particular to the Prospectus and to the contractual documentation which you completed in order to make your investment.


Depending on how you invested in the Fund, you may be entitled to avail of certain domestic protections and rights to compensation claims deriving from your local legislation. For further details on such rights please refer to your local investor compensation website, if available.


Furthermore, in the event you perceive you have suffered a loss, you may have a right to seek redress on a collective basis though a collective redress mechanism which has been made available in your local jurisdiction. The availability of access to a local collective redress mechanism will depend on the jurisdiction you are based in and the location of the contract formed with the Fund and how you invested in the Fund. For further details on such rights please refer to your local regulator website.

Within the European Union, Directive (EU) 2020/1828 introduces a harmonised model for representative action aimed at ensuring that consumers are well protected against mass harm but also that appropriate safeguards are in place to avoid abusive lawsuits.

Directive (EU) 2020/1828 entered into force on 24 December 2020 and all member states are supposed to have transposed it into their national laws by 25 December 2022. By 25 June 2023, all member states must have put in place at least one effective procedural mechanism that allows qualified entities, such as consumer organisations or public bodies, to bring lawsuits to court for the purpose of injunction (ceasing or prohibiting) or redress (compensation).

Important Information

This important legal information relates to the website www.barclaysinvestments.com (the "Site") and contains the terms and conditions on which we make it available to you (the “Terms”). The information also includes important information about the regulatory status of some of our companies and important risk warnings. Please read this important information carefully.

Some products, services and investments described on this Site are available on a limited basis only, due to local regulatory and legal requirements.


References to "you" or "your" are references to any person accessing the Site.

References to "we", "us" or "our" are references to Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

References to "Barclays" are references to us, our parent company and any companies we or our parent company totally or partly own at any time.

These Terms govern your use of the Site and by accessing the Site you agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should exit this Site immediately.

We may change these Terms from time to time. We will give you 30 calendar days’ notice of any change where regulatory requirements allow. We will give you this notice via this Site. We encourage you to review the changes made to these Terms.

Where we do so:

  1. we will tell you on the Site the date the change comes into effect;
  2. by continuing to access and use the Site, we will assume that you have read and accepted any changes to these Terms.

If you do not want to be treated as accepting a change, you should not access or use the Site.

Please note that if you are an existing customer of Barclays Bank PLC, these Terms will apply separately to those contained in your product or service terms, an additional copy of which can be obtained from us. For new customers, those product or service terms will be provided to you before you enter into a contractual relationship in respect of a particular product or service.


We may, in whole or in part, on a permanent or temporary basis, withdraw access to this Site. We may do this without prior notice but, where possible and within the law, we will provide as much reasonable notice as possible.


On this site we use "Strictly Necessary Cookies":

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies are used on this Site. They are used only to enable the functionalities of this Site and provide you with the relevant content corresponding to your selected criteria (i.e. country and investor type). These cookies are not used to collect any information for targeted marketing; and
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When you connect to the Site for the first time, a banner appears in order to enable you to accept or reject the placement of Cookies on your device. Please note that you will be able to withdraw your consent and disable such cookies at any time, as explained in the Cookie policy.

Strictly Necessary Cookies are kept as long as they are not actively disabled. Please note that if you choose to disable Strictly Necessary Cookies, we will not be able to provide you with access to the areas of the Site that suit your selected criteria (i.e. country and type of investor).

To learn more about the cookies used on this Site, please read our Cookie policy.


The Site is maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange and NEX. Registered in England. Registered No. 2752982. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. The address of the Financial Conduct Authority is 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.


Risk warnings are provided for your information and protection. We strongly encourage you to read them and to contact us or your local distributor if you have any questions about the features or risks of any investment or service. If you have an account with us, you should raise any questions with your usual contact. Otherwise, we recommend that you seek professional advice.

The Funds are offered solely on the basis of the information and representations contained in the Prospectus, and the Key Investor Information Documents (KIID) or Simplified Prospectus (the "Offering Documents"). Prospective investors are cautioned that the Offering Documents should also be read in their entirety before making an application to invest in the funds. Investors or prospective investors should rely on the latest published version of the Offering Documents, a copy of which may be obtained from this website, www.barclaysinvestments.com. If you are in any doubt about the contents of the Offering Documents, you should consult an independent investment adviser.

Investment in the products referred to in this Site may not be suitable for all investors and involve a significant degree of risk. You should read carefully and ensure you understand the risk factors in the relevant prospectus. Any investment information which may be provided on this Site is provided for illustration only. Illustrations of the likely risk and reward properties of possible portfolios and investments on this Site are not specific advice about any investment and you should not rely on them. Any illustrations are accurate at the time of writing only, and may be subject to change.

The recommendations made for your actual portfolio might differ from any asset allocation or strategies outlined on this Site. Please ensure that your portfolio is updated or redefined when your investment objectives or personal circumstances change.


The value of the investments which may be stated in this Site, and the income from them, may fall as well as rise. Past performance of investments is no guide to future performance.

Exchange rate movements can affect the value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies.

You may not get back the amount of capital you invest. Any income projections and yields are estimated and are included for indication only. Further, any valuations given in this Site may not accurately reflect the values at which investments may actually be bought or sold and no allowance has been made for taxation.

Data which may be found on this Site is based on quantitative research and analysis of historic data using current and proposed asset weightings and proprietary projections of expected returns and estimates of future volatility. Data does not reflect actual trading, liquidity constraints, fees and other costs. It should not be taken as a forecast or estimate of likely future returns. As illustrations do not take into account fees and commissions, or taxation, the actual performance of any investment might be more or less than is stated in any illustration.


We do not provide any legal or tax advice and recommend that you obtain your own independent legal advice and independent tax advice, tailored to your particular circumstances, before making any investment. In order to provide you with information on our products and services, we may explain to you our understanding of the general tax position relating to them. We do not assume any legal responsibility for anyone acting on the information provided, and as tax law is subject to frequent change, your position should be checked with an independent professional adviser.


We have duties to you under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and other applicable laws and regulations, and will be liable to you in the circumstances prescribed by those laws and regulations. Save as otherwise provided in these Terms, we will be liable to you for loss you may suffer in respect of the Site and any information on it or in connection with the access of, use of, performance of, browsing in or linking to other sites from this Site or your use or inability to use the Site, only to the extent it results from our wilful default of these Terms or our fraud. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will accept no liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in any other circumstances for loss of any kind, including (without limitation) direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, loss of any profit, goodwill or reputation, expenses or losses arising out of, or in connection with any error, omission, defect, computer virus or system failure, of whatever nature no matter how they may arise, even if expressly advised of the possibility of such loss or damages.

We will be liable to you for any loss you may suffer as a result of acts or omissions relating to any Site services which we have delegated to any of our agents to the extent we would be liable for our own acts. None of our agents will be directly liable to you in any way.

This Site does not contain information which is intended to be investment, legal, tax or other advice. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice tailored to your personal circumstances before making any investment decision.


We may modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site or any part of it, with or without notice, at any time. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any losses of any kind, no matter how they may arise, for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Site.


Please remember that internet communications are not secure. We cannot accept any responsibility for the unauthorised access by a third party and/or the corruption of data being sent by individuals to the Barclays Group. Some countries prohibit transmission of encrypted data over telephone lines. You should not encrypt data transmitted if you know that doing so would contravene applicable local, national or international laws. For guidance relating to your use of internet communications, please contact a legal adviser.


This Site is used and maintained by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited does not collect Personal Information about you through this Site.

It is only in circumstances where you would like to inform us of any technical problem with this Site, through the email address mentioned in the “Contacting us” section below (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), that Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, as a data controller, will collect Personal Information about you - only the Personal Information contained in your email (i.e. your email address, first and last names if mentioned and your message) - in order to answer your request/question. “Personal Information” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Please note that the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site (please see the “Contacting us” section below).

For any other request, notably about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned under the “Contacting us” section. Please note that we do not provide advice about funds through the “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request. Your Personal Information will be used only by the authorised teams within Barclays Investment Solutions Limited in order to answer your request. If you wish to access, delete or correct your Personal Information (i.e. the information contained in your email) or object to its use, on legitimate grounds, please send us your request, with a copy of an ID, to barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

The above reflects the way in which we use Personal information, as stated in the Privacy policy of the Site.


Telephone and other communications with the Investment Manager and/or its associated persons may be recorded and retained.


Where we provide hypertext links to third party internet websites, such links are not an endorsement by us of any products or services in such websites. You use such links entirely at your own risk and we accept no responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for the content, use or availability of such websites. We have not verified the truth or accuracy of any content of such websites.

No party is permitted to link any other website to this Site or frame or scrape the content of this Site without obtaining our prior written consent.


No information on this Site should be construed as an offer or recommendation to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction, or to provide any investment advice or service. The information does not take into account individual investor circumstances and no determination has been made regarding the suitability of any investment for any investor. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice, tailored to your personal circumstances, before making any investment decision.


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All communications between you and us will be in English.

For all account related queries, general enquiries, or to make a complaint, please see the relevant contact details below, depending on the specific fund your enquiry relates to.


If you are an investor in, or wish to invest in the Luxembourg domiciled Barclays Portfolios SICAV, please contact:

  • Your usual Barclays contact or professional financial adviser
  • The helpline on +352 28 294 111 between 9.00am and 6.00pm Central European Time (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
  • The following email address: barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com
  • The following postal address: 

Barclays Portfolios SICAV
Northern Trust Global Services SE
10, rue du Château d’Eau
L-3364 Leudelange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


To report a fault with this Site, please email barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Please note that this email address should be used only to inform us of technical problems with this Site. We do not provide advice about funds through this email address, so it is not necessary to send us information about your personal circumstances. We encourage you to mention as little Personal Information as possible in your email and only information necessary to answer your request.

For any other request, notably for information about the funds, please contact directly the relevant entity or service mentioned above.


If any provision in these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such provision or part of it will, to the extent that it is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, be deemed not to form part of these Terms and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms will not be affected.


These Terms, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them, are governed by English law. The courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with these Terms.


In July 2010, the UK’s Financial Reporting Council published "The UK Stewardship Code." This Code comprises a set of guidelines aimed at improving the ways in which institutional investors interact with the management of companies in which they invest. In addition it proposes measures to increase the level of transparency surrounding institutional investors’ activities as shareholders for the benefit of their underlying clients.

This section of the Terms explains how Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) address the measures proposed in these guidelines.

BISL provides investment management services to professional investors in the UK which invest via a multi-manager and/or a fund of fund structure. BISL may choose to outsource the selection of stocks, to other investment managers by either investing into a fund or by giving a number of managers a portion of the money raised from underlying fund investors. BISL selects managers through a thorough due diligence process, focusing in every case on identifying managers capable of generating the best risk-adjusted returns in the asset class or strategy for which delegation is sought.

As part of the manager selection process, and on an ongoing basis, BISL will consider numerous factors around the manager’s proposed investment strategy and their performance against that strategy as part of an established due diligence process.

We are signatories to the Stewardship Code. [PDF, 2.2MB]


Barclays Portfolios SICAV is authorised as an undertaking for the collective investment in transferable securities under the laws of Luxembourg. Barclays Portfolio SICAV has passported various of its sub-funds into Malta in terms of the Investment Services Act (Marketing of UCITS) Regulations and therefore may market such sub-funds to investors in Malta. Information in relation to the sub-funds which have been passported into Malta is available on this website.


Pursuant to Directive (EU) 2019/1160 (“CBDF”), certain local facilities relating to your investment in a UCITS fund must be made available to investors. In relation to your investment in a UCITS fund, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited will make available to investors the following local facilities services:

(i) please refer to the ‘Contacting Us’ section in the Terms & Conditions for information on investor complaints in jurisdictions where your investment is marketed;

(ii) please visit the ‘Documents’ tab relevant to your investment(s) to access the prospectus, the annual and half yearly reports, and the key investor information documents (KIIDs) relating to your investment

These facilities will be made available to you in either an official language of your jurisdiction, or in a language approved by your local regulator. Please note that Barclays Solutions Limited will provide information in respect of the facilities available to you via website, on paper, or, if appropriate, by means of another durable medium.

All applicants must complete an application form prescribed by the directors in relation to the fund. An application form accompanies the fund’s prospectus and sets out the methods by which and to whom the subscription monies should be sent. Every shareholder will have the right to require the company to redeem their shares in the fund on any dealing day on furnishing to the administrator a redemption request. For further detail, please refer to the fund’s prospectus.

If you are a unitholder in the fund and these units are registered in your name on the shareholder register, you will have certain shareholder rights which you can exercise. More details on shareholder rights are set out in the Prospectus and incorporation documents for the Fund.


As an investor in a UCITS fund, and depending on how you invested, you may have certain investor rights arising under contract between yourself and the Fund, for further details on these rights please refer in particular to the Prospectus and to the contractual documentation which you completed in order to make your investment.


Depending on how you invested in the Fund, you may be entitled to avail of certain domestic protections and rights to compensation claims deriving from your local legislation. For further details on such rights please refer to your local investor compensation website, if available.


Furthermore, in the event you perceive you have suffered a loss, you may have a right to seek redress on a collective basis though a collective redress mechanism which has been made available in your local jurisdiction. The availability of access to a local collective redress mechanism will depend on the jurisdiction you are based in and the location of the contract formed with the Fund and how you invested in the Fund. For further details on such rights please refer to your local regulator website.

Within the European Union, Directive (EU) 2020/1828 introduces a harmonised model for representative action aimed at ensuring that consumers are well protected against mass harm but also that appropriate safeguards are in place to avoid abusive lawsuits.

Directive (EU) 2020/1828 entered into force on 24 December 2020 and all member states are supposed to have transposed it into their national laws by 25 December 2022. By 25 June 2023, all member states must have put in place at least one effective procedural mechanism that allows qualified entities, such as consumer organisations or public bodies, to bring lawsuits to court for the purpose of injunction (ceasing or prohibiting) or redress (compensation).


A continuación se incluye información importante de naturaleza legal que se refiere a esta página web (la “Página Web”) y contiene los términos y condiciones en virtud de los cuales ponemos la Página Web a su disposición. La información incluye también información importante sobre la situación regulatoria de alguna de nuestras entidades e importantes advertencias sobre riesgos. Por favor, lea detenidamente esta información importante.

Esta Página Web está diseñada para proporcionar información a inversores existentes en nuestra gama de fondos domiciliados en Luxemburgo, Malta o Irlanda y registrados en el registro de “Instituciones de Inversión Colectiva extranjeras distribuidas en España” de CNMV:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund PLC (número de registro en CNMV 598)

Barclays Portfolios SICAV (número de registro en CNMV 554)

No todos los subfondos y clases de acciones de los fondos anteriores están registrados para su distribución en España.

Información importante:

La presente información legal importante se refiere al sitio webwww.barclaysinvestments.com (en adelante, el "sitio web") y contiene los términos y condiciones en los que se pone a su disposición (en adelante, las “Condiciones Generales”). La información incluye también información importante sobre el estatus normativo de algunas de nuestras empresas, así como importantes advertencias sobre riesgo. Rogamos lea detenidamente esta información.

Algunos de los productos, servicios e inversiones que se describen en este sitio web estarán disponibles únicamente de forma temporal, como consecuencia de normativas locales y de los requisitos legales.


Toda referencia a “Usted” o “su” se entenderá realizada a cualquier persona que acceda al sitio web.

Las referencias a "nosotros” o "nuestro" se entenderán realizadas a Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

Toda referencia al “Barclays” se entenderá realizada a nosotros, a nuestra sociedad matriz o a alguna de las entidades de las que, en cualquier momento, seamos total o parcialmente titulares tanto nosotros como nuestra sociedad matriz.

Las presentes Condiciones Generales regirán su uso del sitio web; accediendo al sitio web estará prestando su consentimiento a las mismas. En caso de que no esté de acuerdo con estas Condiciones Generales, rogamos abandone este sitio web de forma inmediata.

Podremos modificar estas Condiciones Generales de forma periódica. Cuando las exigencias legales nos lo permitan, le avisaremos de tales cambios con 30 días de antelación. Le informaremos a través de este sitio web. Le animamos a que revise los cambios de estas Condiciones Generales.

Cuando lo hagamos:

  1. le informaremos de la fecha de entrada en vigor de los cambios a través del sitio web.
  2. si continúa accediendo y utilizando el sitio web, entenderemos que ha leído y aceptado todos los cambios de las presentes Condiciones Generales.

Si no quiere que interpretemos que ha aceptado los cambios, deberá abstenerse de acceder o utilizar el sitio web.

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Podremos suspender el acceso al sitio web, de forma total o parcial, permanente o temporal. Y podremos hacerlo sin previo aviso, si bien siempre que sea factible, y dentro de los términos legales, le informaremos con la mayor antelación posible.


En este Sitio, usamos «Cookies estrictamente necesarias»:

  • en este Sitio, se usan Cookies estrictamente necesarias. Solamente se emplean para permitir las funcionalidades del Sitio y facilitarle el contenido pertinente que corresponde a los criterios seleccionados (es decir, país y tipo de inversor). Estas cookies no se utilizan para recabar ninguna información destinada a fines de marketing dirigido; y
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Para obtener más información sobre las cookies utilizadas en este Sitio, le rogamos que consulte la Política de cookies.


Este Sitio está gestionado por Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited está autorizada y regulada por la Autoridad de la Conducta Financiera y es miembro de la Bolsa de Londres y la Bolsa NEX. Registrada en Inglaterra. Número de registro: 2752982. Domicilio social: 1 Churchill Place, Londres E14 5HP. La dirección de la Autoridad de la Conducta Financiera es 12 Endeavour Square, Londres, E20 1JN.


Las advertencias de riesgo se facilitan para su información y protección. Le animamos a que las lea y se ponga en contacto con nosotros o con su distribuidor local en caso de que tenga alguna pregunta sobre las características o sobre el riesgo derivado de una inversión o servicio. Si tiene una cuenta con nosotros, debe remitir sus preguntas a su contacto habitual. De no ser así, le recomendamos que busque asesoramiento profesional.

La inversión en los productos que aparecen en este sitio web puede no resultar adecuada para todos los inversores, y entrañan un importante nivel de riesgo. Debe leer detenidamente los factores de riesgo que aparecen en los correspondientes folletos y asegurarse de que los entiende. Toda información sobre inversiones recogida en este sitio web se ofrece exclusivamente a modo de ejemplo. Los ejemplos sobre probabilidad de riesgo y la capacidad de rendimiento de las posibles carteras e inversiones que aparecen en este sitio web no pueden interpretarse como asesoramiento específico sobre una inversión, por lo que no debe basarse en ellos. Los ejemplos únicamente son precisos en la fecha de su redacción, y pueden estar sujetos a cambios.

Las recomendaciones sobre su cartera actual podrían diferir respecto de las asignaciones de activos o de las estrategias descritas en este sitio web. Asegúrese de que su cartera está actualizada y ha sido rediseñada en consonancia con los cambios en sus objetivos de inversión o en sus circunstancias personales.


Tanto el valor de las inversiones reflejado en este sitio web como los beneficios derivados de las mismas podrían aumentar o reducirse. La rentabilidad pasada de una inversión no es indicativa de una rentabilidad futura.

Los movimientos en los tipos de cambio podrían afectar al valor de las inversiones que conlleven exposición a moneda extranjera.

Podría no recuperar el valor del capital invertido. Las predicciones sobre beneficios e ingresos son estimativas, y se incluyen exclusivamente a título de ejemplo. Además, las valoraciones que se proporcionan a través de este sitio web podrían no reflejar con exactitud el valor al que las inversiones pueden comprarse o venderse, y no se incluyen eventuales exenciones fiscales.

Los datos que puede encontrar en el sitio web se basan en investigaciones y análisis cuantitativos de datos históricos que utilizan ponderaciones de los activos propuestos y actuales, y previsiones sobre rendimientos futuros y estimaciones sobre volatilidad futura. Los datos no reflejan variaciones reales, restricciones de liquidez, tasas u otros costes. No deben considerarse predicciones o estimaciones sobre posibles beneficios futuros. Habida cuenta de que los ejemplos no tienen en consideración corretajes, comisiones ni impuestos, la rentabilidad real de una inversión podría ser superior o inferior a lo reflejado en el ejemplo.


No ofrecemos asesoramiento legal ni tributario; antes de realizar una inversión, recomendamos que recabe su propio asesoramiento legal y tributario independiente, adaptado a sus circunstancias concretas. Con el fin de ofrecerle información sobre nuestros productos y servicios, le expondremos nuestra opinión sobre las consecuencias tributarias genéricas que se derivan de los mismos. No asumiremos responsabilidad legal alguna frente a aquellos que actúen basándose en la información facilitada, y, teniendo en cuenta que la legislación fiscal está sujeta a cambios frecuentes, debe verificar su posición con un asesor profesional independiente.


En aplicación de la Ley de Mercados y Servicios Financieros de 2000 y de las demás leyes y reglamentos aplicables, tenemos obligaciones ante usted, y, en las circunstancias previstas en dichas leyes y reglamentos, seremos responsables frente a usted. Salvo que en las presentes Condiciones Generales se establezca otra cosa, únicamente seremos responsables de las pérdidas en que pudiere incurrir en relación con el sitio web y con toda información contenida en el mismo, o en relación con el acceso, uso, rendimiento, navegación o vínculos a otros sitios web desde este, o de su uso o imposibilidad de uso del sitio web, en la medida en que ello tenga como causa un incumplimiento intencional por nuestra parte de las presentes Condiciones Generales, o resulte imputable a nuestra actuación fraudulenta. En la medida en que la ley así lo permita, no aceptaremos responsabilidad alguna (ni contractual ni por negligencia u otro título) por daños de cualquier tipo, incluyendo, entre otros, daños directos, indirectos, incidentales, especiales o consecuentes, lucro cesante, pérdida de fondo de comercio o de buen nombre, gastos o costes derivados o relacionados con un error, omisión, defecto, virus informático o daño en el sistema, cualquiera que sea su naturaleza y con independencia de su origen, incluso en los casos en que le hubiéramos advertido de los mismos.

Seremos responsables ante Ud. por las pérdidas en que pudiere incurrir como consecuencia de actos u omisiones relacionados con alguno de los servicios del sitio web que hayamos delegado en alguno de nuestros representantes, en la misma medida en que lo seríamos por nuestros propios actos. Ninguno de nuestros representantes será en ningún caso directamente responsable ante Ud.

Este sitio web no contiene información tendente a ofrecer asesoramiento sobre inversiones, ni legal, fiscal o de algún otro tipo. Antes de tomar una decisión sobre inversiones debe recabar asesoramiento profesional específico, adecuado a sus circunstancias personales.


Podremos alterar, suspender, o interrumpir el sitio web o una parte del mismo, de forma temporal o permanente, con o sin previo aviso y en cualquier momento. Ud. reconoce nuestra ausencia de responsabilidad tanto frente a Ud. como frente cualquier tercero por cualesquiera pérdidas que pudieren derivarse (cualquiera que sea la forma) de dicha alteración, suspensión o interrupción del sitio web.


Recuerde que las comunicaciones a través de internet no son seguras salvo que los datos se remitan de forma encriptada. No podemos asumir responsabilidad alguna por el acceso de terceros no autorizados, ni por la eventual corrupción de los datos que se envíen al Grupo Barclays. Algunos países prohíben la transmisión de datos encriptados a través de líneas telefónicas. Debe abstenerse de encriptar los datos enviados si sabe que ello resulta contrario a las leyes locales, nacionales o internacionales aplicables. Para obtener información sobre su uso de las comunicaciones de internet, rogamos consulte con un asesor legal.


Este sitio web es utilizado y mantenido por Barclays Investment Solutions Limited.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited no recopilará Información Personal sobre usted a través de este sitio web.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, en su condición de responsable del fichero, recopilará Información Personal sobre Ud. exclusivamente en el caso de que quiera informarnos sobre algún problema técnico relacionado con este sitio web a través del apartado “Contacto” que aparece más adelante (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), y únicamente recopilará aquella Información Personal que aparezca en su correo electrónico (esto es, su dirección de correo electrónico, nombre y apellidos si hiciera mención a los mismos, y su mensaje), con el fin de poder dar respuesta a su solicitud/petición. Por “Información Personal” se entenderá toda información referida a una persona física identificada o identificable.

Tenga en cuenta que la dirección de correo electrónico “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” únicamente deberá utilizarse para informarnos sobre problemas técnicos con este sitio web.

Para cualquier otra solicitud, y, en especial, para cualquier información sobre fondos, rogamos se dirija directamente a la entidad o servicio correspondiente que se mencione en el apartado “Contacto”. Tenga en cuenta que a través de la dirección de correo electrónico “barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com” no ofrecemos asesoramiento sobre fondos, por lo que no es necesario que nos envíe información sobre sus circunstancias personales. Le animamos a que en su correo electrónico incluya la menor cantidad de Información posible, mencionando únicamente aquella que resulte necesaria para poder dar respuesta a su petición. Su Información Personal será utilizada exclusivamente por los equipos autorizados de Barclays Investment Solutions Limited con el fin de dar respuesta a su petición. Si desea acceder, suprimir o rectificar su Información Personal (es decir, la información contenida en su correo electrónico) u oponerse fundadamente a su uso, rogamos nos remita su solicitud, con una copia de su documento de identidad, a barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Lo anterior refleja la forma en la que utilizamos la Información Personal, según lo expuesto en la Política de Privacidaddel sitio web.


Las comunicaciones telefónicas y otras comunicaciones con el Gerente de Inversiones y/o sus personas asociadas pueden ser grabadas y retenidas.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited emite información y materiales en inglés y también puede emitir información y materiales en otros idiomas. La aceptación continua del destinatario de la información y los materiales de Barclays Investment Solutions Limited constituirá el consentimiento del destinatario para recibir dicha información y materiales, cuando corresponda, en más de un idioma.


Facilitamos vínculos de hipertexto a sitio web de terceros; tales vínculos no suponen nuestro respaldo a los productos o servicios que aparecen en dichos sitio web. El uso de tales vínculos se realizará a su entero riesgo, y no asumiremos responsabilidad u obligación alguna por el contenido, uso o disponibilidad de tales sitios web. No comprobamos su veracidad ni la exactitud de su contenido.

No se permite vincular este sitio web a otro, ni incluir una parte o fragmento del contenido de este sitio web en otro, salvo con nuestro previo consentimiento escrito.


En ningún caso deberá interpretarse la información contenida en este sitio web como una oferta o recomendación para adquirir, mantener o disponer de una inversión, o para llevar a efecto cualquier otra transacción, o como asesoramiento sobre inversiones o servicios. La información facilitada no tiene en cuenta las circunstancias concretas de cada inversor individual, y no se formulan conclusiones sobre la idoneidad de una inversión para un inversor concreto. Antes de tomar una decisión sobre inversiones debe recabar asesoramiento profesional específico, adecuado a sus circunstancias personales.


Este sitio web no está destinado ni tiene como fin su distribución o uso por personas o entidades de países o jurisdicciones en los que la publicación o disponibilidad del mismo, o su distribución o uso, resulte contrario a las leyes o reglamentos locales. Si sabe que su acceso resulta contrario a una ley local, nacional o internacional aplicable, debe abstenerse de acceder al sitio web o a la información contenida en el mismo. Para obtener información sobre las normas que regulan su uso, rogamos contacte con un asesor legal. En particular, y entre otros, este sitio web no está dirigido ni diseñado para su uso por “Ciudadanos Estadounidenses” (véase a continuación). Accediendo a este sitio web estará declarando que no tiene la condición de Ciudadano Estadounidense. Si es Ud. un Ciudadano Estadounidense, rogamos abandone este sitio web de inmediato.

Por “Ciudadano Estadounidense” se entenderá: (a) todo ciudadano o residente en Estados Unidos (incluyendo los titulares de la “tarjeta verde”); (b) toda asociación, corporación, sociedad mercantil de responsabilidad limitada o entidad análoga organizada o constituida al amparo de la legislación de Estados Unidos, o que tenga su centro de negocios principal en Estados Unidos, o cualquier entidad que tribute como tal o esté obligada a presentar declaraciones de impuestos al amparo de las leyes federales de Estados Unidos sobre impuestos sobre beneficios; (c) todo patrimonio o fideicomiso cuyo albacea, administrador o fideicomisario tenga la condición de Ciudadano Estadounidense, salvo (1) en el caso de fideicomisos en los que el fiduciario profesional que actúe como fideicomisario tenga la condición de Ciudadano Estadounidense, o cuando el fideicomisario que no tenga la condición de Ciudadano Estadounidense y que disponga de facultades discrecionales, exclusivas o conjuntas, para invertir los activos del fideicomiso, siempre que ninguno de los beneficiarios del mismo (ni de los fideicomitentes si el fideicomiso fuera revocable) tuviera la condición de Ciudadano Estadounidense; (2) en el caso de patrimonios en los que actúe como albacea o administrador un fiduciario profesional que tenga la condición de Ciudadano Estadounidense, o cuyo albacea o administrador no tenga la condición de Ciudadano Estadounidense pero disponga de facultades discrecionales (de forma exclusiva o conjunta) para invertir los activos del patrimonio, cuando el patrimonio esté sujeto a la legislación extranjera; (d) todo patrimonio cuyos ingresos tengan su origen fuera de los Estados Unidos, no estén directamente vinculados a una operación o transacción comercial en Estados Unidos, y puedan incluirse en los resultados brutos a los efectos de computar los ingresos imponibles estadounidenses por los que haya de tributar; (e) toda agencia o sucursal de una entidad extranjera con sede en Estados Unidos; (f) todo fideicomiso sobre el que un tribunal con sede en Estados Unidos pueda ejercer facultades de supervisión directa sobre su administración, cuando uno o más Ciudadanos Estadounidenses tengan facultades de control sobre todas las decisiones trascendentes que afecten al fideicomiso; (g) toda cuenta discrecional, no discrecional o análoga (que no tenga la consideración de patrimonio o fideicomiso) bajo la titularidad de un corredor u otro fiduciario ubicado tanto dentro como fuera de Estados Unidos que redunde en beneficio de un Ciudadano Estadounidense, o que se ostente por su cuenta; (h) no se entenderá Ciudadano Estadounidense aquellas cuentas discrecionales o análogas (distintas de un patrimonio o fideicomiso) bajo la titularidad de un corredor u otro fiduciario organizado, constituido o, si fuera persona física, residente en Estados Unidos, salvo aquellas cuentas discrecionales o análogas (que no sean patrimonios ni fideicomisos) que ostente un corredor u otro fiduciario profesional organizado o constituido en Estados Unidos (o, si fuera persona física, residente en Estados Unidos) en beneficio o por cuenta de un ciudadano no estadounidense; (i) todo organismo, corporación o entidad, con independencia de su nacionalidad, domicilio, residencia o ubicación, si, al amparo de las leyes tributarias estadounidenses sobre rentas e ingresos en vigor en cada momento, un Ciudadano Estadounidense viniere obligado a declarar fiscalmente una parte de los beneficios obtenidos a partir de los mismos, aun cuando no se hubieren distribuido, salvo cuando se trate de una empresa de inversión pasiva extranjera; (j) toda asociación, corporación u otra entidad cuanto (A) esté organizada o se haya constituido al amparo de una legislación extranjera, y (B) sea propiedad de uno o más Ciudadanos Estadounidenses o esté compuesta principalmente por uno o más Ciudadanos Estadounidenses, y tenga como fin invertir en valores no registrados según la Ley de Mercado de Valores de EE.UU de 1933 (incluyendo, entre otros, las Acciones del Subfondo), salvo que se hubiere organizado o constituido, y fuere propiedad de inversores acreditados (según la definición de la Norma 501/(A) de la Ley de 1933) que no sean personas físicas, patrimonios ni fideicomisos; (k) todo empleado beneficiario de un plan de pensiones, salvo cuando dicho plan se hubiera constituido y estuviera administrado al amparo de la legislación de un país distinto de Estados Unidos, y de conformidad con las prácticas habituales y la documentación de dicho país; (l) los planes de pensiones, salvo aquellos destinados a trabajadores, ejecutivos o directores de una entidad organizada fuera de Estados Unidos y cuyo principal centro de negocios radique fuera de Estados Unidos; y (m) toda entidad organizada principalmente con fines de inversión pasiva, como un consorcio de bienes tangibles, una sociedad inversora o una entidad similar (que no tenga la consideración de plan de pensiones para empleados, ejecutivos o directivos de una entidad organizada fuera de Estados Unidos cuyo principal centro de negocios se encuentre fuera de dicho país) (1) en la que ningún Ciudadano Estadounidense que no tengan la condición de personas elegibles cualificadas (en los términos de la Norma 4.7 de la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías de Estados Unidos) ostente una participación que represente, en conjunto, el 10% o más de los intereses en la entidad; o (2) que tenga como objetivo principal facilitar a un Ciudadano Estadounidense la inversión en un consorcio de bienes tangibles cuyo operador esté exento de dar cumplimiento a alguno de los requisitos contenidos en la Parte 4 de las normas de la Comisión sobre el Mercado de Bienes Futuros de Estados Unidos como consecuencia de la participación en el mismo de personas que no tengan la condición de ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos.


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Para todas las consultas relacionadas con la cuenta, consultas generales o para presentar una queja, consulte los datos de contacto pertinentes a continuación, dependiendo del fondo especifico al que se refiere su consulta.


Si es inversor de nuestros fondos domiciliados en Luxemburgo, o si desea invertir en ellos, póngase en contacto con:

  • su asesor financiero profesional o la persona con la que suele hablar de Barclays
  • llamando al +352 28 294 111 entre las 9.00 y las 18.00 CET (de lunes a viernes, excepto festivos) o
  • por correo electrónico a la dirección: barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com
  • La siguiente dirección postal:

Barclays Portfolios SICAV
Northern Trust Global Services SE
10, rue du Château d’Eau
L-3364 Leudelange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


Si es inversor de nuestros fondos domiciliados en Irlanda, o si desea invertir en ellos, póngase en contacto con:

  • su asesor financiero profesional o la persona con la que suele hablar de Barclays
  • llamando al +353 (0) 1 434 5131 entre las 9.00 y las 17.15 hora irlandesa (de lunes a viernes, excepto festivos) o
  • por correo electrónico a la dirección: barclays_ta@ntrs.com.
  • Los clientes de Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) deben ponerse en contacto con su Responsable de Servicios de Inversión, llamando al 0333 202 7478 entre las 9.00 y las 18.00 horas (de lunes a viernes, excepto festivos).
  • La siguiente dirección postal:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund plc
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
2nd Floor, Block A, City East Plaza, Towlerton, Ballysimon, Limerick, V94 X2N9, Ireland


Para informar de un fallo en este Sitio, les rogamos que escriban a barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Tenga en cuenta que esta dirección de correo electrónico únicamente deberá utilizarse para informarnos sobre problemas técnicos con este sitio web. No ofrecemos asesoramiento sobre fondos a través de esta dirección de correo electrónico, por lo que no es necesario que nos envíe información sobre sus circunstancias personales. Le animamos a que en su correo electrónico incluya la menor cantidad de Información posible, mencionando únicamente aquella que resulte necesaria para poder dar respuesta a su petición.

Para cualquier otra solicitud, y, en especial, para cualquier información sobre fondos, rogamos contacte directamente con la entidad o servicio correspondiente de los anteriormente mencionados.


Si alguna de las disposiciones de las presentes Condiciones Generales fuera declarada contraria a la ley, inválida o ineficaz, total o parcialmente, dicha disposición o parte de la misma, en la medida en que sea ilegal, inválida o ineficaz, se entenderá excluida de estas Condiciones; la legalidad, validez y eficacia del resto de las Condiciones Generales no se verá afectada.


Las presentes Condiciones Generales, y toda obligación extracontractual que pudiere derivarse de las mismas o estuviera relacionada con ellas, estarán sometidas a la legislación británica Los tribunales británicos tendrán la competencia exclusiva para resolver toda controversia relacionada con este Contrato o que se derive del mismo, así como para conocer de toda obligación extracontractual que pudiere tener su origen en estas Condiciones Generales o guardar relación con las mismas.


En este Sitio, ofrecemos información sobre una serie de fondos diferentes. No todos los fondos se encuentran a disposición de todos los inversores. Para saber a qué fondos puede acceder, seleccione su país y el tipo de inversor entre las opciones disponibles. Si tiene alguna duda, póngase en contacto con su asesor financiero profesional o la persona con la que suele hablar de Barclays.


En julio de 2010, el Consejo británico de Información Financiera (Financial Reporting Council) publicaba el «Código de Gestión del Reino Unido» (UK Stewardship Code). En él se incluyen una serie de pautas destinadas a mejorar la interacción de los inversores institucionales con la dirección de las sociedades en las que invierten. Asimismo propone medidas para incrementar el nivel de transparencia de las actividades de inversores institucionales como accionistas, en beneficio de sus clientes últimos.

En este apartado de las Condiciones se explica cómo abordará Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) las medidas que se proponen en dichas pautas.

BISL proporciona servicios de gestión de inversiones a inversores profesionales en el Reino Unido que invierten a través de un administrador múltiple y / o un fondo de estructura de fondos. BISL puede optar por externalizar la selección de acciones a otros gestores de inversiones, ya sea invirtiendo en un fondo o proporcionando a una serie de gestores una parte del dinero criado de los inversores en los fondos subyacentes para su inversión. BISL selecciona a los gestores usando una completa investigación de due diligence, centrándonos siempre en identificar gestores capaces de generar puedan conseguir la máxima rentabilidad ajustada al riesgo en la estrategia o clase de activo de la cual para lo cual se solicita delegación.

Como parte de este proceso de selección de gestores, y con carácter permanente, BISL consideraremos numerosos factores de la estrategia de inversión propuesta por el gestor, así como los resultados que han obtenido con esta como parte de un proceso de diligencia debida establecido.

Somos signatarios del Código de Gestión del Reino Unido» (UK Stewardship Code [PDF, 2.2MB])


Barclays Multi-Manager Fund public limited company, Barclays Portfolios SICAV, Barclays Wealth Investment Funds (UK), Barclays Multi-Manager Fund (UK) y Barclays Charity Fund, que constituyen todos organismos de inversión colectiva autorizados o reconocidos conforme a la definición de la sección 237 (3) de la Ley británica sobre mercados y servicios financieros (Financial Services and Markets Act) de 2000, texto refundido.


Barclays Multi-Manager Fund PLC, Barclays Portfolios SICAV han sido registrados en la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores de acuerdo con las disposiciones del Artículo 15 de la Ley 35/2003 de 4 de noviembre sobre Instituciones de Inversión Colectiva. Se han nombrado distribuidores locales de acuerdo con la Circular 2/2011, de 9 de junio que pueden encontrarse en la Página web de CNMV: www.cnmv.es.


De conformidad con la Directiva (UE) 2019/1160 en lo que respecta a la distribución transfronteriza de organismos de inversión colectiva (conocida por el acrónimo inglés CBDF), ciertos servicios locales relacionados con su inversión en un fondo OICVM deben ponerse a disposición de los inversores. En relación con su inversión en un fondo OICVM, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited pondrá a disposición de los inversores los siguientes servicios locales:

(i) consulte la sección, en la página de Términos y condiciones, acerca de las formas de ponerse en contacto con nosotros para obtener información sobre las reclamaciones de los inversores en jurisdicciones en las que se comercialice su inversión;

(ii) visite la pestaña “Documentos” correspondiente a sus inversiones para acceder al folleto, a los informes anuales y semestrales y a los documentos de datos fundamentales para los inversores (DFI) relacionados con su inversión.

Estos servicios estarán disponibles en un idioma oficial de su jurisdicción o en un idioma aprobado por el organismo local de regulación. Tenga en cuenta que Barclays Investment Solutions Limited proporcionará información sobre los servicios disponibles a través del sitio web, en papel o, si procede, mediante otro medio duradero.

Todos los solicitantes deben completar un formulario de solicitud autorizado por los consejeros en relación con el fondo. El presente folleto del fondo se acompaña de un formulario de solicitud en el que se indican los métodos para remitir los importes de suscripciones y las personas a las que deberán transferirse. Cada titular tendrá derecho a exigir a la compañía que reembolse sus participaciones en el fondo en cualquier día de negociación. Para ello, deberá proporcionar al administrador una solicitud de reembolso. Para obtener más información, consulte el folleto del fondo. 

Si es partícipe del Fondo y las participaciones que mantiene están registradas a su nombre en el registro de accionistas, tendrá derecho a ejercer ciertos derechos de accionista. En el Folleto y en los estatutos del Fondo podrá encontrar más información sobre los derechos de los accionistas.


Como inversor en un Fondo de OICVM y en función de cómo haya invertido en dicho Fondo, es posible que cuente con ciertos derechos de inversor derivados del contrato entre usted y el Fondo. Para obtener más información sobre estos derechos, puede consultar el Folleto y la documentación contractual que cumplimentó al realizar la inversión.


En función de cómo haya invertido en el Fondo, es posible que tenga derecho a beneficiarse de ciertas protecciones nacionales y derechos de compensación derivados de la legislación local. Para obtener más información sobre estos derechos, consulte el sitio web local de compensación para inversores, si está disponible.


Asimismo, en caso de que perciba que ha sufrido pérdidas, tiene derecho a solicitar una compensación colectiva mediante el mecanismo de recurso colectivo que haya a su disposición en su jurisdicción local. La disponibilidad de acceso al mecanismo de recurso colectivo local dependerá de la jurisdicción en la que se encuentre, del lugar en el que haya formalizado el contrato con el Fondo y de la forma en la que haya invertido en el Fondo. Para obtener más información sobre estos derechos, consulte el sitio web del regulador local.

Dentro de la Unión Europea, la Directiva (UE) 2020/1828 introduce un modelo armonizado de acción representativa destinado a garantizar que los consumidores estén bien protegidos contra los daños masivos, pero también que existan salvaguardias adecuadas para evitar demandas abusivas.

La Directiva (UE) 2020/1828 entró en vigor el 24 de diciembre de 2020 y se supone que todos los Estados miembros la habrán transpuesto a sus legislaciones nacionales a más tardar el 25 de diciembre de 2022. A más tardar el 25 de junio de 2023, todos los Estados miembros deben haber establecido al menos un mecanismo procesal eficaz que permita a las entidades habilitadas, como las organizaciones de consumidores o los organismos públicos, presentar demandas ante los tribunales a efectos de requerimiento judicial (cese o prohibición) o reparación (compensación)».

Informations importantes

Les présentes informations juridiques importantes concernent le site Web www.barclaysinvestments.com (ci-après « le Site ») et contiennent les conditions générales en vertu desquelles nous le mettons à votre disposition (« les Conditions »). Ces informations incluent également des informations importantes concernant le statut réglementaire de certaines de nos sociétés, ainsi que des avertissements importants concernant les risques. Veuillez lire ces informations importantes avec attention.

Certains produits, services et investissements décrits sur ce Site ne sont disponibles que de façon restreinte, en raison d'exigences réglementaires et juridiques locales.


Les termes « vous » et « votre », ainsi que tout dérivé, font référence à toute personne qui consulte le Site, et les termes au masculin doivent également s'entendre au féminin.

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Pour de plus amples détails à propos des cookies utilisés sur ce Site, nous vous invitons à consulter notre politique concernant les cookies.


Ce Site est tenu par Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited est autorisée et réglementée par la Financial Conduct Authority, et est membre de la Bourse de Londres et de NEX. Immatriculée en Angleterre. Numéro d’immatriculation: 2752982. Siège social : 1 Churchill Place, Londres E14 5HP, Angleterre. L’adresse de la Financial Conduct Authority est 12 Endeavour Square, Londres, E20 1JN.


Les avertissements sur les risques vous sont fournis à titre d'information et pour votre protection. Nous vous recommandons vivement de les lire et de nous contacter ou de contacter votre distributeur si vous avez des questions sur les caractéristiques ou les risques de tout investissement ou service. Si vous détenez un compte chez nous, merci de poser vos questions à votre contact habituel. Dans le cas contraire, nous vous recommandons de contacter un conseiller professionnel.

Un investissement dans les produits mentionnés sur ce Site peut ne pas convenir à tous les investisseurs et peut engendrer des risques significatifs. Nous vous conseillons de lire avec attention les facteurs de risque indiqués dans le prospectus correspondant, et de vous assurer que vous les compre. Toute information relative à l'investissement contenue sur ce Site est fournie uniquement à titre d'illustration. Les illustrations des risques et rendements probables d'éventuels portefeuilles et investissements présentées sur ce Site ne constituent pas des conseils spécifiques sur un investissement donné, et ne doivent pas servir de base à vos décisions. Les illustrations sont correctes uniquement au moment de la rédaction, et peuvent être modifiées.

Les recommandations émises pour votre propre portefeuille peuvent différer des stratégies et allocations d'actifs expliquées sur ce Site. Veuillez vérifier que votre portefeuille est mis à jour ou redéfini en cas de changement de vos objectifs d'investissement ou de votre situation personnelle.


La valeur des investissements éventuellement présentés sur ce Site, ainsi que les revenus qui en découlent, peuvent fluctuer à la hausse comme à la baisse. La performance passée des investissements n’est pas une indication de leur performance future.

Les fluctuations des taux de change peuvent affecter la valeur des investissements exposés à des devises étrangères.

Vous pourriez ne pas récupérer le montant du capital investi initialement. Toutes les prévisions de revenus et tous les rendements sont estimés et sont inclus uniquement à titre d'indication. En outre, toute valorisation fournie sur ce Site peut ne pas refléter exactement le prix auquel les investissements peuvent être réellement achetés ou vendus, et les incidences fiscales ne sont pas prises en compte.

Les données éventuellement fournies sur ce Site proviennent de recherches quantitatives et de l'analyse des données historiques, selon des pondérations d'actifs actuelles et suggérées, des prévisions internes quant aux rendements attendus et des estimations de la volatilité future. Les données ne reflètent pas les échanges effectivement réalisés, les contraintes liées à la liquidité, les frais et les autres coûts applicables. Elles ne doivent pas être considérées comme une prévision ou une estimation des probables rendements futurs. Dans la mesure où les illustrations ne tiennent compte ni des frais et commissions ni des incidences fiscales, la performance réelle d'un investissement peut être supérieure ou inférieure à celle présentée dans l'illustration.


Nous ne fournissons pas de conseils juridiques ou fiscaux et nous vous recommandons de consulter votre propre conseiller juridique/fiscal indépendant, qui pourra vous donner des conseils personnalisés, avant de faire un investissement. Afin de vous fournir des informations concernant nos produits et services, nous pouvons vous indiquer comment nous envisageons votre situation fiscale générale par rapport à ceux-ci. Nous nous dégageons de toute responsabilité juridique envers toute personne qui prendrait une décision en fonction des informations fournies et, dans la mesure où la loi fiscale change fréquemment, nous vous recommandons de vérifier votre situation avec un conseiller professionnel indépendant.


Nous assumons des obligations à votre égard en vertu de la loi britannique Financial Services and Markets Act de 2000 et des autres lois et règlements applicables, et nous serons responsables envers vous dans les conditions prévues par ces lois et règlements. Sauf indication contraire dans les présentes Conditions, nous serons responsables envers vous des pertes que vous pourriez subir en lien avec le Site et les informations qui y figurent, en relation avec l’accès à d’autres sites à partir du présent Site, l’utilisation de ces autres sites, la performance de ces autres sites, la navigation sur ces autres sites ou l’établissement de liens vers ces autres sites à partir du Site ou en relation avec votre utilisation du Site ou l’impossibilité dans laquelle vous vous trouvez d’utiliser le Site, uniquement dans la mesure où la situation découle de notre violation délibérée des présentes Conditions ou d’un comportement frauduleux de notre part. Dans toute la mesure permise par la loi, nous nous dégageons de toute responsabilité (contractuelle, de responsabilité civile ou autre), dans quelques autres circonstances que ce soit, pour toute perte de quelque nature que ce soit, y compris (sans limitation) pour tout dommage direct, indirect, accessoire, particulier ou secondaire, tout manque à gagner, toute perte de survaleur, toute atteinte à la réputation, toute dépense ou perte concernant ou suivant une erreur, une omission, un défaut, un virus informatique ou une panne de système, de quelque nature que ce soit, quelles que soient les circonstances dans lesquelles ils surviennent, même si nous avons expressément été informés de la possibilité d'une telle perte ou d'un tel dommage.

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Ce Site ne contient pas d'informations censées constituer des conseils en investissement, juridiques ou fiscaux. Nous vous recommandons d'obtenir des conseils professionnels pertinents et spécifiques, adaptés à votre propre situation, avant de prendre toute décision en matière d'investissement.


Nous pouvons modifier, suspendre ou annuler le Site, dans sa totalité ou en partie, de façon temporaire ou permanente, avec ou sans préavis, à tout moment. Vous acceptez que nous nous dégagions de toute responsabilité envers vous ou tout tiers pour toute perte de quelque nature que ce soit, quelles que soient les circonstances dans lesquelles elle survient, dans le cadre d'une telle modification, suspension ou suppression.


Nous vous rappelons que les communications par Internet ne sont pas sécurisées, sauf si les données envoyées sont chiffrées. Nous ne pouvons assumer aucune responsabilité en cas d'accès non autorisé par un tiers et/ou de corruption des données envoyées par des particuliers au nous. Certains pays interdisent de transmettre des données chiffrées par téléphone. Vous ne devez pas chiffrer les données transmises si vous pensez que cela contreviendrait à une réglementation applicable au niveau local, national ou international. Pour des conseils sur votre utilisation des communications par Internet, veuillez contacter un conseiller juridique.


Ce Site est utilisé et géré par Barclays Investment Solutions Limited.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited ne collecte pas d'informations personnelles à votre sujet sur ce Site.

Dans certaines circonstances uniquement, à savoir si vous souhaitez nous informer d'un problème technique concernant ce Site en utilisant l'adresse indiquée à la section « Contactez-nous » ci-dessous (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, en tant que contrôleur des données, collecte des informations personnelles à votre sujet – uniquement celles contenues dans votre e-mail (à savoir votre adresse électronique, vos nom et prénom si vous les donnez et le contenu de votre message) – afin de pouvoir répondre à votre demande/question. Par « information personnelle » il faut entendre toute information concernant une personne physique identifiée ou identifiable.

Veuillez noter que l'adresse « barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com » peut être utilisée uniquement pour nous informer d'éventuels problèmes techniques sur ce Site (voir la section « Contactez-nous » ci-dessous).

Pour toute autre demande, notamment s'agissant des fonds, veuillez contacter directement l'entité ou le service concerné(e), indiqué(e) à la section « Contactez-nous ». Dans la mesure où nous ne fournissons aucun conseil sur les fonds avec l'adresse « barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com », il n'est pas nécessaire de nous donner des informations sur votre situation personnelle. Nous vous recommandons de donner aussi peu d'informations personnelles que possible dans votre e-mail, et uniquement les informations nécessaires pour répondre à votre demande. Vos informations personnelles seront utilisées uniquement par les équipes de Barclays Investment Solutions Limited autorisées à ces fins, afin de répondre à votre demande. Si vous souhaitez consulter, supprimer ou corriger vos informations personnelles (c'est-à-dire les informations contenues dans votre e-mail), ou si vous avez des motifs légitimes pour refuser que nous les utilisions, veuillez nous envoyer votre demande, avec une copie de votre pièce d'identité, à l'adresse barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Les informations susmentionnées expliquent la manière dont nous utilisons vos informations personnelles, comme indiqué dans la politique de confidentialité du Site.


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Barclays Investment Solutions Limited publie des informations et des documents en anglais et peut également publier des informations et documents dans d’autres langues. Si le destinataire accepte régulièrement des informations et des documents de la part de Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, on considérera qu’il consent à recevoir de tels informations et documents, le cas échéant, dans plus d’une langue.


Lorsque nous fournissons des hyperliens qui renvoient vers des sites Web tiers, ces liens ne signifient pas que nous recommandons les produits et services des sites concernés. Vous utilisez ces liens à vos propres risques et nous nous dégageons de toute responsabilité, de quelque nature que ce soit, s'agissant du contenu, de l'utilisation ou de la disponibilité de ces sites. Nous n'avons pas vérifié la véracité et l'exactitude du contenu de ces sites.

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Les informations de ce Site ne doivent pas être considérées comme une offre ou une recommandation d'achat, de détention ou de cession d'un investissement, ou une offre ou une recommandation visant à effectuer un autre type d'opération ou à fournir des conseils en investissement ou des services. Les informations ne tiennent pas compte de la situation personnelle de l'investisseur, et aucune suggestion n'est faite quant à la pertinence d'un investissement pour un investisseur donné. Nous vous recommandons d'obtenir des conseils professionnels pertinents et spécifiques, adaptés à votre propre situation, avant de prendre toute décision en matière d'investissement.


Ce Site ne s'adresse pas aux personnes et entités situées dans une juridiction ou un pays où sa publication, sa mise à disposition, son utilisation ou sa distribution serait contraire aux lois et règlements locaux, et n’est pas destiné à être distribué ou utilisé par ces personnes et entités. Merci de ne pas ouvrir ce Site et de ne pas consulter les informations qu’il contient si vous pensez que cela contreviendrait à une réglementation applicable au niveau local, national ou international. Pour des conseils sur les règles qui régissent votre utilisation du Site, veuillez contacter un conseiller juridique. Notamment, mais sans limitation, ce Site ne s'adresse pas à des « US Persons » (voir ci-dessous) et n'est pas destiné à être utilisé par des US Persons. En ouvrant le Site, vous confirmez que vous n'êtes pas une US Person. Si vous êtes une US Person, veuillez immédiatement quitter le Site.

Par « US Person » il faut entendre : (a) tout citoyen ou résident des États-Unis (y compris tout détenteur de la Carte verte) ; (b) toute société en partenariat, entreprise, société à responsabilité limitée ou entité semblable organisée ou constituée en vertu des lois des États-Unis ou dont l'établissement principal est situé aux États-Unis, ou toute entité imposée selon ce statut ou tenue de déposer une déclaration fiscale selon ce statut en vertu des lois fédérales des États-Unis sur l'impôt sur le revenu ; (c) toute succession et tout trust dont l'exécuteur, l'administrateur ou le trustee est une US Person, sauf si (1) dans le cas de trusts dont l'un des représentants professionnels agissant en qualité de trustee est une US Person, un trustee qui n'est pas une US Person détient seul ou partage les pouvoirs d'investissement des actifs du trust et aucun bénéficiaire du trust (ni constituant du trust si celui-ci est révocable) n’est une US Person ou si (2) dans le cas de successions dont l'un des représentants professionnels agissant en qualité d'exécuteur ou d'administrateur est une US Person, un exécuteur ou un administrateur qui n'est pas une US Person détient seul ou partage les pouvoirs d'investissement des actifs de la succession et celle-ci est régie par des lois étrangères ; (d) toute succession dont les revenus proviennent de sources situées en dehors des États-Unis et ne sont pas effectivement liés à des activités commerciales ou professionnelles américaines mais peuvent être inclus dans le bénéfice brut aux fins du calcul de l'impôt sur le revenu payable par la succession aux États-Unis ; (e) toute agence ou succursale d'une entité étrangère située aux États-Unis ; (f) tout trust si un tribunal situé aux États-Unis peut être le principal superviseur de l'administration du trust et si une ou plusieurs US Persons peuvent contrôler toutes les décisions significatives du trust ; (g) tout compte discrétionnaire ou compte non discrétionnaire ou compte semblable (autre qu'une succession ou qu'un trust) détenu par un négociant ou autre représentant situé aux États-Unis ou en dehors des États-Unis au profit ou pour le compte d'une US Person ; (h) tout compte discrétionnaire ou compte semblable (autre qu'une succession ou qu'un trust) détenu par un négociant ou autre représentant organisé, constitué ou (s'il s'agit d'une personne physique) résidant aux États-Unis, sachant toutefois qu'un compte discrétionnaire ou compte semblable (autre qu'une succession ou qu'un trust) détenu par un négociant ou autre représentant professionnel organisé, constitué ou (s'il s'agit d'une personne physique) résidant aux États-Unis au profit ou pour le compte d'une personne qui n'est pas une US Person n'est pas considéré comme une US Person ; (i) toute société, entreprise ou autre entité, quelle que soit son statut de citoyen, son domicile, son situs ou sa résidence si, en vertu des lois sur l'impôt sur le revenu des États-Unis ponctuellement en vigueur, une partie de ses revenus est susceptible d'être imputable à une US Person, même si elle n'est pas distribuée, à l'exception des sociétés d'investissement étrangères passives ; (j) toute société en partenariat, entreprise ou autre entité si (A) elle est organisée ou constituée en vertu des lois d'une juridiction étrangère et (B) elle est détenue ou a été créée par une ou plusieurs US Persons principalement afin d'investir dans des valeurs mobilières non enregistrées en vertu de la loi américaine Securities Act de 1933 (incluant sans s'y limiter les Actions du Compartiment), sauf si elle est organisée ou constituée et détenue par des « investisseurs accrédités » (« accredited investors » au sens de la règle 501(a) de la loi de 1933) qui ne sont pas des personnes physiques, des successions ou des trusts ; (k) tout régime d'avantages sociaux, sauf si ledit régime est établi et géré conformément aux lois d'un pays autre que les États-Unis et aux pratiques et documents habituels de ce pays ; (l) tout fonds de pension, sauf s'il s'adresse aux employés et dirigeants d'une entité organisée en dehors des États-Unis et dont l'établissement principal est situé en dehors des États-Unis ; et (m) toute entité organisée principalement à des fins d'investissement passif, comme un Commodity Pool (fonds de contrats à terme sur matières premières), une société d'investissement ou une entité semblable (à l'exception des fonds de pension destinés aux employés et dirigeants d'une entité organisée en dehors des États-Unis et dont l'établissement principal est situé en dehors des États-Unis), (1) dans laquelle des US Persons qui ne sont pas des « personnes éligibles qualifiées » (« qualified eligible persons » au sens du règlement 4.7 de la loi américaine Commodity Exchange Act) détiennent des parts de participation représentant au total 10 % ou plus de l'intérêt bénéficiaire dans l'entité, ou (2) dont le but premier est de permettre à une US Person d'investir dans un Commodity Pool dont l'opérateur est exonéré de certaines des exigences de la partie 4 du règlement du régulateur américain Commodity Futures Trading Commission parce que ses participants sont des personnes qui ne sont pas des US persons.


Bien que nous ayons pris des mesures raisonnables pour nous assurer que les informations fournies sur ce Site sont exactes, nous ne fournissons aucune garantie ou assurance, de quelque nature que ce soit, expresse ou implicite, quant à l'exactitude, la fiabilité, la pertinence, la qualité, la disponibilité, la ponctualité, l'exhaustivité, la fonctionnalité, la commerciabilité ou l'adéquation à un but donné de ces informations, ni quant à leurs résultats, leur performance ou leur non-violation.

Nous vous fournissons les opinions et tout autre contenu du Site uniquement pour votre utilisation personnelle et à des fins d'information. Ils peuvent être modifiés sans préavis. Barclays n'est aucunement tenu de mettre à jour le contenu de ce Site, dans sa totalité ou en partie.


Nous ne garantissons aucunement que les fonctions et le contenu du Site seront ininterrompus ou libres de toute erreur, que les défauts seront corrigés ou que le Site ou son contenu, ainsi que toute méthode d'accès ou de stockage du Site ou de son contenu, seront libres de tout virus informatique ou autre élément nuisible. Nous nous dégageons de toute responsabilité pour tout dommage pouvant survenir, tout virus ou autre élément nuisible pouvant infecter le matériel informatique et toute maintenance, réparation ou correction devant être effectuée parce que vous avez consulté ou utilisé le Site ou son contenu. Vous êtes tenu de prendre des mesures appropriées pour assurer que les éléments nuisibles, tels que les virus, les chevaux de Troie, les vers informatiques ou tout élément nuisible équivalent ou semblable, ne puissent pas être installés sur votre système informatique. Pour de plus amples informations sur la sûreté, veuillez lire la section « Sûreté ».


Le contenu entier du Site est soumis à des droits d'auteur, tous les droits étant réservés, et est fourni uniquement pour votre usage personnel. Vous pouvez imprimer la totalité ou une partie du Site pour votre usage personnel, sous réserve que vous conserviez tous les droits d'auteur et toute autre mention légale, et que vous respectiez les présentes Conditions. Nous pouvons révoquer ces autorisations à tout moment. Il vous est interdit de télécharger toute partie du Site pour un usage non personnel, ainsi que de reproduire, transmettre ou modifier toute partie du Site sans notre approbation écrite préalable.

Barclays, Barclays Wealth et Barclays Bank PLC sont des marques déposées de Barclays. Si vous utilisez ce Site, cela ne vous confère aucun droit de licence sur ces marques. Les autres marques présentées sur ce Site sont la propriété de leur propriétaire respectif et sont utilisées avec leur permission.

Le fait de télécharger ou de copier une partie de ce Site ne vous confère aucun droit de propriété sur les logiciels et informations du Site. Les logiciels du Site ne sauraient être téléchargés ou exportés en violation des règlements du Trésor américain ou du ministère du Commerce américain ou de tout autre règlement ou toute autre loi en vigueur, ou à destination d'un résident de toute nation dont les biens sont placés sous embargo par les États-Unis ou le Royaume-Uni ou de tout endroit dans une telle nation. Vous acceptez également de ne pas utiliser ces informations à des fins illégales, et d'accéder à toute demande de notre part visant à protéger nos droits ou ceux de tiers sur les informations.


Pour toutes les questions relatives au compte, les demandes de renseignements généraux ou pour déposer une plainte, veuillez consulter les coordonnées pertinentes ci-dessous, en fonction du fonds spécifique auquel votre demande se rapporte.


Si vous investissez dans les fonds domiciliés au Luxembourg Barclays Portfolios SICAV, ou si vous souhaitez le faire, veuillez contacter :

  • Votre contact habituel chez Barclays, ou votre conseiller financier professionnel
  • Le service d'assistance téléphonique, au +352 28 294 111, de 09h00 à 18h00 HNEC du lundi au vendredi (excepté les jours fériés)
  • L'adresse e-mail suivante : barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com
  • L'adresse postale suivante:

Barclays Portfolios SICAV
Northern Trust Global Services SE
10, rue du Château d’Eau
L-3364 Leudelange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


Si vous investissez dans l'un de nos fonds domiciliés en Irlande ou souhaitez le faire, veuillez contacter :

  • Votre contact habituel chez Barclays, ou votre conseiller financier professionnel
  • Le service d'assistance téléphonique, au +353 (0) 1 434 5131, de 09h00 à 17h15 heure irlandaise du lundi au vendredi (excepté les jours fériés)
  • L'adresse e-mail suivante : barclays_ta@ntrs.com
  • Les clients de Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) sont priés de contacter le responsable de leur service de traitement des investissements, au 0333 202 7478, de 09h00 à 18h00 du lundi au vendredi (excepté les jours fériés)
  • L'adresse postale suivante:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund plc
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
2nd Floor, Block A, City East Plaza, Towlerton, Ballysimon, Limerick, V94 X2N9, Ireland


Pour signaler un problème technique sur ce Site, merci d'envoyer un e-mail à l'adresse barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Veuillez noter que cette adresse peut être utilisée uniquement pour nous informer de problèmes techniques sur ce Site. Dans la mesure où nous ne fournissons aucun conseil sur les fonds avec cette adresse, il n'est pas nécessaire de nous donner des informations sur votre situation personnelle. Nous vous recommandons de donner aussi peu d'informations personnelles que possible dans votre e-mail, et uniquement les informations nécessaires pour répondre à votre demande.

Pour toute autre demande, notamment pour obtenir des informations sur les fonds, veuillez contacter directement l'entité ou le service concerné(e), indiqué(e) ci-dessus.


Si une disposition des présentes Conditions est jugée illégale, invalide ou non applicable, dans sa totalité ou en partie, ladite disposition ou la partie concernée de ladite disposition est réputée de pas faire partie des présentes Conditions, dans la mesure où elle est illégale, invalide ou non applicable, et la légalité, la validité et l'applicabilité des autres dispositions des présentes Conditions n'est pas affectée.


Les présentes Conditions, ainsi que toute obligation non contractuelle qui en découle ou qui y est associée, sont régies par le droit anglais. Les tribunaux d'Angleterre ont compétence exclusive pour régler tout litige découlant du présent Accord ou y afférent et toute obligation non contractuelle découlant des présentes Conditions ou y afférente.


En juillet 2010, le conseil britannique d’information financière (« UK’s Financial Reporting Council ») a publié le « code britannique de bonne gouvernance ». Ce code comprend un ensemble de lignes directrices visant à améliorer la manière dont les investisseurs professionnels communiquent avec les organes de gestion des sociétés dans lesquelles ils investissent. Le code propose également des mesures destinées à renforcer la transparence concernant les activités exercées par les investisseurs professionnels, en leur qualité de détenteurs de participations dans les fonds, dans l’intérêt de leurs clients sous-jacents.

La présente partie des Conditions explique la manière dont Barclays Investment Solutions Limited répond aux mesures proposées dans ces lignes directrices.

BISL fournit des services de gestion de placements aux investisseurs professionnels au Royaume-Uni qui investissent via un multi-gestionnaire et / ou un fonds de structure de fonds. BISL peut choisir d’externaliser la sélection des titres, à d’autres gestionnaires d’investissements, soit en investissant dans un fonds, soit en versant à un certain nombre de gestionnaires une portion des sommes levé de fins d’investissement auprès d’investisseurs dans des fonds sous-jacents. BISL sélectionne les gestionnaires à l’issue d’une procédure de due diligence rigoureuse, en nous concentrant dans tous les cas sur la nécessité d’identifier gestionnaires capables de générer d’offrir les meilleurs rendements corrigés dans la classe d’actifs ou dans le cadre de la stratégie pour laquelle une délégation est demandée.

Dans le cadre de la procédure de sélection du gestionnaire, et de manière continue par la suite, BISL nous examinerons de nombreux facteurs se rapportant à la proposition de stratégie d’investissement du gestionnaire et à la performance de celui-ci au regard de cette stratégie dans le cadre d’un processus de diligence raisonnable établi.

Nous sommes signataires du le «code britannique de bonne gouvernance » UK Stewardship Code [PDF, 2.2MB]


Ce Site fournit des informations sur différents fonds. Tous les fonds peuvent ne pas être proposés à tous les investisseurs. Pour prendre connaissance des fonds dont vous pouvez profiter, veuillez sélectionner votre pays et le type d'investisseur que vous êtes, à partir des différentes options disponibles. En cas de question, veuillez contacter votre contact habituel chez Barclays, ou votre conseiller financier professionnel.

Notre gamme inclut les fonds suivants:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund public limited company, Barclays Portfolios SICAV, Barclays Wealth Investment Funds (UK), Barclays Multi-Manager Fund (UK) et Barclays Charity Fund. Tous ces fonds sont agréés ou reconnus comme organismes de placement collectif en valeurs mobilières au sens de l'article 237 (3) de la loi britannique Financial Services and Markets Act de 2000 sur les services financiers et les marchés (telle qu'amendée).


Conformément à la Directive (UE) 2019/1160 (« DTOPC »), certaines facilités locales relatives à votre investissement dans un fonds OPCVM doivent être mises à la disposition des investisseurs. En ce qui concerne votre investissement dans un fonds OPCVM, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited mettra à la disposition des investisseurs les services relatifs aux facilités locales suivants :

(i) veuillez vous référer à la section « Nous contacter » des Conditions générales pour obtenir des informations sur les plaintes des investisseurs dans les juridictions où votre investissement est commercialisé ;

(ii) veuillez consulter l’onglet « Documents » correspondant à votre/vos investissement(s) pour accéder au prospectus, aux rapports annuels et semestriels et aux documents d’information clé pour l’investisseur (DICI) relatifs à votre investissement.

Ces facilités seront mises à votre disposition dans la langue officielle ou l’une des langues officielles de votre juridiction, ou dans une langue approuvée par votre régulateur local. Veuillez noter que Barclays Investment Solutions Limited vous fournira des informations relatives aux facilités qui sont à votre disposition par le biais de son site Internet, en version papier ou, le cas échéant, au moyen d’un autre support durable.

Tous les investisseurs intéressés doivent remplir un formulaire de souscription relatif au fonds prévu par les administrateurs. Un formulaire de souscription est joint au prospectus du fonds et spécifie les modes de transfert des produits de souscription et leurs destinataires. Chaque actionnaire aura le droit d’exiger que la société rachète ses actions dans le fonds lors de tout jour de négociation en fournissant à l’administrateur une demande de rachat. Pour de plus amples détails, veuillez vous reporter au prospectus du fonds.

Si vous détenez des parts dans le fonds et que ces parts sont enregistrées à votre nom dans le registre des actionnaires, vous disposerez alors de certains droits d’actionnaire que vous pourrez exercer. De plus amples informations sur les droits des actionnaires figurent dans le Prospectus et les documents constitutifs du Fonds.


En tant qu’investisseur dans un fonds OPCVM, et en fonction de la manière dont vous avez investi, vous pouvez bénéficier de certains droits d’investisseur dans le cadre de votre contrat avec le Fonds. Pour de plus amples informations sur ces droits, veuillez notamment consulter le Prospectus et la documentation contractuelle que vous avez remplie afin de réaliser votre investissement.


En fonction de la manière dont vous avez investi dans le Fonds, vous pouvez être en droit de bénéficier de certaines protections nationales et de droits à des demandes d’indemnisation relevant de la législation de votre pays. Pour de plus amples informations sur ces droits, veuillez vous référer au site Internet de votre pays consacré à l’indemnisation des investisseurs, le cas échéant


En outre, si vous estimez avoir subi une perte, il est possible que vous ayez le droit de demander réparation sur une base collective par le biais d’un mécanisme de recours collectif qui a été mis en place dans votre juridiction locale. La possibilité d’accéder à un mécanisme de recours collectif local variera en fonction de la juridiction dont vous dépendez, du pays dans lequel vous avez conclu votre contrat avec le Fonds et de la manière dont vous avez investi dans le Fonds. Pour de plus amples informations sur ces droits, veuillez consulter le site Internet de votre organisme local de réglementation.

Au sein de l'Union Européenne, la directive (EU) 2020/1828 a instauré un model harmonisé d’actions représentatives dans le but de protéger les consommateurs contre les dangers publics mais également d'assurer la mise en place de mesures de protection contre les recours abusifs.

La directive (EU) 2020/1828 est entrée en vigueur le 24 décembre 2020 et devait être transposée en droit local par tous les États membres au plus tard le 25 décembre 2022. D'ici le 25 juin 2023, tous les États membres doivent avoir mis en place au moins un mécanisme procédural permettant aux entités qualifiées, telles que les organismes de protection des consommateurs ou les organes publics, d'intenter des actions en justice afin d'obtenir des injonctions (mettant fin ou interdisant) ainsi que des mesures de réparation (compensation).

Informations importantes

Les présentes informations juridiques importantes concernent le site Web www.barclaysinvestments.com (ci-après « le Site ») et contiennent les conditions générales en vertu desquelles nous le mettons à votre disposition (« les Conditions »). Ces informations incluent également des informations importantes concernant le statut réglementaire de certaines de nos sociétés, ainsi que des avertissements importants concernant les risques. Veuillez lire ces informations importantes avec attention.

Certains produits, services et investissements décrits sur ce Site ne sont disponibles que de façon restreinte, en raison d'exigences réglementaires et juridiques locales.


Les termes « vous » et « votre », ainsi que tout dérivé, font référence à toute personne qui consulte le Site, et les termes au masculin doivent également s'entendre au féminin.

Les termes « nous » et « notre », ainsi que tout dérivé, font référence à Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP, Royaume-Uni.

Le terme « groupe Barclays » fait référence à nous-mêmes, à notre société mère et à toute société que nous-mêmes ou notre société mère détenons/détient partiellement ou totalement à tout moment.

Les présentes Conditions régissent votre utilisation du Site et, en consultant le Site, vous acceptez d'y être assujetti. Si vous n'acceptez pas les présentes Conditions, merci de quitter immédiatement ce Site.

Nous pouvons ponctuellement modifier les présentes Conditions. Nous vous donnerons un préavis de 30 jours civils avant d'introduire un changement, si les exigences réglementaires nous le permettent. Nous vous avertirons sur ce Site. Nous vous recommandons d'examiner les changements apportés aux présentes Conditions.

Dans ce cas :

  1. nous vous communiquerons (sur le Site) la date d'entrée en vigueur de tout changement ;
  2. si vous continuez d'ouvrir et d'utiliser le Site, nous en déduirons que vous avez lu et accepté tout changement apporté aux présentes Conditions.

Si vous ne souhaitez pas être considéré comme ayant lu et accepté un changement, merci de ne pas ouvrir ou utiliser le Site.

Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que, si vous êtes un client existant du groupe Barclays Bank PLC, les présentes Conditions entrent en vigueur séparément de celles applicables à votre produit ou service, dont vous pouvez nous demander une copie supplémentaire. Si vous êtes un nouveau client, les conditions de votre produit ou service vous seront fournies avant d'entamer toute relation contractuelle pour un produit ou service donné.


Nous pouvons annuler l'accès à ce Site, en totalité ou en partie, de façon permanente ou temporaire. Nous pouvons le faire sans préavis mais, dans la mesure du possible et dans le respect de la loi, nous donnerons un préavis aussi raisonnable que possible.


Sur ce site, nous utilisons les « Cookies Strictement Nécessaires » :

  • Les Cookies Strictement Nécessaires sont utilisés sur ce Site. Ils servent uniquement à activer les fonctionnalités de ce Site et à vous fournir le contenu pertinent correspondant aux paramètres que vous avez sélectionnés (à savoir, pays et type d’investisseur). Ces cookies ne sont pas utilisés dans l’optique de recueillir des informations à des fins de marketing ciblé ; et
  • Nous n’utilisons pas les cookies à des fins de profilage ou de marketing ciblé.

Lorsque vous vous connectez au Site pour la première fois, vous voyez apparaître une bannière vous demandant si vous acceptez ou refusez l’installation de cookies sur votre terminal. Veuillez noter qu’il vous sera possible de révoquer votre consentement et de désactiver ces cookies à tout moment, comme l’explique la politique concernant les cookies.

Les Cookies Strictement Nécessaires ne disparaissent que lorsqu’ils sont désactivés délibérément. Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que, si vous décidez de désactiver les Cookies Strictement Nécessaires, nous ne serons pas en mesure de vous permettre d’accéder aux zones du Site correspondant aux paramètres que vous avez sélectionnés (à savoir, pays et type d’investisseur).

Pour de plus amples détails à propos des cookies utilisés sur ce Site, nous vous invitons à consulter notre politique concernant les cookies.


Ce Site est tenu par Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. Barclays Investment Solutions Limited est autorisée et réglementée par la Financial Conduct Authority, et est membre de la Bourse de Londres et de NEX. Immatriculée en Angleterre. Numéro d'immatriculation : 2752982. Siége social : 1 Churchill Place, Londres E14 5HP, Angleterre. L'adresse de la Financial Conduct Authority est 12 Endeavour Square, Londres, E20 1JN25.


Les avertissements sur les risques vous sont fournis à titre d'information et pour votre protection. Nous vous recommandons vivement de les lire et de nous contacter ou de contacter votre distributeur si vous avez des questions sur les caractéristiques ou les risques de tout investissement ou service. Si vous détenez un compte chez nous, merci de poser vos questions à votre contact habituel. Dans le cas contraire, nous vous recommandons de contacter un conseiller professionnel.

Un investissement dans les produits mentionnés sur ce Site peut ne pas convenir à tous les investisseurs et peut engendrer des risques significatifs. Nous vous conseillons de lire avec attention les facteurs de risque indiqués dans le prospectus correspondant, et de vous assurer que vous les compre. Toute information relative à l'investissement contenue sur ce Site est fournie uniquement à titre d'illustration. Les illustrations des risques et rendements probables d'éventuels portefeuilles et investissements présentées sur ce Site ne constituent pas des conseils spécifiques sur un investissement donné, et ne doivent pas servir de base à vos décisions. Les illustrations sont correctes uniquement au moment de la rédaction, et peuvent être modifiées.

Toute recommandation émise pour votre propre portefeuille peut différer des stratégies et allocations d'actifs expliquées sur ce Site. Veuillez vérifier que votre portefeuille est mis à jour ou redéfini en cas de changement de vos objectifs d'investissement ou de votre situation personnelle.


La valeur des investissements éventuellement présentés sur ce Site, ainsi que les revenus qui en découlent, peuvent fluctuer à la hausse comme à la baisse. La performance passée des investissements n’est pas une indication de leur performance future.

Les fluctuations des taux de change peuvent affecter la valeur des investissements exposés à des devises étrangères.

Vous pourriez ne pas récupérer le montant du capital investi initialement. Toutes les prévisions de revenus et tous les rendements sont estimés et sont inclus uniquement à titre d'indication. En outre, toute valorisation fournie sur ce Site peut ne pas refléter exactement le prix auquel les investissements peuvent être réellement achetés ou vendus, et les incidences fiscales ne sont pas prises en compte.

Les données éventuellement fournies sur ce Site proviennent de recherches quantitatives et de l'analyse des données historiques, selon des pondérations d'actifs actuelles et suggérées, des prévisions internes quant aux rendements attendus et des estimations de la volatilité future. Les données ne reflètent pas les échanges effectivement réalisés, les contraintes liées à la liquidité, les frais et les autres coûts applicables. Elles ne doivent pas être considérées comme une prévision ou une estimation des probables rendements futurs. Dans la mesure où les illustrations ne tiennent compte ni des frais et commissions ni des incidences fiscales, la performance réelle d'un investissement peut être supérieure ou inférieure à celle présentée dans l'illustration.


Nous ne fournissons pas de conseils juridiques ou fiscaux et nous vous recommandons de consulter votre propre conseiller juridique/fiscal indépendant, qui pourra vous donner des conseils personnalisés, avant de faire un investissement. Afin de vous fournir des informations concernant nos produits et services, nous pouvons vous indiquer comment nous envisageons votre situation fiscale générale par rapport à ceux-ci. Nous nous dégageons de toute responsabilité juridique envers toute personne qui prendrait une décision en fonction des informations fournies et, dans la mesure où la loi fiscale change fréquemment, nous vous recommandons de vérifier votre situation avec un conseiller professionnel indépendant.


Dans toute la mesure permise par la loi, nous nous dégageons de toute responsabilité (contractuelle, de responsabilité civile ou autre), dans quelques circonstances que ce soit, pour toute perte de quelque nature que ce soit, y compris (sans limitation) pour tout dommage direct, indirect, accessoire, particulier ou secondaire, tout manque à gagner, toute perte de survaleur, toute atteinte à la réputation, toute dépense ou perte concernant ou suivant une erreur, une omission, un défaut, un virus informatique ou une panne de système, de quelque nature que ce soit, quelles que soient les circonstances dans lesquelles ils surviennent, même si nous avons expressément été informés de la possibilité d'une telle perte ou d'un tel dommage.

Nous serons responsables envers vous de toute perte subie en raison d'actes ou d'omissions liés à tout service du Site que nous aurions délégué à l'un de nos agents, dans la mesure où nous serions responsables de nos propres actions. Aucun de nos agents n'est directement responsable envers vous, de quelque manière que ce soit.

Ce Site ne contient pas d'informations censées constituer des conseils en investissement, juridiques ou fiscaux. Nous vous recommandons d'obtenir des conseils professionnels pertinents et spécifiques, adaptés à votre propre situation, avant de prendre toute décision en matière d'investissement.


Nous pouvons modifier, suspendre ou annuler le Site, dans sa totalité ou en partie, de façon temporaire ou permanente, avec ou sans préavis, à tout moment. Vous acceptez que nous nous dégagions de toute responsabilité envers vous ou tout tiers pour toute perte de quelque nature que ce soit, quelles que soient les circonstances dans lesquelles elle survient, dans le cadre d'une telle modification, suspension ou suppression.


Nous vous rappelons que les communications par Internet ne sont pas sécurisées, sauf si les données envoyées sont chiffrées. Nous ne pouvons assumer aucune responsabilité en cas d'accès non autorisé par un tiers et/ou de corruption des données envoyées par des particuliers au groupe Barclays. Certains pays interdisent de transmettre des données chiffrées par téléphone. Vous ne devez pas chiffrer les données transmises si vous pensez que cela contreviendrait à une réglementation applicable au niveau local, national ou international. Pour des conseils sur votre utilisation des communications par Internet, veuillez contacter un conseiller juridique.


Ce Site est utilisé et géré par Barclays Investment Solutions Limited.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited ne collecte pas d'informations personnelles à votre sujet sur ce Site.

Dans certaines circonstances uniquement, à savoir si vous souhaitez nous informer d'un problème technique concernant ce Site en utilisant l'adresse indiquée à la section « Contactez-nous » ci-dessous (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, en tant que contrôleur des données, collecte des informations personnelles à votre sujet – uniquement celles contenues dans votre e-mail (à savoir votre adresse électronique, vos nom et prénom si vous les donnez et le contenu de votre message) – afin de pouvoir répondre à votre demande/question. Par « information personnelle » il faut entendre toute information concernant une personne physique identifiée ou identifiable.

Veuillez noter que l'adresse « barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com » peut être utilisée uniquement pour nous informer d'éventuels problèmes techniques sur ce Site (voir la section « Contactez-nous » ci-dessous).

Pour toute autre demande, notamment s'agissant des fonds, veuillez contacter directement l'entité ou le service concerné(e), indiqué(e) à la section « Contactez-nous ». Dans la mesure où nous ne fournissons aucun conseil sur les fonds avec l'adresse « barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com », il n'est pas nécessaire de nous donner des informations sur votre situation personnelle. Nous vous recommandons de donner aussi peu d'informations personnelles que possible dans votre e-mail, et uniquement les informations nécessaires pour répondre à votre demande. Vos informations personnelles seront utilisées uniquement par les équipes de Barclays Investment Solutions Limited autorisées à ces fins, afin de répondre à votre demande. Si vous souhaitez consulter, supprimer ou corriger vos informations personnelles (c'est-à-dire les informations contenues dans votre e-mail), ou si vous avez des motifs légitimes pour refuser que nous les utilisions, veuillez nous envoyer votre demande, avec une copie de votre pièce d'identité, à l'adresse barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Les informations susmentionnées expliquent la manière dont nous utilisons vos informations personnelles, comme indiqué dans la politique de confidentialité du Site.


Les communications téléphoniques et autres avec le gestionnaire d'investissement et / ou ses collégues peuvent être enregistrées et conservées.

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited publie des informations et des documents en anglais et peut également publier des informations et documents dans d'autres langues. Si le destinataire accepte réguliérement des informations et des documents de la part de Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, on considérera qu'il consent à recevoir de tels informations et documents, le cas échéant, dans plus d'une langue.


Lorsque nous fournissons des hyperliens qui renvoient vers des sites Web tiers, ces liens ne signifient pas que nous recommandons les produits et services des sites concernés. Vous utilisez ces liens à vos propres risques et nous nous dégageons de toute responsabilité, de quelque nature que ce soit, s'agissant du contenu, de l'utilisation ou de la disponibilité de ces sites. Nous n'avons pas vérifié la véracité et l'exactitude du contenu de ces sites.

Aucun tiers n'est autorisé à fournir sur un autre site un lien renvoyant vers ce Site, à encadrer le contenu de ce Site sur un autre site ou à extraire le contenu de ce Site sans notre approbation écrite préalable.


Les informations de ce Site ne doivent pas être considérées comme une offre ou une recommandation d'achat, de détention ou de cession d'un investissement, ou une offre ou une recommandation visant à effectuer un autre type d'opération ou à fournir des conseils en investissement ou des services. Les informations ne tiennent pas compte de la situation personnelle de l'investisseur, et aucune suggestion n'est faite quant à la pertinence d'un investissement pour un investisseur donné. Nous vous recommandons d'obtenir des conseils professionnels pertinents et spécifiques, adaptés à votre propre situation, avant de prendre toute décision en matière d'investissement.


Ce Site ne s'adresse pas aux personnes et entités situées dans une juridiction ou un pays où sa publication, sa mise à disposition, son utilisation ou sa distribution serait contraire aux lois et règlements locaux, et n’est pas destiné à être distribué ou utilisé par ces personnes et entités. Merci de ne pas ouvrir ce Site et de ne pas consulter les informations qu’il contient si vous pensez que cela contreviendrait à une réglementation applicable au niveau local, national ou international. Pour des conseils sur les règles qui régissent votre utilisation du Site, veuillez contacter un conseiller juridique. Notamment, mais sans limitation, ce Site ne s'adresse pas à des « US Persons » (voir ci-dessous) et n'est pas destiné à être utilisé par des US Persons. En ouvrant le Site, vous confirmez que vous n'êtes pas une US Person. Si vous êtes une US Person, veuillez immédiatement quitter le Site.

Par « US Person » il faut entendre : (a) tout citoyen ou résident des États-Unis (y compris tout détenteur de la Carte verte) ; (b) toute société en partenariat, entreprise, société à responsabilité limitée ou entité semblable organisée ou constituée en vertu des lois des États-Unis ou dont l'établissement principal est situé aux États-Unis, ou toute entité imposée selon ce statut ou tenue de déposer une déclaration fiscale selon ce statut en vertu des lois fédérales des États-Unis sur l'impôt sur le revenu ; (c) toute succession et tout trust dont l'exécuteur, l'administrateur ou le trustee est une US Person, sauf si (1) dans le cas de trusts dont l'un des représentants professionnels agissant en qualité de trustee est une US Person, un trustee qui n'est pas une US Person détient seul ou partage les pouvoirs d'investissement des actifs du trust et aucun bénéficiaire du trust (ni constituant du trust si celui-ci est révocable) n’est une US Person ou si (2) dans le cas de successions dont l'un des représentants professionnels agissant en qualité d'exécuteur ou d'administrateur est une US Person, un exécuteur ou un administrateur qui n'est pas une US Person détient seul ou partage les pouvoirs d'investissement des actifs de la succession et celle-ci est régie par des lois étrangères ; (d) toute succession dont les revenus proviennent de sources situées en dehors des États-Unis et ne sont pas effectivement liés à des activités commerciales ou professionnelles américaines mais peuvent être inclus dans le bénéfice brut aux fins du calcul de l'impôt sur le revenu payable par la succession aux États-Unis ; (e) toute agence ou succursale d'une entité étrangère située aux États-Unis ; (f) tout trust si un tribunal situé aux États-Unis peut être le principal superviseur de l'administration du trust et si une ou plusieurs US Persons peuvent contrôler toutes les décisions significatives du trust ; (g) tout compte discrétionnaire ou compte non discrétionnaire ou compte semblable (autre qu'une succession ou qu'un trust) détenu par un négociant ou autre représentant situé aux États-Unis ou en dehors des États-Unis au profit ou pour le compte d'une US Person ; (h) tout compte discrétionnaire ou compte semblable (autre qu'une succession ou qu'un trust) détenu par un négociant ou autre représentant organisé, constitué ou (s'il s'agit d'une personne physique) résidant aux États-Unis, sachant toutefois qu'un compte discrétionnaire ou compte semblable (autre qu'une succession ou qu'un trust) détenu par un négociant ou autre représentant professionnel organisé, constitué ou (s'il s'agit d'une personne physique) résidant aux États-Unis au profit ou pour le compte d'une personne qui n'est pas une US Person n'est pas considéré comme une US Person ; (i) toute société, entreprise ou autre entité, quelle que soit son statut de citoyen, son domicile, son situs ou sa résidence si, en vertu des lois sur l'impôt sur le revenu des États-Unis ponctuellement en vigueur, une partie de ses revenus est susceptible d'être imputable à une US Person, même si elle n'est pas distribuée, à l'exception des sociétés d'investissement étrangères passives ; (j) toute société en partenariat, entreprise ou autre entité si (A) elle est organisée ou constituée en vertu des lois d'une juridiction étrangère et (B) elle est détenue ou a été créée par une ou plusieurs US Persons principalement afin d'investir dans des valeurs mobilières non enregistrées en vertu de la loi américaine Securities Act de 1933 (incluant sans s'y limiter les Actions du Compartiment), sauf si elle est organisée ou constituée et détenue par des « investisseurs accrédités » (« accredited investors » au sens de la règle 501(a) de la loi de 1933) qui ne sont pas des personnes physiques, des successions ou des trusts ; (k) tout régime d'avantages sociaux, sauf si ledit régime est établi et géré conformément aux lois d'un pays autre que les États-Unis et aux pratiques et documents habituels de ce pays ; (l) tout fonds de pension, sauf s'il s'adresse aux employés et dirigeants d'une entité organisée en dehors des États-Unis et dont l'établissement principal est situé en dehors des États-Unis ; et (m) toute entité organisée principalement à des fins d'investissement passif, comme un Commodity Pool (fonds de contrats à terme sur matières premières), une société d'investissement ou une entité semblable (à l'exception des fonds de pension destinés aux employés et dirigeants d'une entité organisée en dehors des États-Unis et dont l'établissement principal est situé en dehors des États-Unis), (1) dans laquelle des US Persons qui ne sont pas des « personnes éligibles qualifiées » (« qualified eligible persons » au sens du règlement 4.7 de la loi américaine Commodity Exchange Act) détiennent des parts de participation représentant au total 10 % ou plus de l'intérêt bénéficiaire dans l'entité, ou (2) dont le but premier est de permettre à une US Person d'investir dans un Commodity Pool dont l'opérateur est exonéré de certaines des exigences de la partie 4 du règlement du régulateur américain Commodity Futures Trading Commission parce que ses participants sont des personnes qui ne sont pas des US persons.


Bien que nous ayons pris des mesures raisonnables pour nous assurer que les informations fournies sur ce Site sont exactes, nous ne fournissons aucune garantie ou assurance, de quelque nature que ce soit, expresse ou implicite, quant à l'exactitude, la fiabilité, la pertinence, la qualité, la disponibilité, la ponctualité, l'exhaustivité, la fonctionnalité, la commerciabilité ou l'adéquation à un but donné de ces informations, ni quant à leurs résultats, leur performance ou leur non-violation.

Nous vous fournissons les opinions et tout autre contenu du Site uniquement pour votre utilisation personnelle et à des fins d'information. Ils peuvent être modifiés sans préavis. Barclays n'est aucunement tenu de mettre à jour le contenu de ce Site, dans sa totalité ou en partie.


Nous ne garantissons aucunement que les fonctions et le contenu du Site seront ininterrompus ou libres de toute erreur, que les défauts seront corrigés ou que le Site ou son contenu, ainsi que toute méthode d'accès ou de stockage du Site ou de son contenu, seront libres de tout virus informatique ou autre élément nuisible. Nous nous dégageons de toute responsabilité pour tout dommage pouvant survenir, tout virus ou autre élément nuisible pouvant infecter le matériel informatique et toute maintenance, réparation ou correction devant être effectuée parce que vous avez consulté ou utilisé le Site ou son contenu. Vous êtes tenu de prendre des mesures appropriées pour assurer que les éléments nuisibles, tels que les virus, les chevaux de Troie, les vers informatiques ou tout élément nuisible équivalent ou semblable, ne puissent pas être installés sur votre système informatique. Pour de plus amples informations sur la sûreté, veuillez lire la section « Sûreté ».


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Barclays, Barclays Wealth et Barclays Bank sont des marques déposées de Barclays PLC. Si vous utilisez ce Site, cela ne vous confère aucun droit de licence sur ces marques. Les autres marques présentées sur ce Site sont la propriété de leur propriétaire respectif et sont utilisées avec leur permission.

Le fait de télécharger ou de copier une partie de ce Site ne vous confère aucun droit de propriété sur les logiciels et informations du Site. Les logiciels du Site ne sauraient être téléchargés ou exportés en violation des règlements du Trésor américain ou du ministère du Commerce américain ou de tout autre règlement ou toute autre loi en vigueur, ou à destination d'un résident de toute nation dont les biens sont placés sous embargo par les États-Unis ou le Royaume-Uni ou de tout endroit dans une telle nation. Vous acceptez également de ne pas utiliser ces informations à des fins illégales, et d'accéder à toute demande de notre part visant à protéger nos droits ou ceux de tiers sur les informations.


Pour signaler un problème technique sur ce Site, merci d'envoyer un e-mail à l'adresse barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com.

Veuillez noter que cette adresse peut être utilisée uniquement pour nous informer de problèmes techniques sur ce Site. Dans la mesure où nous ne fournissons aucun conseil sur les fonds avec cette adresse, il n'est pas nécessaire de nous donner des informations sur votre situation personnelle. Nous vous recommandons de donner aussi peu d'informations personnelles que possible dans votre e-mail, et uniquement les informations nécessaires pour répondre à votre demande.

Pour toute autre demande, notamment pour obtenir des informations sur les fonds, veuillez contacter directement l'entité ou le service concerné(e), indiqué(e) ci-dessus.


Si une disposition des présentes Conditions est jugée illégale, invalide ou non applicable, dans sa totalité ou en partie, ladite disposition ou la partie concernée de ladite disposition est réputée de pas faire partie des présentes Conditions, dans la mesure où elle est illégale, invalide ou non applicable, et la légalité, la validité et l'applicabilité des autres dispositions des présentes Conditions n'est pas affectée.


Les présentes Conditions, ainsi que toute obligation non contractuelle qui en découle ou qui y est associée, sont régies par le droit anglais. Les tribunaux d'Angleterre ont compétence exclusive pour régler tout litige découlant du présent Accord ou y afférent et toute obligation non contractuelle découlant des présentes Conditions ou y afférente.


Conformément à la Directive (UE) 2019/1160 (« DTOPC »), certaines facilités locales relatives à votre investissement dans un fonds OPCVM doivent être mises à la disposition des investisseurs. En ce qui concerne votre investissement dans un fonds OPCVM, Barclays Investment Solutions Limited mettra à la disposition des investisseurs les services relatifs aux facilités locales suivants :

(i) veuillez vous référer à la section « Nous contacter » des Conditions générales pour obtenir des informations sur les plaintes des investisseurs dans les juridictions où votre investissement est commercialisé ;

(ii) veuillez consulter l’onglet « Documents » correspondant à votre/vos investissement(s) pour accéder au prospectus, aux rapports annuels et semestriels et aux documents d’information clé pour l’investisseur (DICI) relatifs à votre investissement.

Ces facilités seront mises à votre disposition dans la langue officielle ou l’une des langues officielles de votre juridiction, ou dans une langue approuvée par votre régulateur local. Veuillez noter que Barclays Investment Solutions Limited vous fournira des informations relatives aux facilités qui sont à votre disposition par le biais de son site Internet, en version papier ou, le cas échéant, au moyen d’un autre support durable.

Tous les investisseurs intéressés doivent remplir un formulaire de souscription relatif au fonds prévu par les administrateurs. Un formulaire de souscription est joint au prospectus du fonds et spécifie les modes de transfert des produits de souscription et leurs destinataires. Chaque actionnaire aura le droit d’exiger que la société rachète ses actions dans le fonds lors de tout jour de négociation en fournissant à l’administrateur une demande de rachat. Pour de plus amples détails, veuillez vous reporter au prospectus du fonds.

Si vous détenez des parts dans le fonds et que ces parts sont enregistrées à votre nom dans le registre des actionnaires, vous disposerez alors de certains droits d’actionnaire que vous pourrez exercer. De plus amples informations sur les droits des actionnaires figurent dans le Prospectus et les documents constitutifs du Fonds.


En tant qu’investisseur dans un fonds OPCVM, et en fonction de la manière dont vous avez investi, vous pouvez bénéficier de certains droits d’investisseur dans le cadre de votre contrat avec le Fonds. Pour de plus amples informations sur ces droits, veuillez notamment consulter le Prospectus et la documentation contractuelle que vous avez remplie afin de réaliser votre investissement.


En fonction de la manière dont vous avez investi dans le Fonds, vous pouvez être en droit de bénéficier de certaines protections nationales et de droits à des demandes d’indemnisation relevant de la législation de votre pays. Pour de plus amples informations sur ces droits, veuillez vous référer au site Internet de votre pays consacré à l’indemnisation des investisseurs, le cas échéant


En outre, si vous estimez avoir subi une perte, il est possible que vous ayez le droit de demander réparation sur une base collective par le biais d’un mécanisme de recours collectif qui a été mis en place dans votre juridiction locale. La possibilité d’accéder à un mécanisme de recours collectif local variera en fonction de la juridiction dont vous dépendez, du pays dans lequel vous avez conclu votre contrat avec le Fonds et de la manière dont vous avez investi dans le Fonds. Pour de plus amples informations sur ces droits, veuillez consulter le site Internet de votre organisme local de réglementation.

Au sein de l'Union Européenne, la directive (EU) 2020/1828 a instauré un model harmonisé d’actions représentatives dans le but de protéger les consommateurs contre les dangers publics mais également d'assurer la mise en place de mesures de protection contre les recours abusifs.

La directive (EU) 2020/1828 est entrée en vigueur le 24 décembre 2020 et devait être transposée en droit local par tous les États membres au plus tard le 25 décembre 2022. D'ici le 25 juin 2023, tous les États membres doivent avoir mis en place au moins un mécanisme procédural permettant aux entités qualifiées, telles que les organismes de protection des consommateurs ou les organes publics, d'intenter des actions en justice afin d'obtenir des injonctions (mettant fin ou interdisant) ainsi que des mesures de réparation (compensation).

Informações Importantes

Estas informações legais importantes dizem respeito ao websitewww.barclaysinvestments.com (o "Site”) e contêm os termos e condições com base nos quais o disponibilizamos a si (os "Termos"). As informações incluem também informações importantes sobre o estatuto regulamentar de algumas das nossas empresas e avisos de risco importantes. Leia cuidadosamente estas informações importantes.

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As referências a "si" ou "seu" são referências a qualquer pessoa que aceda ao Site.

As referências a "nós", "nos" ou "nosso" são referências ao Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

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O site é mantido pela Barclays Investment Solutions Limited. A Barclays Investment Solutions Limited está autorizada e é regulamentada pela Autoridade de Conduta Financeira e é membro da Bolsa de Valores de Londres e do NEX. Registada em Inglaterra. N.º de Registo 2752982. Sede Social: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. O endereço da Autoridade de Conduta Financeira é: 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.


Os avisos de risco são indicados para sua informação e proteção. Recomendamos que os leia e entre em contacto connosco ou com o seu distribuidor local se tiver quaisquer dúvidas sobre as funcionalidades ou riscos de qualquer investimento ou serviço. Se tiver uma conta connosco, deve apresentar todas as dúvidas ao seu contacto habitual. Caso contrário, recomendamos que procure aconselhamento profissional.

O investimento em produtos referidos neste Site pode não ser adequado a todos os investidores e envolver um grau de risco significativo. Deve ler cuidadosamente e certificar-se de que compreende os fatores de risco no respetivo prospeto. Qualquer informação de investimento que possa ser fornecida neste Site destina-se apenas a fins ilustrativos. As explanações da probabilidade do risco e propriedades de recompensa de possíveis carteiras e investimentos neste Site não constituem aconselhamento específico sobre qualquer investimento, não devendo apoiar-se neles. Quaisquer explanações são precisas apenas no momento de publicação e podem estar sujeitas a alteração.

As recomendações para a sua atual carteira podem diferir de qualquer alocação de ativos ou estratégias descritas neste Site. Certifique-se de que a sua carteira é atualizada ou redefinida quando os seus objetivos de investimento ou circunstâncias pessoais mudarem.


O valor dos investimentos eventualmente referidos neste Site e o rendimento resultante pode diminuir bem como subir. Os resultados anteriores dos investimentos não são indicadores dos resultados futuros.

As flutuações da taxa de câmbio podem afetar o valor dos investimentos que impliquem exposição a moedas estrangeiras.

Poderá não recuperar o montante de capital investido. Quaisquer projeções de rendimento e rendibilidades são estimadas e estão incluídas apenas para fins indicativos. Além disso, quaisquer avaliações indicadas neste Site podem não refletir com precisão os valores a que os investimentos podem ser efetivamente comprados ou vendidos e a eventual tributação não foi considerada.

Os dados que podem ser encontrados neste Site baseiam-se em pesquisa quantitativa e análise de dados históricos usando-se ponderações de ativos e projeções exclusivas atuais e propostas de retornos esperados e estimativas de volatilidade futura. Os dados não refletem a negociação efetiva, restrições de liquidez, comissões e outros custos. Não devem ser considerados como uma previsão ou estimativa de prováveis retornos futuros. Como as explanações não levam em conta os honorários e comissões, ou a tributação, o resultado efetivo de qualquer investimento pode ser superior ou inferior ao que é indicado em qualquer explanação.


Não prestamos qualquer aconselhamento jurídico ou fiscal e recomendamos que obtenha o seu próprio aconselhamento jurídico e fiscal independente, adaptado às suas circunstâncias particulares, antes de efetuar qualquer investimento. Para lhe prestar informações sobre os nossos produtos e serviços, poderemos explicar-lhe o nosso entendimento da posição fiscal geral relativa a eles. Não assumimos qualquer responsabilidade legal por qualquer pessoa que utilize as informações prestadas e, como a lei tributária está sujeita a alterações frequentes, a sua posição deve ser verificada junto de um consultor profissional independente.


Temos deveres consigo ao abrigo da Lei relativa aos Serviços e Mercados Financeiros de 2000 e outras leis e regulamentos aplicáveis e seremos responsáveis perante si nas circunstâncias previstas por essas leis e regulamentos. Salvo disposição em contrário nestes Termos, seremos responsabilizados perante si por perda que possa sofrer em relação ao Site e quaisquer informações nele existentes ou em relação ao acesso, utilização, desempenho, navegação ou ligações a outros Sites a partir deste Site ou pela sua utilização ou incapacidade de utilização do Site, apenas na medida em que resulte do nosso incumprimento intencional destes Termos ou fraude praticada por nós. Na medida máxima permitida por lei, não aceitaremos qualquer responsabilidade (quer por contrato, ilícito extracontratual ou outro) em quaisquer outras circunstâncias por perda de qualquer tipo, incluindo (sem limitação) danos diretos, indiretos, incidentais, especiais ou consequentes, perda de quaisquer lucros, “goodwill” ou reputação, despesas ou prejuízos decorrentes ou associados a qualquer erro, omissão, defeito, vírus informático ou falha de sistema, independentemente da natureza em que possam surgir, mesmo se expressamente avisados da possibilidade dessas perdas ou danos.

Seremos responsáveis por qualquer perda que possa sofrer em resultado de atos ou omissões relativos a qualquer Site de serviços que tenhamos delegado a qualquer um dos nossos agentes, na mesma medida em que seríamos responsáveis pelos nossos próprios atos. Nenhum dos nossos agentes será diretamente responsável perante si sob qualquer forma.

Este Site não contém informações que visem constituir aconselhamento de investimento, jurídico, fiscal ou outro. Deve obter aconselhamento profissional pertinente e específico adaptado às suas circunstâncias pessoais antes de tomar qualquer decisão de investimento.


Poderemos, a qualquer momento, modificar, suspender ou descontinuar, temporária ou permanentemente, o Site ou parte dele, com ou sem aviso prévio. Aceita que não seremos responsáveis perante si ou qualquer terceiro por perdas de qualquer tipo, independentemente da forma como possam surgir, por modificação, suspensão ou descontinuação do Site.


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Este Site é usado e mantido pelo Barclays Investment Solutions Limited.

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É apenas em circunstâncias em que gostaria de nos informar de qualquer problema técnico com este Site através do endereço de e-mail mencionado adiante na secção "Contactos" (barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com), que o Barclays Investment Solutions Limited, como controlador de dados, irá recolher os seus Dados Pessoais - somente os Dados Pessoais contidos no seu e-mail (ou seja, o seu endereço de e-mail, nome próprio e apelidos se mencionados e a sua mensagem) - para responder ao seu pedido/dúvida. “Dados Pessoais” são todas as informações relativas a uma pessoa singular identificada ou identificável.

Tenha em atenção que o endereço de e-mail "barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com" deve ser usado apenas para nos informar de problemas técnicos com este Site (consulte adiante a secção "Contactos").

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Caso indiquemos ligações de hipertexto para sites de Internet de terceiros, essas ligações não constituem um endosso nosso de quaisquer produtos ou serviços nesses sites de Internet. Utilize essas ligações inteiramente por sua conta e risco e não aceitamos responsabilidade ou obrigação de qualquer natureza pelo conteúdo, utilização ou disponibilidade desses websites. Não verificámos a veracidade ou exatidão de qualquer conteúdo desses websites.

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Este Site não é direcionado, nem se destina a distribuição ou utilização por qualquer pessoa ou entidade em qualquer jurisdição ou país onde a publicação ou disponibilidade deste Site ou essa distribuição ou utilização seja contrária à lei ou regulamento local. Não deve aceder ao Site ou a informações neste Site se souber que o seu acesso viola as leis locais, nacionais ou internacionais aplicáveis. Para obter orientação sobre as regras que regem a sua utilização, entre em contacto com um consultor jurídico. Em particular, mas sem limitação, este Site não é direcionado nem se destina a ser utilizado por "Pessoas dos EUA" (consulte abaixo). Ao aceder ao Site, confirma que não é uma Pessoa dos EUA. Se for uma Pessoa dos EUA, saia imediatamente do Site.

Uma "Pessoa dos EUA" é: (a) um cidadão ou residente (incluindo um titular de “green card”) dos Estados Unidos; (b) uma parceria, sociedade, sociedade de responsabilidade limitada ou entidade similar, organizada ou constituída ao abrigo das leis dos Estados Unidos ou com o seu estabelecimento principal nos Estados Unidos, ou uma entidade tributada como tal ou sujeita à apresentação de declaração fiscal no âmbito das leis federais em matéria de impostos sobre o rendimento dos Estados Unidos; (c) qualquer herança ou “trust”, cujo testamenteiro, administrador ou depositário seja uma Pessoa dos EUA a menos que (1) no caso de “trusts”, o fiduciário profissional na qualidade de depositário, seja uma Pessoa dos EUA, um depositário que não seja uma pessoa dos EUA tem liberdade de investimento exclusiva ou partilhada em relação a ativos do “trust” e nenhum beneficiário do “trust” (e nenhum fundador se o “trust” for revogável) é uma Pessoa dos EUA; (2) no caso de heranças, o fiduciário profissional, na qualidade de testamenteiro ou administrador, seja uma Pessoa dos EUA, um testamenteiro ou administrador da herança que não seja uma Pessoa dos EUA tem liberdade de investimento exclusiva ou partilhada em relação a ativos da herança e esta rege-se por lei estrangeira; (d) qualquer herança cujo rendimento decorra de fontes fora dos Estados Unidos, não seja efetivamente associada a uma troca ou negócio nos EUA e seja incluída no rendimento bruto para fins de cálculo do imposto sobre o rendimento norte-americano a pagar por si; (e) qualquer agência ou sucursal de uma entidade estrangeira localizada nos Estados Unidos; (f) qualquer “trust” se um tribunal nos Estados Unidos puder exercer a supervisão primária sobre a administração do “trust” e uma ou mais Pessoas dos EUA que tenha a autoridade para controlar todas as decisões importantes do “trust”; (g) qualquer conta de gestão discricionária ou não discricionária ou conta similar (exceto uma herança ou “trust”) detida por um agente ou outro fiduciário localizado dentro ou fora dos Estados Unidos para o benefício ou conta de uma Pessoa dos EUA; (h) qualquer conta de gestão discricionária ou conta similar (exceto uma herança ou “trust”) detida por um agente ou outro fiduciário organizado, constituído ou (se for um indivíduo) residente nos Estados Unidos, exceto se qualquer conta de gestão discricionária ou conta similar (exceto uma herança ou “trust”) detida para benefício ou conta de uma pessoa estrangeira por um agente ou outro fiduciário profissional organizado, constituído (ou se for um indivíduo) residente nos Estados Unidos não seja considerada uma Pessoa dos EUA; (i) qualquer empresa, sociedade ou outra entidade, independentemente da cidadania, domicílio, local ou residência se, ao abrigo das leis em matéria de impostos sobre o rendimento dos Estados Unidos, a cada momento em vigor, qualquer parte do rendimento seja tributável a uma Pessoa dos EUA mesmo se não distribuído, excetuando-se uma empresa de investimento estrangeiro passivo; (j) qualquer parceria, sociedade ou outra entidade se (A) organizada ou constituída ao abrigo das leis de qualquer jurisdição estrangeira; e (B) detida ou formada por uma Pessoa ou Pessoas dos EUA principalmente com o objetivo de investir em valores mobiliários não registados ao abrigo da Lei dos Valores Mobiliários de 1933 (incluindo mas não se limitando a ações do Subfundo), a menos que seja organizada ou constituída e propriedade de investidores acreditados (conforme definido na norma 501(a) da Lei de 1933) que não sejam pessoas singulares, heranças ou “trusts”; (k) qualquer plano de benefícios de colaborador a menos que tal plano seja criado e administrado em conformidade com a lei de outro país que não os Estados Unidos e as práticas tradicionais e a documentação desse país; (l) um plano de pensões a menos que tal plano seja para os colaboradores, dirigentes ou diretores de uma entidade organizada e com o seu estabelecimento principal fora dos Estados Unidos; e (m) qualquer entidade organizada principalmente para investimento passivo como um fundo de mercadorias, empresa de investimento ou outra entidade similar (exceto um plano de pensões para os colaboradores, dirigentes ou diretores de uma entidade organizada e com o seu estabelecimento principal fora dos Estados Unidos) (1), no qual as Pessoas dos Estados Unidos que não são pessoas elegíveis habilitadas (tal como definido no Regulamento 4.7 da Lei da Bolsa de Mercadorias dos EUA) detenham unidades de participação representativas no total de 10% ou mais do direito de usufruto na entidade; ou (2), que tem como principal finalidade a facilitação do investimento por uma Pessoa dos EUA num fundo de mercadorias relativamente ao qual o operador está isento de determinados requisitos da parte 4 dos regulamentos da Comissão de Negociação de Futuros de Mercadorias norte-americana por força dos seus participantes serem pessoas estrangeiras.


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Pareceres e qualquer outro conteúdo do Site são fornecidos por nós para o seu uso pessoal e apenas para fins informativos. Estão sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio. O Barclays não tem nenhuma obrigação de atualizar qualquer ou todos os conteúdos deste Site.


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Todo o conteúdo do Site está sujeito a direitos de autor com todos os direitos reservados e é fornecido apenas para o seu uso pessoal. Pode imprimir parte ou a totalidade do Site para o seu uso pessoal, desde que retenha todos os direitos de autor e outros avisos legais e também cumpra estes Termos. Podemos revogar essas autorizações a qualquer momento. Não pode transferir qualquer parte do Site para uso não pessoal ou então reproduzir, transmitir ou modificar qualquer parte do Site sem a nossa autorização prévia por escrito.

O Barclays, Barclays Wealth e Barclays Bank PLC são marcas registadas, propriedade do Barclays. A sua utilização deste Site não dará origem a qualquer licença destas marcas. Outras marcas registadas exibidas neste Site são propriedade dos respetivos proprietários e são usadas com a sua autorização.

Nenhuma transferência ou cópia a partir deste Site irá transferir o título de qualquer software ou material neste Site para si. Nenhum software no Site pode ser transferido ou então exportado em violação das normas do Departamento do Tesouro dos Estados Unidos, do Departamento de Comércio dos EUA ou de outras leis ou regulamentos aplicáveis ou para um residente ou local em qualquer nação objeto de embargo comercial dos Estados Unidos ou do Reino Unido. Aceita também não utilizar a informação para qualquer finalidade ilegal e cumprirá qualquer pedido nosso para proteger os nossos direitos ou de qualquer terceiro na informação.


Para todas as consultas relacionadas a conta, consultas gerais ou para fazer uma reclamação, consulte os detalhes de contato relevantes abaixo, dependendo do fundo especifico ao qual sua consulta se refere.

Fundos domiciliados no Luxemburgo

Se for um investidor ou pretender investir na Barclays Portfolios SICAV domiciliadas no Luxemburgo, contacte:

  • O seu contacto habitual do Barclays ou consultor financeiro profissional
  • A linha de apoio através do número +352 28 294 111 entre as 9h00 e as 18h00 Hora da Europa Central (de segunda a sexta-feira, excluindo feriados)
  • O seguinte endereço de e-mail: barclays-ta-lux@ntrs.com
  • O seguinte endereço postal:

Barclays Portfolios SICAV
Northern Trust Global Services SE
10, rue du Château d’Eau
L-3364 Leudelange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Fundos domiciliados na Irlanda

Se for um investidor ou pretender investir num dos nossos fundos domiciliados na Irlanda, contacte:

  • O seu contacto habitual do Barclays ou consultor financeiro profissional
  • A linha de apoio através do número +353 (0) 1 434 5131 entre as 9h00 e as 17h15 hora irlandesa (de segunda a sexta-feira, excluindo feriados)
  • O seguinte endereço de e-mail: barclays_ta@ntrs.com
  • Os clientes da Barclays Personal Investment Management (BPIM) devem contactar o seu Gestor de Apoio ao Investimento através do número 0333 202 7478 entre as 9h00 e as 18h00 (de segunda a sexta-feira, excluindo feriados)
  • O seguinte endereço postal:

Barclays Multi-Manager Fund plc
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
2nd Floor, Block A, City East Plaza, Towlerton, Ballysimon, Limerick, V94 X2N9, Ireland.


Para comunicar um problema com este sítio de Internet, envie um e-mail para barclaysinvestments.technicalhelp@barclays.com

Tenha em atenção que este endereço de e-mail deve ser usado apenas para nos informar de problemas técnicos com este Site. Não prestamos aconselhamento sobre fundos através deste endereço de e-mail, pelo que não é necessário enviar-nos informações acerca das suas circunstâncias pessoais. Recomendamos que mencione o menor número possível de Dados Pessoais no seu e-mail e somente as informações necessárias para responder ao seu pedido.

Para qualquer outro pedido, nomeadamente para obter informações sobre os fundos, entre em contacto diretamente com a entidade ou o serviço pertinente acima mencionado.

Redução do negócio jurídico

Se qualquer disposição nestes Termos for considerada ilegal, inválida ou inexequível, no todo ou em parte, essa disposição ou parte dela, na medida em que seja ilegal, inválida ou inexequível, será considerada como não integrando estes termos e a legalidade, validade e exequibilidade do restante destes Termos não serão afetadas.

O “Stewardship Code” do Reino Unido

Em julho de 2010, o Financial Reporting Council do Reino Unido publicou “The UK Stewardship Code”. Este Código compreende um conjunto de orientações destinadas a melhorar as formas em que os investidores institucionais interagem com as administrações das empresas nas quais investem. Além disso, propõe medidas para aumentar o nível de transparência em torno das atividades dos investidores institucionais, na qualidade de acionistas, para benefício de seus clientes subjacentes.

Esta secção dos Termos explica como a Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) trata as medidas propostas nestas orientações.

A BISL presta serviços de gestão de investimentos a investidores profissionais no Reino Unido que investem através de um multigestor e/ou de um fundo de estrutura de fundos. A BISL pode optar por externalizar a seleção de ações a outros gestores de investimento, investindo num fundo ou oferecendo a vários gestores uma parte do dinheiro levantados de investimento dos investidores de fundos subjacentes. BISL seleciona gestores através de um processo exaustivo de análise, cujo enfoque em cada caso é a identificação de gestores capazes de gerar o melhor retorno ajustado ao grau de risco na classe de ativos ou estratégia em relação para a qual se pretende delegar.

Como parte do processo de seleção de gestores e, de forma permanente, BISL iremos considerar inúmeros fatores em torno da estratégia de investimento proposta pelo gestor e respetivo desempenho face a essa estratégia como parte de um processo de diligência devida estabelecido.

Somos signatários do ‘‘UK Stewardship Code’’ [PDF, 2.2MB]

Lei e foro para qualquer litígio

Estes Termos e quaisquer obrigações extracontratuais decorrentes ou a eles relacionadas regem-se pela lei Inglesa. Os tribunais de Inglaterra terão foro competente exclusivo para dirimir qualquer litígio resultante ou relacionado a este Acordo ou qualquer obrigação extracontratual decorrente ou relacionada a estes Termos.

Informações sobre a empresa e regulamentares importantes

Os fundos e subfundos distribuídos a qualquer momento estão devidamente registados para distribuição em Portugal junto do regulador local (a “CMVM”), no âmbito do quadro legal e regulamentar aplicável e conforme as informações disponíveis no respetivo website: www.cmvm.pt.


De acordo com a Diretiva (UE) 2019/1160 ("CBDF"), determinadas infraestruturas locais relacionadas com o seu investimento num fundo OICVM devem ser facultadas aos investidores. Em relação ao seu investimento num fundo OICVM, a Barclays Investment Solutions Limited facultará aos investidores os seguintes serviços de infraestruturas locais:

(i) consulte a secção "Contactar-nos" nos Termos e Condições para obter informações sobre reclamações de investidores em jurisdições onde o seu investimento é comercializado;

(ii) visite o separador "Documentos" relevante para o(s) seu(s) investimento(s) para aceder ao prospeto, aos relatórios anuais e semestrais e aos documentos com as informações fundamentais destinadas aos investidores (KIID) relativos ao seu investimento

Estas infraestruturas ser-lhe-ão disponibilizadas num idioma oficial da sua jurisdição ou num idioma aprovado pela sua entidade reguladora local. Tenha em atenção que a Barclays Investment Solutions Limited irá disponibilizar informações relativas às infraestruturas disponíveis através do seu website, em papel ou, se adequado, através de outro suporte duradouro.

Todos os interessados têm de preencher um formulário de subscrição prescrito pelos administradores relativamente ao fundo. O formulário de subscrição acompanha o prospeto do fundo e dispõe os métodos pelos quais e a quem os montantes da subscrição devem ser enviados. Todos os acionistas terão o direito de exigir que a sociedade resgate as suas ações no fundo em qualquer dia de negociação através do fornecimento de um pedido de resgate ao administrador. Para obter mais informações, consulte o prospeto do fundo.

Se for titular de unidades do fundo e estas unidades estiverem registadas em seu nome no registo de acionistas, pode exercer determinados direitos de acionista. São apresentadas mais informações sobre os direitos dos acionistas no Prospeto e nos documentos de incorporação do Fundo.


Como investidor num fundo OICVM, e, dependendo da forma como investiu, poderá ter determinados direitos de investidor decorrentes de um contrato entre si e o Fundo. Para obter mais informações sobre estes direitos, consulte o Prospeto, em particular, e a documentação contratual que preencheu para fazer o investimento.


Dependendo da forma como investiu no Fundo, poderá ter direito a beneficiar de determinadas proteções nacionais e direitos a pedidos de indeminização decorrentes da legislação local. Para obter mais informações sobre esses direitos, consulte o website local de indemnização dos investidores, se disponível.


Além disso, caso considere que sofreu uma perda, pode ter o direito a pedir uma indemnização numa base coletiva, através de um mecanismo de indemnização coletiva que ficou disponível na sua jurisdição local. A disponibilidade de acesso a um mecanismo de indemnização coletiva local irá depender da jurisdição em que se encontra, da localização do contrato celebrado com o Fundo e da forma como investiu no Fundo. Para obter mais informações sobre esses direitos, consulte o website da entidade reguladora local.

Na União Europeia, a Diretiva (UE) 2020/1828 introduz um modelo harmonizado de ação representativa destinado a garantir que os consumidores estão bem protegidos contra danos em massa, mas também que existem salvaguardas adequadas para evitar ações judiciais abusivas.

A Diretiva (UE) 2020/1828 entrou em vigor em 24 de dezembro de 2020 e todos os Estados-Membros devem tê-la transposto para as respetivas legislações nacionais até 25 de dezembro de 2022. Até 25 de junho de 2023, todos os Estados-Membros devem ter criado pelo menos um mecanismo processual eficaz que permita às entidades qualificadas, tais como organizações de consumidores ou organismos públicos, intentar ações judiciais em tribunal para efeitos de injunção (cessação ou proibição) ou reparação (compensação).»

Barclays Investments

Barclays Investment Solutions offers a wide range of investment products, from globally diversified managed funds to specialist equity and bond funds in major markets around the world.

The Barclays Group is a major global financial services provider with over 300 years of history and expertise in banking. Barclays moves, lends, invests and protects money for over 24 million customers and clients worldwide.

Barclays Investment Solutions offers a range of specialist investment products manufactured through its leading investment capability.


Within our extensive fund range, we offer a choice of either an active or passive investment style. Our active funds are offered through Barclays MultiManager, which aims to provide superior investment returns through access to some of the world’s finest investment managers. Our passive funds are offered through Barclays GlobalBeta (and Barclays Global Markets) which aim to deliver index returns with a high degree of certainty while keeping costs low.

Our range of fixed income and equity funds comprise funds where your money is managed either directly by Barclays or on a manager-of-manager basis where Barclays selects and blends other leading managers to manage your money.


Our Active Diversified Funds are offered through Barclays MultiManager which are multi-asset class portfolios that blend a range of the world’s leading investment managers.


Our Passive Diversified Funds are offered through Barclays GlobalBeta and Barclays Global Markets, which are multi-asset class portfolios that invest in a wide range of market leading index funds.


Our Fixed Income Funds offer access to a wide range of fixed income securities from countries and regions across the globe.


Our Equity Funds offer access to a wide range of equity strategies from countries and regions across the globe.